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There are [5] photos and [17] stories tagged with "malawi".

Malawi Moments

MALAWI | Sun, 27 Apr 2014 | By olliegoldson | Views [464]

Malawi!! Yes, it is still amazing. On the drive up from Zambia to Kande I jumped in to the cab of the truck and spent some time with the tour leader and driver. I always had an idea but after today these two have definitely become very good friends ... Read more >

Tags: africa travels, backpacking, malawi

As Sweet As Kande

MALAWI | Sun, 27 Apr 2014 | By olliegoldson | Views [368]

Kande Beach, Malawi!! On route to Zambia this morning after having spent 3 amazing nights in Malawi at Kande Beach. Malawi still remains to be a highlight for me so far. It definitely just got better and better as the days went on. If you haven’... Read more >

Tags: africa travels, backpacking, malawi

Cheesy Tunes And Wet Weather Blues

MALAWI | Sun, 27 Apr 2014 | By olliegoldson | Views [390]

Malawi!! Finally arrived in another country and can happily add one more stamp to my well traveled passport as well as another SIM card to my already impressive collection. Malawi has to be a highlight for me so far. Ok so I have only been in here ... Read more >

Tags: africa travels, backpacking, malawi

Malawi musicology

MALAWI | Sun, 2 Feb 2014 | By timtysonshort | Views [522] | Video

Four short films I made in Malawi with a guitar my daughter and Jimmy Keeping

Tags: lake of stars, malawi, music

Photos: My Scholarship entry - The Beauties of the Third World

MALAWI | Sat, 29 Jun 2013 | By sabahsjourney | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

I study BA Media Communication at London University of the Arts. I have a strong bond with photography. Whenever I decide to capture something, I strongly believe that the focus is BEAUTIFUL. Although I'm not a professional, this belief has gained me ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: adventure, africa, children, communities, culture, excitement, malawi, people, third-world, world


MALAWI | Fri, 1 Mar 2013 | By away2travel | Views [1007]

Malawi Posted on   March 10, 2013 by   Tarynne Mingione Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013 – Kande Beach, Malawi By Tarynne Tuesday we were up at 5 a.m. and out by 6 a.m. headed for the border. We exited Zambia ... Read more >

Tags: africa, budget travel, kande beach, lake malawi, malawi, overland travel, travel

Christmas controvers,yNew Year's mud wrestling

MALAWI | Fri, 6 Jan 2012 | By kena | Views [1309]

Life back in Nkhata bay has proved very fulfilling as I expected. The turn of events that has occurred in me with my mental processing of daily life have really acclimated me into the culture here and I have become true friends with some of the locals, ... Read more >

Tags: christmas, kaya papaya, malawi, mud wrestling

zambia cut short, malawi's breath of fresh air!

ZAMBIA | Mon, 21 Nov 2011 | By kena | Views [823] | Comments [2]

My last days spent in Malawi were that of fun, rewarding, sadness. I finished the school mural and went on some interviews with a local village for story telling which I will put on the website being created by the managers at Butterfly Space. We are ... Read more >

Tags: butterfly space, devils pool, folk stories, malawi, mama malawi, nkata bay, t-club, victoria falls, zambia

slowly slowly, partying a bit, hula hooping, a future in malawi?

MALAWI | Tue, 25 Oct 2011 | By kena | Views [966] | Comments [2]

One would think I would be used to this by now but gtting used to the africa time again, has been one of the hardest parts of my stay as of now. Of course the change of pace of city life vs the bay side life has been incredibly ... Read more >

Tags: africa, holidays, hula hoop, lake of stars, malawi, mzungu, peace, special needs, vegan

Again to Malawi Lake, dread locks, gluten free

MALAWI | Fri, 14 Oct 2011 | By kena | Views [835]

I’ve taken off from Lilongwe (capital city) and have arrived in a bay called Nkata. It’s a quaint fishing community on the shores of Lake Malawi where people are smiley, artistic, laid back, and goofy. I’ve planted my foot in a backpackers ... Read more >

Tags: africa, butterfly space, dorms, gluten free, malawi, permaculture, tonga

Faith in Fait...and thats all

MALAWI | Thu, 6 Oct 2011 | By kena | Views [800] | Comments [2]

WOW. What in the bloody hell just happened to me. I don't even know where to begin. But lets preface this with, wow life is amazing (that can be good and bad) and I am so thankful for fait, which if I didn't believe in it before, I sure as hell believe ... Read more >

Tags: africa, fate, lake of stars, lilongwe, malawi

up up and away, UGANDA THEN MALAWI,1 week in

UGANDA | Thu, 6 Oct 2011 | By kena | Views [1010]

A little faith in humanity ... even in the simplist form. I was on my way. My parents have sent me off at the redmond airport..and I was beginning my 40hour trek across the globe. I first hopped a plane to portlandia and on the way met a woman from the ... Read more >

Tags: entebbe, kin initiative, lake victoria, malawi, uganda

In the air again

UGANDA | Tue, 20 Sep 2011 | By kena | Views [1292] | Comments [3] | Video

   I was recently asked, "How can there be hope when such horrible atrocities happen in this world?" My immediate reaction was to agree with the gross behavior of humans and to claim that hope was a bit of a "moo point". I ... Read more >

Tags: botswana, kenya, malawi, namibia, orphange, refugee, tanzania, uganda, volunteer, zambia

Tracking, Trekking & Tasting Your Way Across Africa

WORLDWIDE | Mon, 18 Apr 2011 | By travel-tips | Views [3123]

I am not shy about my love for Africa. Travel there is rugged and exhilarating. The many animals, landscapes, and cultures that exist on the continent make for endless travel itineraries. I haven’t ventured into West Africa (yet!), but my travels ... Read more >

Tags: africa, botswana, congo, malawi, namibia, south africa, tanzania, victoria falls, zambia, zanzibar

Malawi & Mozambique

MALAWI | Wed, 11 Nov 2009 | By redcherry | Views [794]

We crossed into Malawi and spent two nights in Chitimba and three nights at Kande Beach. Ross held my hand and I instantly felt a surge of passion go right through me. I gazed into his eyes and saw deep into his soul. It was right then I knew how ... Read more >

Tags: malawi, mozambique

Malaria in Malawi

MALAWI | Mon, 27 Jul 2009 | By whereislinda | Views [450]

Hallo aus Malawi an alle in Europaverweilenden, momentan sind wir in Blantyre, Malawi und seit der letzten Mail hat sich    mal wieder so einiges getan. Ich werde langsam braun. Meine Vorurteile schwinden mehr und mehr. Und ich finde ... Read more >

Tags: backpacker, backpacking, blantyre, cap mac clear, kenia, malaria, malawi, reisen, senga bay, südafrika

A beautiful poverty

MALAWI | Thu, 7 May 2009 | By casey_hamilton | Views [925] | Comments [1]

Entering Malawi, all i knew was that it was one of the poorest countries yet hosted some of Africa's friendliest people. It only takes an hour in Malawai before you realise the latter is true. Walking across the border into another country is always ... Read more >

Tags: lake, malawi, nyassa


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