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There are [3] photos and [8] stories tagged with "congo".

How to visit The Virunga National Park DRC

IRELAND | Sat, 9 Jul 2016 | By riverstrails | Views [930]

This is a how to guide to visiting the Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic Of Congo, for a detailed story of my experience please click on the following link https://journals.worldnomads.com/riverstrails/story/141689/Congo-(Kinshasa)/Kigali-... Read more >

Tags: africa, congo, gorilla, rwanda, trekking, virunga

Kigali to Virunga National Park, DRC in 3 Days

CONGO (KINSHASA) | Fri, 8 Jul 2016 | By riverstrails | Views [1099]

It was an early start at the Discover Rwanda Youth Hostel in Rwandas Capital of Kigali.After a breakfast of bread and potatoes and the nations finest Tea we jumped on a motorbike taxi to take us to Kigalis Central Bus Station. The station was alive with ... Read more >

Tags: africa, congo, gorilla, lava, mountain, trekking, volcano

Congolese Business Trainings, Nile River, Kin Reunion

UGANDA | Sun, 1 Apr 2012 | By kena | Views [956] | Comments [1]

The Refugee group, who we are now calling RIP (Refugee Initiative Projects) worked me very hard during my stay. I had to teach myself in order to teach them, and it was a grueling process. Staying with the family also proved to be a challenge and a ... Read more >

Tags: business training, congo, kampala, kin initiative, kisumu, micro finance, nile river, travel, uganda

karaoke, ferry, sound therapy in the bush, a congolese home

KENYA | Fri, 17 Feb 2012 | By kena | Views [952] | Comments [3]

With Christmas and New years out of the way, it was time for me to buckle down and complete projects...i sewed more African utility belts than i ever had before and sold over 200usd worth even selling 5 in one day. one girl had even sought me out ... Read more >

Tags: congo, ferry, karaoke, kenya, maasai, microfinance, nile river, simmers, tanzania, water tank

Gorillas in the misty Congo

CONGO (KINSHASA) | Mon, 30 May 2011 | By boomerang | Views [1006] | Comments [1]

I traveled to the DR Congo in 2005.  In hindsight I would have liked to have written of my experience whilst I was there when everything was fresh in my mind.  However, recounting my experience was very easy as moments like these will never be forgotten.... Read more >

Tags: congo, gorillas, jungle, trekking

Tracking, Trekking & Tasting Your Way Across Africa

WORLDWIDE | Mon, 18 Apr 2011 | By travel-tips | Views [3123]

I am not shy about my love for Africa. Travel there is rugged and exhilarating. The many animals, landscapes, and cultures that exist on the continent make for endless travel itineraries. I haven’t ventured into West Africa (yet!), but my travels ... Read more >

Tags: africa, botswana, congo, malawi, namibia, south africa, tanzania, victoria falls, zambia, zanzibar

art with street kids bangin bucks!, pangani island, muslim lessons, maasai visits, kampala, congo

UGANDA | Fri, 16 Jul 2010 | By kena | Views [1182] | Comments [2]

it was time to leave the beloved moshi,,,so sad. but i think i have learned a lot on this volunteer travelling adventure and i finally feel like i made a dent in the community developement of the street kids. while at the street childrens center i ... Read more >

Tags: al shabob, beads, congo, kampala, maasai, muslim, pangani

the house of poo, composting, broken eardrum

KENYA | Wed, 7 Apr 2010 | By kena | Views [1029] | Comments [1]

i crossed the boarder with ease as i stepped back into kenya only to leave my baghdadi friend on the other side denied by ugandan reps. so sorry for him but smiling that im back and rested. customs always gets my heart beating but this time i had a ... Read more >

Tags: compost, congo, ear drum, granny, kenya, poop house, smearing, yala


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