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There are [0] photos and [10] stories tagged with "victoria falls".


ZIMBABWE | Wed, 23 Mar 2016 | By tiltingwindmills | Views [358]

The walking safari through Matobo NP was an amazing experience. The guides from Black Rhino Tours were fantastic and their knowledge and eco-conscious approach on safari allowed us to view these beautiful animals in their natural habitat.  They ... Read more >

Tags: victoria falls, zimbabwe

Victoria Falls

ZAMBIA | Sun, 24 Feb 2013 | By away2travel | Views [521]

Dr. Livingstone, I presume? Posted on   February 22, 2013 by   James Monday – Chobe National Park On Monday we continued to travel east toward the  Zambian  border. We left Elephant Sands at 8 ... Read more >

Tags: africa, travel, victoria falls, waterfall, zambia, zimbabwe

Victoria Falls Part 1

ZAMBIA | Thu, 12 Apr 2012 | By travb | Views [315]

Victoria Falls We are in the town Livingstone, Zambia. We are officially in "proper Africa". The road conditions, the infrastructure, the buildings, the people, all very very poor. But everyone here is so friendly, it's almost scary. You ... Read more >

Tags: livingstone, victoria falls

Vic Falls and off to Malawi

ZAMBIA | Fri, 6 Apr 2012 | By travb | Views [250]

We finished Vic Falls with a an amazing day which included repelling,zip lines, and the infamous Gorge Swing. After Youtubing Gorge swing, this was a leading factor as to why I wanted to come to Africa. I knew it was a must, just watching the video ... Read more >

Tags: gorge swing, victoria falls

zambia cut short, malawi's breath of fresh air!

ZAMBIA | Mon, 21 Nov 2011 | By kena | Views [831] | Comments [2]

My last days spent in Malawi were that of fun, rewarding, sadness. I finished the school mural and went on some interviews with a local village for story telling which I will put on the website being created by the managers at Butterfly Space. We are ... Read more >

Tags: butterfly space, devils pool, folk stories, malawi, mama malawi, nkata bay, t-club, victoria falls, zambia

Tracking, Trekking & Tasting Your Way Across Africa

WORLDWIDE | Mon, 18 Apr 2011 | By travel-tips | Views [3123]

I am not shy about my love for Africa. Travel there is rugged and exhilarating. The many animals, landscapes, and cultures that exist on the continent make for endless travel itineraries. I haven’t ventured into West Africa (yet!), but my travels ... Read more >

Tags: africa, botswana, congo, malawi, namibia, south africa, tanzania, victoria falls, zambia, zanzibar

Chobe to Hwange

ZIMBABWE | Thu, 3 Dec 2009 | By bec-simon | Views [936]

The whole truck fiasco had a happy ending for us. Not only did we get to keep Linda, Francis (also a driver/tour guide), and their truck for the rest of our tour, ATC felt so bad about the whole thing, that they gave us all a free overnight stay inside ... Read more >

Tags: chobe, hwange, leopard, victoria falls

Who wants to be a trillionaire?

BOTSWANA | Sat, 14 Mar 2009 | By houdyman | Views [1435] | Comments [1]

After leaving Duvundu where Chris lived we headed into an area known as the Caprivi Strip. This used to be no-man's land when Namibia and South Africa where having problems with Angola but is now safe. There is not much in the strip except wildlife like ... Read more >

Tags: botswana, victoria falls

In Zambia

ZAMBIA | Sat, 25 Oct 2008 | By sylvia_aiko | Views [895] | Comments [8]

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve been online!   I’m in Livingstone, Zambia, the home of Victoria Falls and apparent American Tourism Central in Africa.   It’s funny, we’d gone almost a month without hearing an American accent besides our own, ... Read more >

Tags: victoria falls, zambia

Victoria Falls - Zambia

ZAMBIA | Wed, 22 Oct 2008 | By pshah13 | Views [768] | Comments [3]

Hello all. Reached sunny South Africa safely and now writing this from Livingstone, Zambia. It is so beautiful here and reminds me of my hometown Moshi which incidentally means 'smoke' as does the word 'Mosi' in Mosi Oa Tunya (smoke that thunders) ... Read more >

Tags: crocs, victoria falls, zambezi, zambia


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