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There is [1] photo and [28] stories tagged with "solo travel".

Travelling on Intuition

AUSTRALIA | Fri, 2 Jun 2017 | By jemma_scott | Views [608]

Perth  to the  Gold Coast ; a whopping  6,324 kilometres  of vast undulating plains and a meandering coastline that is an absolute pleasure to surf and simply soak the soul. I was offered a free flight across to travel with ... Read more >

Tags: adventure travel, australia, backpacking, couchsurfing, rideshare, road trip, solo travel, summer, surf photography

You're Doing What?! HOW?!

USA | Mon, 13 Mar 2017 | By alisamv104 | Views [1877] | Comments [2]

    "You're doing what?! How?! That's awesome." Most common reaction to my life right now. I knew that some heads would turn when I was recruited from my relatively “safe” state government affairs job for a riskier ... Read more >

Tags: solo travel, women who travel

Québec, Une Ville Magnifique

CANADA | Wed, 8 Feb 2017 | By alisamv104 | Views [724]

Au Canada! I cannot believe that I have never visited your beauty before this trip despite living so close to your border! After doing some research and wanting to travel to Canada for awhile, 2017 is the perfect year to visit. Lonely Planet ... Read more >

Tags: canada, quebec, solo travel, winter travel

Part 1: How travelling solo can help you to conquer anxiety

WORLDWIDE | Wed, 7 Dec 2016 | By eppe_coe | Views [251]

  So, you are thinking about taking a big step into the world; you want to see new places, do something different, get out of the 9-5 routine for a while but very real fears are plaguing your mind. For reasons of choice or because there isn’... Read more >

Tags: anxiety, before and after, conquering fears, europe, solo travel, what if?, woman

Solo Travel x Group Travel: A comparative study

UNITED KINGDOM | Sat, 30 Jul 2016 | By keziakos | Views [588]

  Whenever I chose to go adventuring in my early years, I have always ended up going solo. Mostly due to the careful planning involved, lack of people interested in going the same route I chose, or simply because people were unwilling to compromise ... Read more >

Tags: group travel, on the road, planning, solo travel

On Comfort and Fear

INDIA | Sat, 23 Jul 2016 | By shagungupta | Views [468]

“Table for one, please.” I had Burmese style fried rice with vegetables for dinner today. I still remember the first time I had a meal by myself at a restaurant, bereft of technological disruptions and the urge to make small talk about ... Read more >

Tags: comfort, fear, food, myanmar, solo travel, uk

Trying to throw your arms around the world.

INDIA | Mon, 11 Jul 2016 | By tjrossi | Views [850]

I haven’t written for a while, probably too long, but I recently felt the need to commit some thoughts to paper, or electronic file at least. With all of the upheaval and division we hear about these days it seems easy to see ... Read more >

Tags: eastern europe, friends, india, middle east, nepal, solo, solo travel

Selecting hostels when traveling solo.

INDIA | Mon, 14 Sep 2015 | By shahaashka | Views [754]

This is my first post ever. Nothing fancy. Nothing elaborate. Here goes.  This summer I got a chance to go on my first ever solo trip. I have travelled places with friends and family. But alone, never. After I started my trip, the first question ... Read more >

Tags: europe, hostel, hostels, solo travel

Photos: Passport & Plate - Plantain Chorizo Hash + Panama Fruit Smoothie

PANAMA | Tue, 3 Mar 2015 | By skyleejane | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Over the summer I visited Bocas del Toro in Panama. I stayed on Isla Cristobal near Dolphin Bay, so named because of the mammals that would play within its protected waters. I stayed in a tiny house perched above the waters of the Caribbean. Because of ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: 2015 passport & plate: sri lanka, cooking, panama, recipes, solo travel, travel

Pre-solo travel anxieties (2013)

JAPAN | Sat, 31 Jan 2015 | By australian_ohime | Views [626]

August 2013 - trip for two booked to Japan. December 2013 - breakup. It started off with no intention to travel alone then of course things change, so I decided to pluck up the courage and go alone to Japan. At the time it was mainly to show everyone ... Read more >

Tags: japan, japan rail pass, kayaking, novice traveller, solo travel, thrifty travel

2 week notice

USA | Fri, 14 Nov 2014 | By aamato20 | Views [595]

Since roughly day 35, I've been keeping a countdown of days until the big trip. Today, I hit a big number and then straight up panicked while at work. 14 days. That's two weeks. That's 336 hours until I'll be on a plane heading towards the west coast ... Read more >

Tags: australia, new zealand, solo travel

And the Countdown begins!

USA | Mon, 29 Sep 2014 | By aamato20 | Views [796]

As I lounge in my bed, looking at my half packed luggage for my latest business trip, I decided I wanted to blog about my upcoming trip. So, here I am blogging, hopefully I'm doing this right...probably not, oh well! I figured it would be a good way ... Read more >

Tags: australia, new zealand, solo travel

Budapest, rough start turns into a crazy fun adventure.

USA | Tue, 17 Jun 2014 | By bluegirl | Views [997]

I arrived in Budapest in the early evening to find my hotel, wasn't a real place and the contact person was, to put it kindly, not a real gentleman.  I did find a real hotel to stay at pretty quickly since my first destination was on a well traveled ... Read more >

Tags: beer, budapest, cheap, dancing, solo travel, wwii

Getting Hugged by Strangers A Hawaiian Ceremony

USA | Thu, 3 Oct 2013 | By travel-tips | Views [6533] | Comments [2]

"Look how tall you've gotten!" family members would squeal as I was growing up, patting me on the head. "My gosh, isn't she just the cutest?" a family friend would exclaim at a cookout reaching for my face to pinch my cheeks. There's a certain ... Read more >

Tags: ceremony, hawaiian, solo travel, traditions, travel, usa

Before it Begins - Packing in a Cyclone of Thoughts

AUSTRALIA | Sun, 17 Mar 2013 | By jahne | Views [894]

I can't sleep. Not so odd for me, but for a change, tonight's insomnia has a genuine reason. Right now I only have two more nights in my comfy bed, in the flat I have lived in for over 4 years, before I run off overseas for a crazy adventure in many ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, central america, exciting, last minute, mexico, packing, solo travel

The journey.

ECUADOR | Sat, 16 Mar 2013 | By christelpeters | Views [797]

This journal entry is not about a recent destination I've visited.  It's more about the journey that brought me here.  I hope that it can inspire someone or at least help all of those people who do not understand my decision to do this a little ... Read more >

Tags: being single, brave, changing your life, lonely, solo travel

On Board BA57

SOUTH AFRICA | Tue, 29 Jan 2013 | By butterfly-freed | Views [1087] | Comments [4]

Finally the string of tomorrows that have dictated my life over the last few weeks have become today! Goodbyes were hard, really hard. Suddenly its not just words - rattling off an itinerary that has become something of a mantra during the most difficult ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, career break, solo travel, south africa, turbulence

Avoiding Travel Burnout: Hitting the Brakes on the Road

USA | Thu, 28 Jul 2011 | By nomads-survival-kit | Views [2366] | Comments [2]

Tags: burnout, ideas, inspiration, itineraries, relationships, slow travel, solo travel, travel, usa

Isla de Chiloé - Shingles, microbuses and curanto

CHILE | Sun, 17 Jul 2011 | By rachelina | Views [8125]

Chiloé, Chile - the second largest island in South America, home of one of the most distinct architectural styles in Chile and famous for its wooden churches and permanently overcast weather. Having read two seperate guidebooks talking it up as ... Read more >

Tags: castro, chile, chiloe, quinchao, solo travel

The Long Haul to Salta

ARGENTINA | Thu, 17 Feb 2011 | By OffTheBeatenPath | Views [6860]

"I'm going to Tucumán," says Martín, the man sitting next to me in the double-decker bus' top row. He is slight of frame with inky black hair, a touch of the Andean blood, so prevalent in Argentina's northwest provinces, ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, buenos aires, bus travel, off the beaten path, salta, solo travel, south america, transportation, travel, traveling savage

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