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There are [23] photos and [24] stories tagged with "myanmar".

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Attention Please: It is strictly forbidden to ascend the Royal Lion Throne

MYANMAR | Wed, 14 Dec 2016 | By iano | Views [370]

Attention Please: It is strictly forbidden to ascend the Royal Lion Throne. The words stared at me, or maybe I stared at them. I couldn't help but wonder, what would happen if I did? Would adoring crowds come streaming forth in order to pay their ... Read more >

Tags: myanmar, rangoon, yangon

On Comfort and Fear

INDIA | Sat, 23 Jul 2016 | By shagungupta | Views [468]

“Table for one, please.” I had Burmese style fried rice with vegetables for dinner today. I still remember the first time I had a meal by myself at a restaurant, bereft of technological disruptions and the urge to make small talk about ... Read more >

Tags: comfort, fear, food, myanmar, solo travel, uk


MYANMAR | Sun, 13 Dec 2015 | By finally | Photo Gallery

Bit early to say, but this will likely be the most unique country on our entire trip! Closed to the world for over 50 years by a military dictatorship, it has finally opened to tourism in the past few years. Don't wait to discover this untouched jewel ... Read more >
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Tags: hpa-an, inle lake, kalaw trek, myanmar, yangon

The Trains of Myanmar

MYANMAR | Thu, 15 Oct 2015 | By davidpmcgurk | Views [6408]

When we decided, against all advice, to exclusively travel around Myanmar by train, we did so under the pretense that we were making a huge mistake. But as it turned out, everybody else was wrong. And so here I am to write about our experience, which ... Read more >

Tags: bagan, bago, burma, dawei, jungle, mandalay, mawlamyine, myanmar, paddy, pyay

Bagan.. possibly the most charming place in the world (if you manage not to get lost)

MYANMAR | Thu, 27 Aug 2015 | By kamzam | Views [665]

OK mini bus was good, and conditioned and comfortable, and drop us of in Bagan. This is where things got a bit tricky as we were let put in Old Bagan and had to change to the horse carriage (part of the ticket) with which we went on the search for the ... Read more >

Tags: bagan, burma, myanmar, on the road, sunsets, temples

Mandalay and the old capitals

MYANMAR | Wed, 26 Aug 2015 | By kamzam | Views [660]

Because of the Kipling’s poem I also initially thought of Mandalay as of this charming, long forgotten Asian city… Luckily I did consult people before going there and one thing became most apparent: the best thing o do in Mandalay is get ... Read more >

Tags: burma, hill, inwa, mandalay, myanmar, on the road, temples, u bein bridge

Trekking in the hills of Inle

MYANMAR | Fri, 9 Jan 2015 | By kamzam | Views [725]

Next day we headed out for a 2 day trek round the surrounding mountains. We were originally planning to do the famous Inle to Kalaw trek but where convinced by the many locals that the surrounding nature is just as beautiful and if you do not have a ... Read more >

Tags: burma, inle lake, kalaw, myanmar, road less travelled, trekking

Magic of Inle Lake

MYANMAR | Fri, 9 Jan 2015 | By kamzam | Views [698]

The overnight VIP bus dropped us from Yangon to Inle Lake, or more accurately, Nyaungshwe. This is the city to which you need to buy your bus ticket and where you are most likely going to stay as it has most accommodation food options.   I ... Read more >

Tags: burma, inle lake, myanmar, red mountain winery, trekking

Colorful Myanmar

MYANMAR | Sun, 14 Dec 2014 | By dangnguyentuananh | Views [583] | Video

My latest trip to Myanmar on November of 2014 with all great memories in 3 minutes A longer travel guide video will be available soon Location: Yangon, Bagan, Mandalay, Nyaungshwe

Tags: bagan, mandalay, monastery, monk, myanmar, nyaungshwe, pagoda, temple, travel, yangon

Steamy walking in Yangon

MYANMAR | Tue, 9 Dec 2014 | By kamzam | Views [620]

I missed being in Asia, having spent most of my recent travels on the other side of the ocean it was so nice to come back here. As soon as you land at the airport the humidity hits, the smells surround you and you find yourself in a completely different ... Read more >

Tags: asia, burma, monks, myanmar, rangoon, yangon

Lessons From Myanmar

MYANMAR | Thu, 22 May 2014 | By culturallyfree | Views [453]

When I left to visit Myanmar (formerly Burma) for two weeks with the Alternative Break program, I expected to learn about the Myanar people’s fight for a democratic transition through education reform. However, I didn’t expect that fight ... Read more >

Tags: activism, aung san suu kyi, equality, freedom, government, liberty, myanmar, politics

Tips before you visit Bagan, Myanmar

MYANMAR | Tue, 29 Apr 2014 | By uyenangel | Views [3206] | Comments [1]

TIPS BEFORE YOU VISIT BAGAN, MYANMAR Tips before you visit Bagan, Myanmar. I had 4 days and 3 nights in Bagan and here are some tips for you. 1. From Yangon to Bagan, take JJ Express bus (18$, 10 hour drive); starts at 8pm and ... Read more >

Tags: bagan, heritage, myanmar, tips, travel, trip

White Elephant

AUSTRALIA | Sun, 1 Dec 2013 | By kresnawati | Views [311]

I had not fully appreciated the implications of the expression: 'white elephant', until my first trip to Myanmar (Burma), October 2013. White elephants have traditionally been revered in Myanmar. It is believed just before the birth of the Buddha, ... Read more >

Tags: burma, elephant, myanmar

Gone in Bagan

MYANMAR | Thu, 7 Nov 2013 | By evantan | Views [541]

  Next to traveler's diarrhea and your  Hostel   fears coming true, what's one of a traveler's worst nightmares? Well, we had an experience of that on our way to Bagan.   Read more here .

Tags: ananda temple, bagan, mahabodhi temple, myanmar, southeast asia travel

Sleepless in Yangon

MYANMAR | Thu, 7 Nov 2013 | By evantan | Views [1455]

We arrived in Yangon at 8:20 in the morning, groggy from the quick nap we were able to take during the flight from Kuala Lumpur.  Aldrich, the guy who manages the homestay we're in now, picked us up from the airport and drove us to Lanmadaw ... Read more >

Tags: myanmar, shwedagon, southeast asia travel, yangon

Photos: Discovering unspoiled Myanmar

MYANMAR | Thu, 4 Jul 2013 | By isma | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Usually upon arriving to a new destination, we look for something familiar to feel more secure. However, my curiosity has swayed me to look for the "opposite of déjà vu"- to indulge in unexpected experiences and situations. In the last few years, I ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: hsipaw, myanmar, shan state, sustainable livelihood, unspoilded

Photos: Border Run to Burma

MYANMAR | Thu, 30 May 2013 | By sglass | Photo Gallery

We head to the coastal Thai town of Rach Gia to make a 1 day cross-border trip into Myanmar for visa stamps
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Tags: border, burma, myanmar, rach gia, thailand, visa

From Bangkok to Burma

MYANMAR | Fri, 15 Mar 2013 | By nnninecountries | Views [6304] | Comments [4]

We made it to Bangkok after braving an overnight bus with loud travellers singing Karaoke and some near death turns that almost made the bus topple over. I don't have much to say about Bangkok, as Jake got a pretty bad cold and we were in need of ... Read more >

Tags: bangkok, elephants, horsecart, khoasan, myanmar, sunrise, sunsets, temples

Discover the unadulterated country of Myanmar

MYANMAR | Thu, 28 Feb 2013 | By nomads-news | Views [3972] | Comments [1]

If you are keen on, and if you remember, travelling without the amenity of ATMs, credit cards and internet connectivity then you will understand my want and need to travel to Myanmar. Myanmar still has the romantic undertone of a far gone ... Read more >

Tags: burma, myanmar, nomads on the road, off the beaten path, travel

Trekking to Inle Lake

MYANMAR | Thu, 10 Jan 2013 | By aimonaput | Views [1880]

We meet at Kalaw's improvised gas station, although no gas is needed for this 3-day trip through isolated villages and gentle slopes of east Myanmar. A 50-year old expert in green turban and sporty tightened lungi skirt folded above his knees is ... Read more >

Tags: buddhist, burma, inle lake, kalaw, myanmar, trekking

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