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There are [0] photos and [15] stories tagged with "start".

Family Friends GoodBye

USA | Tue, 11 Jul 2017 | By bombardo-family | Views [667]

Reality started to set in this week for Elizabeth and I about the adventure we are about to set out on.  Are we prepared, is everything planned right, is every left at home ok, the list goes on and on.  The past 11 days we have had a great ... Read more >

Tags: family, friend, goodbye, start, trip, world

Upphaf ferðar -- // -- The journey is about to begin

ICELAND | Fri, 30 Sep 2016 | By doraontheroad | Views [454]

Sælt veri fólkið. Í dag er fimmtudagurinn 29. september og ég legg í hann á mánudaginn, 3. okt. Ég hef verið á haus wið að pakka öllum mínum eigum því... Read more >

Tags: start

1st week of Brazil

BRAZIL | Sat, 12 Dec 2015 | By mcbaci | Views [276]

It's been 1 week today since I left the comfort of California and loved ones. It's been a pretty interesting back and forth going on in my head. During the day time I've been extremely engages, social, and excited for the rest of my journey. Unfortunately ... Read more >

Tags: brazil, hostel, start

Where it all started...

SOUTH KOREA | Thu, 17 Jul 2014 | By megandrob | Views [518] | Comments [2]

South Korea... Our home for the past few years... And boy, has it been eventful.  When we came over to Korea, to teach English, both of us had the exact same goals.                      ... Read more >

Tags: introduction, south korea, start

Photos: USA/ Eugene

USA | Tue, 27 May 2014 | By ciel | Photo Gallery

The town where I live, the place where my independent life starts.
See all 54 photos >>

Tags: corn maze, eugene, flower, independent, life, new, saturday market, start, vrc, wine

An introduction

GUATEMALA | Thu, 20 Jun 2013 | By donkosarev | Views [457]

Since writing a blog for my trip for my summer 2013 trip was a challenge I set for myself since the day I started planning the trip itself, I have finally began. Not in the best of circumstances admittedly, since walking in the gushing rain that is frequent ... Read more >

Tags: start

And You're Off...

UNITED KINGDOM | Wed, 13 Mar 2013 | By ajburns | Views [322]

Well not quite on my travels yet, 15th April is D-Day and the first flight will be Belfast, Northern Ireland to London, England, to Tokyo Japan.

Tags: cities, flights, journey, start

What's more fun than videos?

CANADA | Fri, 21 Dec 2012 | By meggiekay | Views [1644] | Video

As a New Media student, networking and social media has become more than just a way to keep in touch with family and friends. For my last year in university I am making a webseries focusing around my one true love, travel. I would love to share this ... Read more >

Tags: advice, first, introduction, start, tips, video, youtube

This is the beginning.

USA | Fri, 27 May 2011 | By tvazquezinasia | Views [385]

I'm here with fellow travelers setting up our blogs.  I'm feeling quite rushed and very uninspired.  But it is a beginning.  Much, much more to come.

Tags: beginning, start

The Beginning

INDONESIA | Thu, 10 Mar 2011 | By mpreece7 | Views [528]

Bali in Korean means hurry so it’s kind of funny that Bali, Indonesia is a slow paced kind of place! It has been a nice change and I’m slowly but surely adjusting to this pace. There is still part of me that thinks I’ve only got a few days left ... Read more >

Tags: bali, first leg, indonesia, start

So the adventure begins...

ICELAND | Mon, 28 Feb 2011 | By moomazza | Views [711]

It seems to have taken ages to come around but crept up so quickly. The week before I left was crazy from realising there was hole in my bag to finding a 'specalist' who I had to instruct on how to fix it and what material to use to waking up 10 minutes ... Read more >

Tags: airport, america, beach, iceland, miami, start


USA | Sat, 17 Jul 2010 | By serafindavid3 | Views [349]

Greetings everyone! I am counting down the hours until I leave for the Philippines. It's been a very long time since I've been there last. I am a little scared and anxious, ... Read more >

Tags: beginning, mantra, poems, road, start

Leaving on a jet plane

FRANCE | Mon, 17 May 2010 | By mr_mike_smith | Views [401]

The launch details for the trip have been confirmed. I will meet Steve at Paris (Charles de Gaulle) and stay overnight on Monday May 17th. On Tuesday 18th, we will fly to Houston, USA via Amsterdam. I am proud to write that there are no plans thereafter ... Read more >

Tags: airport, begin, flight, set off, start

Dazed and Con-fused

UNITED KINGDOM | Mon, 1 Jun 2009 | By conlay | Views [615]

Well, it finally happened.   I’m leaving, I’m going off to meet new interesting people and make them feel nervous and uncomfortable.   This date has been coming for such a long time now, but it never seemed very real at all. It was one of ... Read more >

Tags: daze, excitement, fear, heathrow, kendal mint cake, london, start

California coastal tour

USA | Thu, 2 Apr 2009 | By plandro | Views [688] | Comments [7]

So I played hookie from work, packed up & stored my junk, and left San Diego for Oregon. The drive took me 2 full days (long route) up HWY 101/ 1. Windy roads, great views, speeding ticket, cheap hotel in Santa Cruz, and a personal pan pizza would ... Read more >

Tags: beginning, drive home, road trip, start


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