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There is [1] photo and [15] stories tagged with "miami".

Once Bitten Twice Shy

USA | Tue, 29 May 2018 | By pbm6 | Views [410]

Coming to terms with divorce and remarriage in Key West   In Key West: I stop the car somewhere on the Keys. I’m not quite at Key West yet. I’m apprehensive about getting to my destination. I thought it was a good ... Read more >

Tags: divorce, key west, marriage, miami, transformation

Welcome To Florida

UNITED KINGDOM | Wed, 25 Jan 2017 | By stephenhvlogtv | Views [625]

So I'm sat here on the last day of my trip at Orlando airport  and realised  I haven't written anything all trip so  I will do a brief trip recap  Of my adventures  I came to ... Read more >

Tags: amtrak, beach, florida, miami, paddle boarding, usa

What to do and what not to do when in Miami

USA | Thu, 29 Jan 2015 | By mareikestravel | Views [1027]

Miami in Florida is a Mecca for tourists and has the beaches and the sunshine but if you are a visitor there it is a good idea to know the activities that are recommended and also what to avoid.   Things to do in Miami Miami has a ... Read more >

Tags: florida, miami, outdoor activities, sights, usa, warnings

Photos: Miami, Florida

USA | Wed, 14 Sep 2011 | By brettcooke | Photo Gallery

See all 31 photos >>

Tags: florida, mangoes, miami, north beach, ocean drive, sobe, south beach

Miami, Florida

USA | Wed, 14 Sep 2011 | By brettcooke | Views [556]

September is a volatile month in the deep south of America. The water is warm and the air is torridly humid. These conditions are perfect for tropical depressions and hurricanes so we stayed a few more days in New Orleans as we closely watched Hurricane ... Read more >

Tags: florida, hurricanes, miami, south beach

In My Backyard - 5 Must Do Things in Miami

USA | Sun, 4 Sep 2011 | By nicolemcgrath | Views [1249]

MIAMI, a city recognized worldwide for its beautiful beaches, a non-stop party scene, and a perfect blend of American and Hispanic culture. Lucky for me, I get to call this city home. When I meet people traveling, I savor the moment when someone ... Read more >

Tags: #blogyourbackyard, beaches, cuban food, dominoes, jersey shore, little havana, miami, south beach, spanish, vizacaya

Four Hours in Miami International

USA | Fri, 10 Jun 2011 | By rachelina | Views [1332]

After not one, but two, frantic rushes to the airport with plastic bags trailing everywhere, bag bursting due to not being packed correctly and generally massive uselessness for my Christchurch - Austin and Austin - Miami legs, I resolved that this leg ... Read more >

Tags: airports, miami, on my way, transit hell

Photos: Colombia

COLOMBIA | Tue, 29 Mar 2011 | By moomazza | Photo Gallery

See all 66 photos >>

Tags: barranquilla, cartegena, medellin, miami, taganga

A day in Miami

USA | Mon, 28 Feb 2011 | By moomazza | Views [797]

3 hours later, about 10.30pm, I finally got through Miami airport, security, passport control and hotel allocation and am in a hotel with a bed wider than I am tall and a TV to match, welcome to America! Didn´t take long to hit the beach and the bars, ... Read more >

Tags: american airlines, beaches, cocktails, miami, usa

So the adventure begins...

ICELAND | Mon, 28 Feb 2011 | By moomazza | Views [711]

It seems to have taken ages to come around but crept up so quickly. The week before I left was crazy from realising there was hole in my bag to finding a 'specalist' who I had to instruct on how to fix it and what material to use to waking up 10 minutes ... Read more >

Tags: airport, america, beach, iceland, miami, start


PERU | Fri, 7 Aug 2009 | By bill68335 | Views [420]

We had a decent , but long fligth from OAK toMiami, other than a little  excitement with my passport, but we  made it fine. After a great and cheap  snow crab dinner  at the Hollywoood Ale House we found our way to the beautiful Doral resort. We spend ... Read more >

Tags: miami

Kat on a hot tin roomette - riding the Atlantic coast Amtrak in style.

USA | Sun, 24 Aug 2008 | By katrinamckeever | Views [6335]

  Kat on a hot tin roomette - riding the Atlantic coast Amtrak in style. A roomette for two on Amtrak for the 31 hour train journey from Miami to New York is about as close to flying first close we are likely to experience any time soon and oh what ... Read more >

Tags: america, american raliway, amtrak, miami, new york, rail, train, train journey, united states of america, usa

Welcome to Miami

USA | Sun, 24 Aug 2008 | By katrinamckeever | Views [956]

  Happily tucked into a seat on Lan Airways, blanket on lap and glass of red in hand, I turned to Steve and said how lovely - for the first time in almost a year we will be able to just talk to people, in English. The first person we met in the airport ... Read more >

Tags: america, bars, hotels, latin america, miami, restaurants, service, south beach, united states of america, usa


USA | Mon, 23 Apr 2007 | By aptyson | Views [621]

I didn't have high hopes that I'd enjoy Miami as I thought it would be full of old, over-weight, stuck-up, sunburnt Americans. While that did turn out to be the case, I did actually enjoy my time here. It really is the place to be seen - image is everything! ... Read more >

Tags: Miami

North of the equator

USA | Tue, 6 Jun 2006 | By ldeutch | Views [1713] | Comments [1]

I'm back. Still marvelling at the ease of conducting business in english, and sad by the already obvious decline in my spanish.... but so it goes. and sadly the last spanish I heard was the airplane captain onthe way to Miami fumbling through his normal ... Read more >

Tags: culture, culture shock, miami


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