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There is [1] photo and [24] stories tagged with "spanish".


USA | Mon, 7 Dec 2015 | By indigochile | Views [443]

Hello! Thank you for your interest in my trip to Chile this summer. I will be updating more frequently as the trip approaches (May 2016) and promise to keep you updated! (If you would like to donate $10 to help me fund my trip, you can go here: ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, chile, exchange, osorno, sister city, spanish, study abroad, teaching english, travel, volunteer

Rome, The Good, The Bad, And The Spanish Steps.

ITALY | Mon, 8 Jun 2015 | By eryn_with_a_y | Views [636]

I have a lot of content hanging around from my 2007 trip to Europe. We’ve gone from London to Rome. There are plenty of awesome and historical places in Rome, I remember seeing them and being amazed, but my 24 year old self got stuck on the ... Read more >

Tags: backpacking, europe, food, internet, italy, rome, spanish, steps, travel

Taste of Flamenco- sherry meatballs

UNITED KINGDOM | Mon, 9 Mar 2015 | By sandyvoyage | Views [388]

Ingredients 250g minced beef 250g of minced pork 1 egg (whisked) 2 tablespoons of fine breadcrumbs 2 garlic cloves 100g ground almonds 1 glass of dry sherry Beef stock Bay leaf Creme fraiche olive oil Salt ... Read more >

Tags: albondigas, andalucia, flamenco, jerez, meatballs, seville, sherry, spain, spanish

Colombia, what a place!

COLOMBIA | Tue, 16 Sep 2014 | By rubydoobyx | Views [357]

Can I just say that my favourite country (I've travelled to) would possibly be Colombia. The colours, the people, the life. A single day I spent there. One day. Not even 24 hours, actually. But that was enough. It was amazing.

Tags: cartagena, colombia, life, south america, spanish, travel


SPAIN | Tue, 29 Oct 2013 | By elcastleberry | Views [595]

"Oh, I knew I was making my life into a song-and-dance routine, a production number, a shaggy dog story, a sick joke, a bit. I thought of all the longing, the pain, the letters (sent and unsent), the crying jags, the telephone monologues, the suffering, ... Read more >

Tags: drinking, friends, friendship, language, social, spain, spanish, travel

More Adventures in Xela....

GUATEMALA | Mon, 27 May 2013 | By jahne | Views [968]

So I’ve now ended up stranded in yet another town for much longer than planned, I’ve been in Xela for pretty well a month now, learning spanish, suffering from a horrid cold from the dramatically changing weather and with a mildly sprained ... Read more >

Tags: hot springs, salsa, school, spanish, xela

Horn Please!

INDIA | Sun, 16 Sep 2012 | By andyandrade | Views [659]

After a couple of days in Delhi me and my partner in crime Stefano are slowly finding our way around the city, which is quite surprising considering Delhi´s size and random urban development. We are starting to get used to local habits as well...sort ... Read more >

Tags: auto rickshaw, delhi, food, india, old delhi, sarojini nagar market, shopping, spanish

First day in Delhi

INDIA | Fri, 14 Sep 2012 | By andyandrade | Views [708]

So, after a good day of traveling from Venice to Rome and then Jeddah for the night, me and Stefano landed in sticky Delhi. Really hot and sticky event though he monsoonic season is almost over... that´s what they told us. Taxi to Haus Khaz, in the ... Read more >

Tags: delhi, first day, food, spanish

¡Cocodrilo a la vista! [Spanish]

MEXICO | Sat, 10 Mar 2012 | By mariad-osa | Views [645]

Cuando visité el Cañón del Sumidero en Chiapas me impresionó mucho la anchura del río y la altura de las paredes del cañón. Recuerdo haber pasado un excelente rato en el parque ecológico, donde disfruté mucho lanzarme desde la tirolesa y hacer las ... Read more >

Tags: chiapas, crocodile, ecology, funny story, kayak, mexico, panic, river, spanish, sumidero canyon

In My Backyard - 5 Must Do Things in Miami

USA | Sun, 4 Sep 2011 | By nicolemcgrath | Views [1254]

MIAMI, a city recognized worldwide for its beautiful beaches, a non-stop party scene, and a perfect blend of American and Hispanic culture. Lucky for me, I get to call this city home. When I meet people traveling, I savor the moment when someone ... Read more >

Tags: #blogyourbackyard, beaches, cuban food, dominoes, jersey shore, little havana, miami, south beach, spanish, vizacaya

Becoming a Chileana

CHILE | Wed, 15 Jun 2011 | By rachelina | Views [1133]

HOLA FROM CHILE! I've been here for 5 or so days now, and so far am super enjoying it. One of my very good friends from Texas, Katie, moved to Santiago a year ago after graduating from college, and has spent the last year working ... Read more >

Tags: bolivian buses, chile, santiago, spanish

Motañita...learning spanish in a surf town!

ECUADOR | Sun, 15 May 2011 | By moomazza | Views [2528]

I arrived at about mid-day in Montañita, having taken a bus from Puerto Lopez, it only took an hour which was great, an unusually short journey for South America!  However on arrival I was still in search of a cab to take me to my final destination! ... Read more >

Tags: drinking, ecuador, montanita, partying, spanish, spanish school, sunset

What!???...ONLY 5 WEEKS!?!?!?

COLOMBIA | Sun, 24 Apr 2011 | By kristiek | Views [614]

Hola, Wow…I only have 5 weeks left until I go to Colombia! Que Bueno! I am so excited! I can clearly remember when I had 5 months to go, and I couldn’t conceptualize what it would be like to be leaving so soon. Well, I am in the final countdown, ... Read more >

Tags: bogota, colombia, learning spanish, south america, spanish, spanish word of the day, trip preparation

6 weeks!

COLOMBIA | Mon, 18 Apr 2011 | By kristiek | Views [468]

Hola a todos! So it’s official… I am leaving for Bogotá in 6 weeks (and 1 day..)!!!!! Time is really flying. In 3 weeks I will be in Wisconsin, then before I know it I will be back in Indiana preparing for my trip! I just have to get through ... Read more >

Tags: bogota, colombia, learn spanish, south america, spanish, travel, trip, word of the day

Spanish Word of the Day!!!!!

COLOMBIA | Sun, 10 Apr 2011 | By kristiek | Views [574]

Buenas tardes, Ok, so I thought I could make this Blog useful (for myself and my readers), since it already has so many other qualities of a great blog... So I have decided I will feature a Spanish word of the day, verb of the day, as well as ... Read more >

Tags: bogota, colombia, learning spanish, south america, spanish, spanish word of the day, travel, word of the day

Just Me and Dad in Guatemala

GUATEMALA | Fri, 1 Apr 2011 | By disorientednomad | Views [760]

  One day, I was looking at the "1,000 places to go before you die" book, and I saw Tikal.  I thought, "I want to go there" so I asked my parents (I was visiting them at the time) if anyone wanted to go for my 30th birthday.  My ... Read more >

Tags: 30th birthday, family, guatemala, milky way, santiago atitlan, spanish, tikal, traveling

The Ideal Night to Hit the City is...Wednesday?

ARGENTINA | Thu, 24 Feb 2011 | By caitiegoddard | Views [1338] | Comments [2]

The week is flying by and it's already Thursday! I had my first nightlife experience in BA and went to the amazing restaurant/bar, Milion (check out the website and turn up your speakers, the site has some amazing music! I'm actually listening to ... Read more >

Tags: bar, buenos aires, cocktail, milion, orphanage, spanish, travel

The Key to a Feminine Tango: A Good Headroll

ARGENTINA | Wed, 23 Feb 2011 | By caitiegoddard | Views [1338] | Comments [4] | Video

It's already day 2 of classes and I'm loving it; I'm regaining confidence with my spanish although still really struggling with the accent! I'm in a class with 2 Brazilians and 2 Dutch students and love hearing more about totally different parts ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, la boca, spanish, tango, travel

Off the Beaten Path: Mexico

MEXICO | Thu, 17 Jun 2010 | By OffTheBeatenPath | Views [6908] | Comments [3]

You may read every guidebook you can before heading off to Mexico, but nothing can compare with the tips from those who have not only been there, but have dug their heels into the culture and have gone a bit off the beaten path. Shane Brown at Sanchez ... Read more >

Tags: brown, mexico, off the beaten path, shane, spanish, transportation, travel safety, travel tips

Understanding Español: Where and How to Learn

ARGENTINA | Tue, 27 Oct 2009 | By travel-tips | Views [3012]

One two, miss a few, ninety-nine, trescientos millones . That’s the number of people who hable Spanish: Three hundred million, almost five percent of the world population. While the suits are battling Mandarin, travellers of every strain are turning ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, buenos aires, language, latin america, spanish, travel-tips

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