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There are [7] photos and [13] stories tagged with "bar".

Celebrating a 21st Birthday Like Americans in Japan

JAPAN | Fri, 26 Feb 2016 | By kakimono | Views [378]

Friday was Nicole’s 21st birthday, and also a class-free day, so on Thursday, we met up to celebrate it. The planning process was a little scattered, to put it mildly. Nicole, one week prior: “It’s my 21st birthday, so let’... Read more >

Tags: bar, birthday, drinks, food

The VU Lodge

UGANDA | Tue, 25 Jun 2013 | By emilycarp | Views [458]

I was going to put this in with a single blog post about getting here, but I feel like this lodge is so good it deserves a post all of it's own.   Located at 9000ft above sea level, on the perimeter of the Bwindi Inpenetrable Forest and National ... Read more >

Tags: bar, living, lodge, sleep

The first three days

UGANDA | Sun, 16 Jun 2013 | By emilycarp | Views [641] | Comments [1]

Ugandan Adventure: June 13-17   Day 1: Wednesday 13th June 2013   Arrival in Entebbe Arrived in Entebbe after two flights, from Manchester and then from Doha. At the gate in Manchester I met Natalie, who had messaged me on Facebook ... Read more >

Tags: bar, beer, bus, club, hostel, travelling

Have you passed your floss?

CANADA | Wed, 28 Mar 2012 | By jamesshanks | Views [3036] | Comments [1]

Did you know that it is incredibly important to floss your gums at least once a day? That is what my new friend Kim-Haley from Montreal informed me. The build up of bacteria in your gums can be detrimental to your health! She was a dental hygienist ... Read more >

Tags: bar, cooking, flossing, food, goldstream park, gym, hostel, peanuts, victoria

Food Tourism, Tapas.

SPAIN | Fri, 9 Mar 2012 | By emily_mcd | Views [1282]

There’s only one thing that I love more than travelling and that’s food. Sampling new flavours and cuisines can be something which really makes a holiday. One of the most iconic and delicious cuisines is Spanish tapas. Tapas are small portions of ... Read more >

Tags: algarve, bar, cafe, spain, tapas

In my Backyard – 5 Must Do Things in Melbourne, Australia

AUSTRALIA | Mon, 29 Aug 2011 | By wildchildhannah | Views [2151] | Comments [1]

In my Backyard – 5 Must Do Things in Melbourne, Australia Melbourne is often hailed as the 'European capital of Australia.' It is also known for its infinate shopping options and the cafe/small bar culture that permeates each cultural hub within the ... Read more >

Tags: #blogyourbackyard, /%23blogyourbackyard, bar, cafe, melbourne, nightlife, sport australia, suburbs, top 5, twitter.com/#!/search

The Ideal Night to Hit the City is...Wednesday?

ARGENTINA | Thu, 24 Feb 2011 | By caitiegoddard | Views [1338] | Comments [2]

The week is flying by and it's already Thursday! I had my first nightlife experience in BA and went to the amazing restaurant/bar, Milion (check out the website and turn up your speakers, the site has some amazing music! I'm actually listening to ... Read more >

Tags: bar, buenos aires, cocktail, milion, orphanage, spanish, travel

OVER 9000!!!

CHINA | Thu, 9 Sep 2010 | By samvanneilson | Views [581] | Comments [1]

now you are reading because you want to know what the title means and it has nothing to do with the story sorry! So the night out with the school was fine! We had some beers with the girls from school, played some dice and had a chat. I got to meet ... Read more >

Tags: bar, china, out, school, view

Bar hopping? Have a peek at a post-modern bar: Berlin Bar.

AUSTRALIA | Tue, 22 Jun 2010 | By kurenai | Views [1390]

Berlin Bar is a rather fun German-themed bar; the best part would be deciding if you wanted to be in opulent West Berlin or barbed-wire East Berlin. West Berlin has plush sofas, gilded mirrors, and a feeling of splendor. East Berlin, however, is full ... Read more >

Tags: bar, drinks, melbourne, night life

Funky monkey and the floating bar: Nha Trang

VIETNAM | Thu, 28 May 2009 | By eoghancito | Views [32893] | Video

We had decided to do an island tour from Nha Trang - the punters on the boat were an eclectic mix of English gap year types, Filipino engineers working on the soon to open Nha Trang Marriot and a few locals ... Read more >

Tags: bar, beach, boat, island

Barely visiting Bogota

COLOMBIA | Sun, 24 Aug 2008 | By katrinamckeever | Views [2492]

  Owing to oversight on booking coach ticket, we missed out on a decent view of Bogota leaving ourselves little more than one day in which to race around the city. To be fair though, we didn't exactly race around it, selecting instead to visit a ... Read more >

Tags: art museum, bar, bogota, bortoli, colombia, falafel, latin america, pizza., restaurant, south america

Colombia: Pasto and Popayan

COLOMBIA | Thu, 24 Jul 2008 | By katrinamckeever | Views [1398]

And so to Colombia I was really excited going for the border at Colombia. It is pretty much the last country we will visit on the trip and every kept on telling us about the freindly people, beatiful towns, great beaches, Caribbean breezes. Sounds ... Read more >

Tags: bar, border crossing, bosa nova, colombia, latin america, music, pasto, popayan, salsa, south america

Clubbing in Bariloche

ARGENTINA | Tue, 26 Feb 2008 | By katrinamckeever | Views [1149]

The last thing we needed after a three day trek through the mounatians was to walk slap bang into a 30th birthday celebration in the hostel, but we refuse to be party poopers. With a much needed shower washing three days of blood, sweat and tears ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, bar, bariloche, birthday, dancing, hostel, night club, party time, pub, the roxbury


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