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There are [5] photos and [8] stories tagged with "tapas".

Andalusian Days (VI): How Much do You Know About Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

SPAIN | Mon, 27 Jun 2016 | By aubereylescure | Views [742]

“We’ve had two weeks of rain and strong winds,” Diego says, kicking into the red soil covered by loose mounds of fallen leaves and shrunken olives. “Crazy winds. The flowers were in bloom then, and pollen flying everywhere.... Read more >

Tags: andalucia, cooking, food, gourmet, olive oil, rural, seville, spain, tapas

Barcelona ein kulinarischer, kultureller und touristischer Traum

SPAIN | Tue, 13 Oct 2015 | By erikkoenig | Views [1256]

Barcelona ist die quirlige Hauptstadt Kataloniens und die zweitgrößte Stadt Spaniens. Sie bietet zahlreiche architektonische Zeugnisse der mittelalterlichen Königs- und Handelsstadt wie beispielsweise den Plaza del Rei, La Catedral oder ... Read more >

Tags: barcelona, tapas, tour

See ya' Seville

SPAIN | Tue, 16 Jun 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [525] | Comments [1]

Yesterday was my last day in Seville. I spent more time in Seville than any other city. Why? Because Seville was that great? Ah-no. Seville actually is beautiful. When  I was done with the hostel, where I spent 3 nights (which ended on a Thurs), ... Read more >

Tags: seville, spain, tapas

Tapas in Madrid

SPAIN | Mon, 4 Jun 2012 | By pmok | Views [941]

Since Madrid had direct flights to Quito, Ecuador, I decided to spend the last weekend of my "mandatory rest period" there before departing for my project.  I flew from Paris to Madrid on the European cheap airline EasyJet; I don't fly often ... Read more >

Tags: adventurous appetities, ballet russe, caixa forum, easyjet, iberia airline, madrid, museo del prado, museo sorolla, royal palace, tapas

Food Tourism, Tapas.

SPAIN | Fri, 9 Mar 2012 | By emily_mcd | Views [1276]

There’s only one thing that I love more than travelling and that’s food. Sampling new flavours and cuisines can be something which really makes a holiday. One of the most iconic and delicious cuisines is Spanish tapas. Tapas are small portions of ... Read more >

Tags: algarve, bar, cafe, spain, tapas

Roman ruins of Tarragona

SPAIN | Fri, 8 Oct 2010 | By drmitch | Views [1694]

I managed to buy a ticket from Passeig de Gracia to Tarragona without too much trouble, but did get a bit worried when it seemed the train wasn’t making any stops and I thought we may be going straight to Valencia. Luckily it did stop in Tarragona on ... Read more >

Tags: amphitheater, roman ruins, tapas, tarragona

Walking tour of Barcelona

SPAIN | Wed, 6 Oct 2010 | By drmitch | Views [468]

Today I joined two German girls I'd met at the hostel, Liza & Stephi, for our own little walking tour up to La Sagrada Familia, the famous Gaudi designed church that is as yet to be finished and another UNESCO World Heritage Site. Steph read ... Read more >

Tags: barcelona, beach, gaudi, parc guell, tapas

Super Sunny Sevilla!

SPAIN | Tue, 9 Feb 2010 | By neil_loewen | Views [964] | Comments [1]

Special Guest Writer: Alice Berents! We had heard that the train system in Spain was not very good, however our first Spanish train experience was the best yet. We were checked onto the train a lot like at an airport, found our luxurious seats ... Read more >

Tags: alcazar, alice berents, maria luisa park, neil loewen, seville, spain, tapas, tarifa


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