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There are [24] photos and [21] stories tagged with "bogota".

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Pintaa syvemmälle

COLOMBIA | Thu, 29 Jun 2017 | By tuulikki | Views [786]

Maailman suuruutta on välillä vaikea käsittää. Ja jos jotain olen oppinut tässä viimeisten kuukausien aikana ei sitä oikein pystykään. En ainakaan minä. Lähemmäksi sen ymmärtä... Read more >

Tags: bogota, etelä-amerikka, köyhyys, lapset, slummit

Colombia Feb 2015

COLOMBIA | Tue, 3 Mar 2015 | By finally | Views [408]

This story is a test for the REAL trip of a lifetime. I am trying to get familiar with this blog. I have never done one before. ;-)   This quick trip to Colombia was just a warm-up for The RTW trip in 2 months!!! 9 days in Colombia (President's ... Read more >

Tags: bogota, candelaria, cartagena, playa blanca, santa marta, tayrona, zipaquira

Photos: Colombia Feb 2015

COLOMBIA | Wed, 25 Feb 2015 | By finally | Photo Gallery

9 days in Colombia
See all 13 photos >>

Tags: bogota, cartagena

People make the memories: "No man is an island"

USA | Wed, 12 Nov 2014 | By soniam | Views [154]

I have fair-weather Spanish- I can ask the questions that I want to ask and understand the answer I expect, but if something goes awry, it all goes downhill from there.  This is what I came to realise after arriving in Bogota, Colombia. Arriving ... Read more >

Tags: bogota, columbia

Bogota, Colombia - city of contrasts

COLOMBIA | Tue, 29 Apr 2014 | By clare-tamea | Views [412]

Bogota (our introduction to Colombia) is a city of contrasts:- Concrete urban jungle vs cobbled old streets and quaint painted houses; "You want crack mister?" vs astounding churches; Scruffy graffiti scrawls vs amazing street art; Lots ... Read more >

Tags: bogota


COLOMBIA | Sun, 1 Sep 2013 | By coggos | Views [3988] | Comments [2]

        I think we are both quite surprised by the size and modernity of Cartegena when we arrive. We have just spent 5-6 days sailing from Panama to Colombia and because we have arrived late we decide to spend our last ... Read more >

Tags: bogota, cali, columbia, cuidad perdida, palomino, popayan, salento, san gil, tayrona, villa de leya

Getting to know the new country – Bogota, Villa de Leyva, San Gil

COLOMBIA | Sun, 26 Aug 2012 | By kamzam | Views [2298]

A quick flight to Bogota from Leticia (there is no other route) meant getting a slight temperature shock on arrival. I went from close to 40 degrees to 15… It also meant getting further away from Brazil and settling into travel in a new country.... Read more >

Tags: barrichara, bogota, colombia, on the road, raquira, san gil, villa de leyva

First impressions

COLOMBIA | Mon, 30 Apr 2012 | By noflyzone | Views [813]

Telling folk back home we were heading out on an adventure to Colombia brought two usual responses: a) "you'll get kidnapped" or b) "you'll get murdered".  Well, surprise surprise, IT'S NOT A WAR ZONE.  It's a perfectly civilised ... Read more >

Tags: andes, bogota, candelaria, old town

Photos: Backpacking in Colombia

COLOMBIA | Sat, 28 Jan 2012 | By ninamalina | Flickr Photo Gallery

A great 4 week trip to Colombia, visited Bogota, Pasto, Ipiales, Salento, Medellin, Cartagena, Santa Marta, Tayrona, San Andres.
See photo slideshow >>

Tags: bogota, colombia, ipiales, las lajas cathedral, medellin, pasto, salento, salt cathedral, trips from bogota, zipaquira

Last Days in Colombia: The End of Team Beatrice

COLOMBIA | Sat, 1 Oct 2011 | By rachelina | Views [1490]

The next morning, Bea and I headed back on the boat to Turbo, along with our new friend from Miami who had blindingly white teeth. Disappointingly the weather was fine and the sea calm, so no exciting ocean adventures with the threat of death ... Read more >

Tags: bogota, colombia, couchsurfing, long day, on the road, reflections

Almost there....3 Days!!!!!!

COLOMBIA | Fri, 27 May 2011 | By kristiek | Views [382]

Hola, I got back from my trip to Wisconsin yesterday, and am currently in Indiana before I leave on Monday!!!! I cannot believe that I will be going to Colombia in less than 3 days!!! It is such an awesome and nerve-racking feeling! Time has really ... Read more >

Tags: bogota, colombia, flying, south america, travel, trip planning, trip preparation

8 days!!!!!!!

COLOMBIA | Mon, 23 May 2011 | By kristiek | Views [452]

Hola! Wow..it has been sooo long since I have written in my blog...oops! I actually got really busy with finals. Also, I have been in Wisconsin for the past 2 weeks spending time with my family, friends, and boyfriend before my departure to Colombia.... Read more >

Tags: bogota, colombia, south america, travel, trip planning

What!???...ONLY 5 WEEKS!?!?!?

COLOMBIA | Sun, 24 Apr 2011 | By kristiek | Views [609]

Hola, Wow…I only have 5 weeks left until I go to Colombia! Que Bueno! I am so excited! I can clearly remember when I had 5 months to go, and I couldn’t conceptualize what it would be like to be leaving so soon. Well, I am in the final countdown, ... Read more >

Tags: bogota, colombia, learning spanish, south america, spanish, spanish word of the day, trip preparation

An interesting documentary...

COLOMBIA | Wed, 20 Apr 2011 | By kristiek | Views [459]

So lately I have been interested in learning about Bogotá as much as possible, so I was trying to find some documentaries to watch. Well, last night I stumbled upon a documentary about homeless people living in the sewer system of Bogotá. I have heard ... Read more >

Tags: bogota, colombia, documentary

6 weeks!

COLOMBIA | Mon, 18 Apr 2011 | By kristiek | Views [462]

Hola a todos! So it’s official… I am leaving for Bogotá in 6 weeks (and 1 day..)!!!!! Time is really flying. In 3 weeks I will be in Wisconsin, then before I know it I will be back in Indiana preparing for my trip! I just have to get through ... Read more >

Tags: bogota, colombia, learn spanish, south america, spanish, travel, trip, word of the day

One or two days in Bogota

COLOMBIA | Wed, 13 Apr 2011 | By moomazza | Views [2496]

So I arrived early at 6am and after another night bus and a very long queue for the taxis and went to my hostel before going back to bed for more sleep!!  I eventually got up at 10am only to bump into a friend I had been hanging out with in Taganga, ... Read more >

Tags: bogota, cable car, mugging, plaza bolivar, rain

Spanish Word of the Day!!!!!

COLOMBIA | Sun, 10 Apr 2011 | By kristiek | Views [567]

Buenas tardes, Ok, so I thought I could make this Blog useful (for myself and my readers), since it already has so many other qualities of a great blog... So I have decided I will feature a Spanish word of the day, verb of the day, as well as ... Read more >

Tags: bogota, colombia, learning spanish, south america, spanish, spanish word of the day, travel, word of the day

True Travel Tales - Jail in Bogota, Colombia

COLOMBIA | Tue, 2 Nov 2010 | By true-claims-stories | Views [7651] | Comments [1]

Every journey has a story; every trip has its unexpected twists. Plan and prepare as you may, some things happen on the road that take you out of your element, push you to your limit, and even put you in danger. These are the tales of triumph ... Read more >

Tags: bogota, colombia, jail, passport, police, south america, terrifying travel tales

The Only Risk is Wanting to Stay...

COLOMBIA | Mon, 1 Nov 2010 | By sobrea | Views [2229]

As we were sailing through the San Blas islands and I was thinking that things couldn’t possibly get any better, we landed in Cartagena, Colombia. Cartagena is a place of beautifully restored colonial building, where the color to wear is white ... Read more >

Tags: bogota, cartagena, colombia, getsemani, jw marriott, monserrate

All things sweet and plump and slightly surreal

COLOMBIA | Sun, 26 Sep 2010 | By ryanandjo | Views [3852] | Comments [2]

Medellin was notoriously known for being the most dangerous city in the world during the 1980’s and 90’s because it was ruled by Pablo Escobar 's Medellin cocaine cartel. Today the city is a thriving place and safe for travellers and the ... Read more >

Tags: arequipe, barichara, bogota, botero, gold, guane, medellin, pablo escobar, san gil

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