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There are [0] photos and [34] stories tagged with "flight".

Kurz vor dem Abflug

NEW ZEALAND | Fri, 6 Oct 2017 | By domi_info | Views [537] | Comments [1]

Ich bin einfach nur sehr aufgeregt... aber auch froh, dass es jetzt endlich losgehen kann. Die Sachen sind verpackt. Ich stecke in meinem Schlafanzug und werde gleich von den ganzen tollen Erlebnissen träumen, die auf mich zukommen werden. Zunä... Read more >

Tags: flight, flug

Flugið --//-- The Flight

SRI LANKA | Thu, 20 Oct 2016 | By doraontheroad | Views [557] | Comments [1]

Ferðin byrjaði á klukkutíma seinkun hjá WOW air vegna þess að þeir þurftu að bíða eftir farþegum frá Ameríkufluginu sem voru seinir. Loksins þegar við komumst ... Read more >

Tags: flight, frankfurt, kuala lumpur, perth, sri lanka, wow air


THAILAND | Wed, 9 Dec 2015 | By jreigerr | Views [267]

After a long few months of work, we finally set off. Monday at 5am we made it to the London airport. The lady struggled to check us in fue to some flight change, but we managed. The plane later left after an hour fog delay. The same thing happened for ... Read more >

Tags: arrival, delay, flight

The flight

JAPAN | Tue, 22 Sep 2015 | By monika | Views [533]

To keep some sort of chronology, I'll start with my flight to Japan. With it's duration of about 35h I consider it worth mentioning... As you probably know, I tend to do things last minute. This held also true when I had to pack my bags for Japan.... Read more >

Tags: flight, no sleep, sunrise

Flight from hell before the hostel from hell - Cancun stopover

MEXICO | Mon, 22 Jun 2015 | By sheree | Views [488]

I'm not the greatest on planes, usually slightly nervous before boarding and in the air but this flight I had reason to. It was an hour flight from Havana to Cancun and it ended up taking double that time. I like to have the window seat so I can see ... Read more >

Tags: dodgy, flight, flying, hostel, lightning, scared, storm, travel

Day 2 - Traveling to Bergamo

ITALY | Fri, 22 May 2015 | By geneofsf | Views [467]

I woke up at an absurdly early hour of 5:52 AM from my windowless room. I sat around and did some work for the next couple of hours, as I had until 12:50 PM until my bus to the airport. Since I got up at that absurdly early hour, I decided to get up ... Read more >

Tags: bergamo, flight, italy, stockholm, sweden, tour

The Humble Airline Ticket

AUSTRALIA | Wed, 24 Dec 2014 | By the_life_of_lady_laura | Views [407]

  The Humble Airline Ticket  I'm old school. I'll admit it. I love letters in the mail, postcards and paper airplane tickets. There was just something impressive and important about air travel when you had to hand over that precious ... Read more >

Tags: flight, plane, ticket

Off to Sweden!

SWEDEN | Sat, 6 Sep 2014 | By schmodude | Views [638]

After some breakfast I went to the metro station to catch my train to the airport. In front of me at the ticket machine was a really confused American businessman struggling with the machine. He was also headed to the airport, so I helped him figure ... Read more >

Tags: airport, copenhagen, denmark, flight, freetowner, pasta, stockholm, sweden

The Connecting Flight Challenge

SINGAPORE | Fri, 2 May 2014 | By jj_happyfish | Views [500]

Did you know you could instantly turn into an Olympic runner if you see the words LAST CALL next to your connecting flight number and you’re still on a different airport terminal?  If you’re traveling alone, all you could wish for ... Read more >

Tags: airplane, airport, changi airport, connecting flight, flight, layover, manila, singapore, travel

The Flight There

CANADA | Sun, 23 Mar 2014 | By alistairkeir | Views [552] | Comments [4]

So on the flight from Toronto to L.A. I met a nice English woman who encouraged me to get up and get around to get me use to planes. I am very thankful for that, I guess she took pity on me because I reminded her of her children who both did a gap year.... Read more >

Tags: australia, flight, helpful

Lauren's Adventures in Vietnam - Part I

VIETNAM | Wed, 2 Oct 2013 | By loz1445 | Views [424]

Well, there's lots to say about my trip even before I set off! I already knew that I have really amazing friends but they felt the need to be especially amazing the weekend before, which made leaving a whole lot harder! On Saturday Andrea (my Spanish ... Read more >

Tags: airport road trip, flight, hotel arrival, leaving party, murdocks, room, taxi

A mountain in the sky

TANZANIA | Sun, 29 Sep 2013 | By izzyabraham | Views [615]

I'm used to looking up at mountains, wondering if I'll ever feel energetic enough to climb them. However in a dull afternoon, I unexpectedly found myself at the top of one without any effort. And the highest mountain in Africa, no less. The flight ... Read more >

Tags: africa, flight, mount kilimanjaro, mountain, plane, tanzania

The start - finally!

AUSTRALIA | Thu, 22 Aug 2013 | By grahammac | Views [563]

Thursday 22nd Aug D-Day - The Start & Flight to (Cairns/ Perth, Australia)   1:45am - home from the pub! Jonny Marshall you are a bad influence.  Jeezo my head is pounding this morning!  Up at 6:30, missed saying goodbye to Sez ... Read more >

Tags: cairns, family, flight, holidays, jetstar, perth

Hello hangover

MALAYSIA | Thu, 27 Dec 2012 | By lozza | Views [462]

OOOOWWWWWWW!! My head hurts... I think I'm still drunk, and I've had maybe 4hours sleep.. GAAAH, gotta get to the embassy... I fiddle around the room, everyone else is still tucked away in bed.. Man I just wana jump on them to wake them! hahaha its not ... Read more >

Tags: curly fries, flight, hangover, menora, patronas, walking

End of the world

ARGENTINA | Mon, 24 Dec 2012 | By jess_dan | Views [684] | Comments [1]

Dear all,  I'm sitting writing at our hostel in Ushuaia, Argentina. It's the southernmost city in the world and hence was a long journey here... After flying for what felt like days, we arrived in Buenos Aires late saturday night. Hostel was ... Read more >

Tags: flight, gadventures, ushuaia

Finally Set to Go

USA | Thu, 11 Oct 2012 | By wrightp28 | Views [643] | Comments [4]

After nearly 2 years of planning and some intervening expeditions and adventures, I am finally beginning my dream of traveling about the world. Many friends and family mentioned that I should write a blog, not something that I'm particularly prone to ... Read more >

Tags: flight, itinerary

We Made It!

VIETNAM | Mon, 4 Jun 2012 | By sglass | Views [1054] | Comments [8]

Well, it took from 6:30pm EST on Tuesday until 12:30am (Vietnam time- which is 11 hours later than EST) on Friday, and included a uncomfortable few hours spent "sleeping" on the floor of the Logan Airport instead of a full night's rest at our ... Read more >

Tags: flight, ho chi minh city, plane, taxi, trip

Day One - Get me out of here!!!

USA | Tue, 28 Feb 2012 | By flywomenflysolo | Views [641]

Friday February 17, 2012 My flight to Brazil was scheduled to leave at 10:50 pm which should have left me plenty of time to make my flight out of Miami. However, given the way my month prior to trip was going, it was almost certain that something ... Read more >

Tags: cab, flight, late, missed connections, nervous, scared, transportation

Day the First: Standby to Lose Everything

USA | Wed, 29 Dec 2010 | By electric_scribe | Views [866]

I´m not one to complain (it´s my New Year´s resolution), but... Of course, my flight to Charlotte was delayed. I arrived at the O´Hare in Chicago to discover that even though I got there around an hour before my flight was to leave, I was luckier ... Read more >

Tags: brazil, caipirinha, christo, doxycycline, favela, flight, ipanema, rio, sucre, sugar loaf

Leaving on a jet plane

FRANCE | Mon, 17 May 2010 | By mr_mike_smith | Views [401]

The launch details for the trip have been confirmed. I will meet Steve at Paris (Charles de Gaulle) and stay overnight on Monday May 17th. On Tuesday 18th, we will fly to Houston, USA via Amsterdam. I am proud to write that there are no plans thereafter ... Read more >

Tags: airport, begin, flight, set off, start

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