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There is [1] photo and [9] stories tagged with "development".

The Earthquake

NEPAL | Thu, 30 Apr 2015 | By carlyschmarly | Views [433] | Comments [1]

I am writing this on Wednesday, April 29th. On Saturday the 25th, the biggest earthquake to hit the area in 80 years, measuring 7.8, struck Kathmandu and surrounding areas. We were some of the lucky ones- Here in Solukhumbu district, we had minimal ... Read more >

Tags: development, natural disaster, nepal earthquake, nepal earthquake 2015

The Problem with Plastic

NEPAL | Fri, 24 Apr 2015 | By carlyschmarly | Views [417] | Comments [1]

The problem with plastic is that it doesn't go away. I've been learning permaculture for about a year now, which has entailed a certain measure of reprogramming on my part of how I think about waste. I now try to make less of it, by constantly being ... Read more >

Tags: development, permaculture, plastic, rubbish

The Unknown

NEPAL | Thu, 2 Apr 2015 | By carlyschmarly | Views [567]

Here we go- When I arrived in Hawaii over a year ago with nothing but my backpack, it was with an open heart and open plans, and I certainly didn't know I'd be here one year later. I didn't know what it would be like, who I would meet, what I would ... Read more >

Tags: development, nepal, unknown


SWITZERLAND | Sat, 7 Jun 2014 | By ifonlytheycouldseeit | Views [1748]

Exceptions, peculiarities, curiousness and minorities, everywhere on the globe, are also determinants of social development. These essential elements contribute to the progress of Mankind and to the evolution of our understanding. For years, experts ... Read more >

Tags: culture, development, dissonance, geography, group, harmony, languages, mankind, worldwide

Photos: without skyscrapers

CHINA | Mon, 8 Jul 2013 | By urijoe | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

My first camera got broken one hour after receiving it from my dad; my sister crashed it in pieces. I was 13, and I fixed the drama buying a notebook, and then I started writing the notes about pictures that I would have shoot, if I would had a camera.... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: complexity, development, hometown, shanghai, travel photography scholarship 2013, urbanization

In Love with Luxury – confessions of a humanitarian imposter

FRANCE | Tue, 10 Jul 2012 | By ladyc | Views [878]

There is something about European luxury that cannot be imitated. It moves subtly, gracefully, in the detail of a cut instead of the glare of a monogram. Luxury is an exclusive club, quietly recognisable by secret hallmarks of quality ... Read more >

Tags: capitalism, development, diamonds, fashion, hippiness, luxury, poverty, shopping, wine

Corruption? What corruption?

INDIA | Tue, 14 Jun 2011 | By ladyc | Views [1075]

India claims the title as the world’s largest democracy. But don’t be fooled; this is not democracy as we know it; it has not been fought for by British or American troops, it is not exported in coca cola bottles in exchange for oil barrels, it ... Read more >

Tags: corruption, democracy, development, india

Why an iPad app?

AUSTRALIA | Sun, 5 Sep 2010 | By Ask-a-Nomad | Views [504]

So, we've made the call to develop an iPad app over an iPhone app first up. This is for a few reasons. I guess because we were curious. We've done iPhone apps already with our range of iPhone language guides and we are guessing the interface challenges ... Read more >

Tags: development, ipad, mobile, r&d

Thoughts on developing a mobile travel answers app for a mobile device

AUSTRALIA | Wed, 12 May 2010 | By Ask-a-Nomad | Views [1318]

I don't know about you, but I'm almost always planning my next trip(s) and this is usually when I'm sat at my desk in the office, sat on the couch with my iPad at home and even from the back of the bus on a bumpy road when you have plenty of time but ... Read more >

Tags: development, innovation, ipad, iphone, mobile


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