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There are [58] photos and [16] stories tagged with "agra".

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Goodbye, Chennai. Hello, Agra!

INDIA | Fri, 4 Nov 2016 | By gpcuriel | Views [499]

November 3, 2016 It's been a few days since I've written. I have been out late and was too distracted to keep up. To summarize the past few days, I mostly explored the other portions of Chennai that I hadn't gotten around to yet. Those areas are Elliot's ... Read more >

Tags: agra, chennai, india, t nagar, taj mahal, tamil nadu

Photos: Dernière semaine en Inde!

INDIA | Sun, 1 Nov 2015 | By finally | Photo Gallery

Comme notre e-visa expire dans environ une semaine, nous décidons de prendre un vol de Mumbai à Amristar dans la région du Punjab au nord de l'Inde. Dès la sortie de l'avion, nous sentons tout de suite la différence de température qui est beaucoup plus ... Read more >
See all 19 photos >>

Tags: agra, amristar, taj mahal, temple dor

Our Summer Trip to the Historical City of Agra!

INDIA | Fri, 17 Apr 2015 | By ankitgupta | Views [387]

Summer holidays always have been a source of fun for our kids. However, for us, it was a source of a lot of trouble. Handling kids 24x7 for more than a month with only a few routine options to keep them entertained is a big problem. For the past two ... Read more >

Tags: agra, summer holidays, taj mahal

India 2014 - Agra

INDIA | Fri, 5 Dec 2014 | By megandrob | Views [367]

From Varanasi, we headed to Agra. Robin had an awful train journey, and wasn't feeling very well when we arrived at our hotel in the morning. We checked into our hotel, found some breakfast and rested for a while, before we got a tuk tuk driver to take ... Read more >

Tags: agra, agra fort, tag mahal

New Delhi, Snoop Dogg, and the Taj Mahal

INDIA | Fri, 17 Jan 2014 | By matton88 | Views [1809]

INDIA PT. 2: SNOOP DOGGIN' IN DELHI WITH MY FRIEND TAJ M. AHAL   [suggestion]   Check out the full blog post for pictures:  Check out the blog for photos :    http://www.thetunablog.com/2014/01/india-... Read more >

Tags: agra, india, jaipur, new delhi, snoop dogg, taj mahal, the tuna school of thought

Arrival and first days

INDIA | Sat, 12 Jan 2013 | By berg_alex | Views [380]

7 th -8 th of Jan   Arrive in Delhi, the flight was two hours delayed because of the fog. I had red that I was supposed to get a prepaid taxi, and was looking for where I could get one but couldn’t see any stand. I saw something like ... Read more >

Tags: agra, delhi


INDIA | Wed, 22 Feb 2012 | By macedonboy | Views [1433]

For some strange reason, I felt it necessary to try arriving at New Delhi Railway Station well ahead of time, 1.5 hours to be precise. Despite the chaotics scenes around the station, the train system actually functions quite well and my train to ... Read more >

Tags: agra, fatehpur sikri, fort, india, taj mahal, unesco

Dia 16-17: Llego a Agra... POR FIN EL TAJ MAHAL!!!!!

SPAIN | Mon, 16 Aug 2010 | By dayangchi | Views [990]

Bueno... como presentía ayer fue un día sin nada... salí tarde de Jaipur, a las 2 y pico, y la verdad es que pasé la mañana haciendo el perro... lo malo, otra vez, fue que, a la hora de comprar, no había billetes cómodos. Esta vez lo único ... Read more >

Tags: agra, belleza, india, maravilla, perfecto, taj mahal, templo

Conmen, Cowpats and Corpses

INDIA | Wed, 16 Dec 2009 | By ryanandjo | Views [4102] | Comments [3]

After all that trekking we headed back to Kathmandu for some more relaxation, shopping and to reunite with our Tibet team mates who corrupted us to attend a ‘two for the price of one’ cocktail evening... And we even managed ... Read more >

Tags: agra, border crossing, delhi, fatehpur sikri, sunauli, taj mahal, varanasi

big Taj and baby Taj

INDIA | Wed, 15 Jul 2009 | By houdyman | Views [1479]

another overnight train from Varanasi and we stepped out into the hot sunshine at Agra, home of the Taj Mahal. We were supposed to be picked up by our hotel but they were late so we called and waited for 30 minutes. After arriving we waited again for ... Read more >

Tags: agra, taj mahal

Quick Update

INDIA | Mon, 1 Dec 2008 | By chrismoon | Views [633]

Right just a quick update, we're on the last day of our tour of Rajasthan, this afternoon we start a 30 hour train journey to Goa where we've booked some diving! We've just visited the Taj Mahal, but unfortunately it's really foggy here today so some ... Read more >

Tags: agra, india, taj mahal

Uttar Pradesh - Agra

INDIA | Wed, 12 Nov 2008 | By pshah13 | Views [690]

We were very lucky to see the full magnificent beauty of the Taj unfold itself from the mist and fog that surrounds it these days in winter. The heavy fog is an unfortunate condition due in part to global warming and pollution and it keeps the Taj shrouded ... Read more >

Tags: agra, taj mahal

Agra, Agra, Agra

INDIA | Sun, 12 Oct 2008 | By davidw | Views [1204]

Up before the sun, into the bus, drive through the already busy streets of Agra, off the bus, “no I don’t want to buy bangles, postcards, miniature chess sets…’ onto small electric bus, past monkeys and cows, stand in line, wait for tickets, jostle ... Read more >

Tags: agra, taj mahal


INDIA | Sat, 11 Oct 2008 | By davidw | Views [929]

As the winner of this years World Nomads/National Geographic documentary scholarship I headed to India on a World Expedition Tour. A great chance to see some sights and to make a film during the community development phase of the trip with the help of ... Read more >

Tags: agra, delhi, india, taj mahal

Delhi-Arga-Jaipur Tour..

INDIA | Thu, 21 Aug 2008 | By anuon2r | Views [1557]

After my 26h trainride to Delhi life bacame much busier than before: I found the Hotel met with Rodney at the airport and then did some serious Delhi sightseing before/ while organizing our trip to Agra and Rajastan. YES! We did see the Taj Mahal and ... Read more >

Tags: agra, delhi, jaipur

Agra. See the Taj Mahal and leave

INDIA | Tue, 25 Dec 2007 | By lillylilla | Views [954]

Merry Christmas to all of you. I moved yesterday at night with 3 hours delay in Vanarasi to Agra . Agra est une ville tres touristique. Le Taj Mahal est l`attrait principal du lieu. Pour y entrer il faut cependant faire une queue monstrueuse ... Read more >

Tags: agra, india, taj mahal


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