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There are [15] photos and [48] stories tagged with "yoga".

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Going going Goa

INDIA | Mon, 23 Mar 2020 | By misslynee | Views [313]

To celebrate the end of my first season in Goa …here’s a blog with all the bits you probably want to (and don’t want to) hear about.   As I approached the airport in my taxi today, I found it humorous thinking back to a ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, goa, india, yoga

The Unthinkable

USA | Thu, 18 Jan 2018 | By adinavalerio | Views [416]

I did something unthinkable. I feel like quite the bad-ass. I had a room in a beautiful Victorian house in Brooklyn for seven-hundred-twenty-two dollars a month, all inclusive. I gave it, and most of my belongings, up to travel the world indefinitely.... Read more >

Tags: around the world, on the road, travel, why i travel, yoga

Bali. It's a Yoga World.

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 11 Jan 2018 | By artisanforloveandpeace | Views [603]

Morning Yoga, Bali.  This is the view on my first morning in Bali. I’m sweeping the area where I’ll teach yoga for the guests and workers at the Jiwa Damai Retreat Center I’m calling home for the next two months. Mostly ... Read more >

Tags: bali, love, peace, travel, yoga

"It's not how well you do the pose but who you are when you do it".

INDONESIA | Tue, 9 May 2017 | By journeyjane | Views [797]

Ubud, Bali, Indonesia 05/09/2017 "It's not how well you do the pose but who you are when you do it".  I decided to stay in Ubud another week to delve into yoga or asanas a little further. Let me first just say that I use the word asana to ... Read more >

Tags: personal growth, ubud, yoga

The road to yoga

INDONESIA | Fri, 5 May 2017 | By journeyjane | Views [1121]

Ubud, Bali, Indonesia 04/05/2017 The road to yoga Ventured into a yoga studio today, my first time since about two years ago when I did a few classes at Core Power Yoga in Denver. Yoga is no stranger to this body. I initially started as a teenager ... Read more >

Tags: ubud, yoga

Welcome to Spain!

SPAIN | Mon, 10 Apr 2017 | By artisanforloveandpeace | Views [812] | Comments [1]

My flight to Spain went unbelievably quick. Departed in a NYC darkening spring dusk and was walking through a just waking up Barcelona-El Prat Airport before 7:00 a.m. the next morning. Now all I had to do was follow my instructions ... Read more >

Tags: barcelona, food, love, meditation, peace, spain, travel, yoga

Spice, Sand, and Shimmy ~ Trip Launch

USA | Fri, 30 Sep 2016 | By tahlia-abroad | Views [303]

It's almost time!     While we're gone, you can expect a few updates here and there on this blog (aiming for 1-2 per week). Follow me on Instagram for daily updates!  

Tags: bellydance, instagram, intentional travel, launch, morocco, retreat, travel log, trip prep, yoga

India, Ramblings and Etiquette

INDIA | Tue, 9 Aug 2016 | By butterfly-freed | Views [644]

One evening not long after we arrived we ventured out for a stroll down the road. We hadn't got very far when we were invited to a nearby house. A light day bed frame was hastily produced and we were invited to sit outside and converse with the women ... Read more >

Tags: ashrams, ayurvedic massage, cave, enlightenment road, hammocks, shiva, vibhuti, womens handicrafts, yoga

Life, Lessons and Yoga

INDIA | Wed, 3 Aug 2016 | By butterfly-freed | Views [703]

It's business as usual today following the festivities of yesterday's holiday. School is back in session, and so are the full complement of builders, site workers and the labourers in the adjoining fields berhind us.  Breakfast consists of ... Read more >

Tags: ashok tree, india, school, sita devi school, teaching abroad, tiruvannamalai, yoga

Circle in a Circle

INDIA | Tue, 2 Aug 2016 | By butterfly-freed | Views [715]

It is already hot and humid by the time we are welcomed into the thoughtfully designed grounds of The Ashok Tree shortly after 9.30am.  Looking round the circular layout to our left we see the small school with three operational classrooms at present, ... Read more >

Tags: ashok tree, food, india, medicine garden, retreat, school, yoga

Bali Silent Retreat

INDONESIA | Wed, 10 Feb 2016 | By elcastleberry | Views [1182]

Retreat.  It’s a word that makes me think of summer camps: a big lake, a canoe, tug-of-war and capture the flag. Or company team building: ice breaker games and trust falls. But it also has another meaning, a verb: to back away from something.... Read more >

Tags: bali, indonesia, meditation, relaxation, retreat, silence, yoga

Rest Day, 1st Calcutta Test

INDIA | Wed, 9 Dec 2015 | By davidford | Views [665] | Comments [1]

I have now worked out that I can expand my screen so no excuses for embarrassing misspellings. My initial plan today was to get up at 5.30 and head down to the flower market. I changed this to 'Rest Day". After around a week in Kolkata and a longish ... Read more >

Tags: books, chi gung, food, meditation, rest, yoga

Puerto Escondido - surf, yoga, hammocks and sunsets

MEXICO | Tue, 30 Jun 2015 | By sheree | Views [793]

We survived the bus ride from hell! Apparently the road from Oaxaca to Puerto Escondido is supposed to be one of the worst. It was very windey (how the hell do you spell that word? Haha) but not as bad as I imagined it to be. We checked in to our hostel ... Read more >

Tags: beach, cabanas, hammocks, la punta, stand up paddle boarding, sunsets, surf, yoga, zicatela

Operation Koh Samui: The Futility of Travel

THAILAND | Wed, 29 Apr 2015 | By wtarmstrong | Views [763] | Comments [2]

I left my house in Minnesota on December 6 of last year and have pretty much been on the road ever since. I have not set foot in my home country for 116 days, almost one third of a year.    I am currently in Koh Samui, an island in ... Read more >

Tags: beach, family, friends, italy, koh samui, navy, retreat, thailand, yoga

Bali By The Numbers

INDONESIA | Wed, 4 Mar 2015 | By wtarmstrong | Views [556] | Comments [1]

Think of a number between one and ten. Now multiple that number by nine. If the resultant number is a two-digit number, add the first and second digits together (for example, if the number is 72, you add the 7 to the 2 to come up with 9).  Now ... Read more >

Tags: bali, chinese, indonesia, monkey, seminyak, temples, ubud, yoga, yoga barn

Settling in - sort of!

INDIA | Tue, 24 Feb 2015 | By followyourfeet | Views [284]

So after eventually leaving my hostel room...I instantly meet a guy who was on a yoga course which I managed to tag along to and get accepted on 😊.  Is Ashtanga yoga which I have done previously in London. It's hard yoga bit with hard will come ... Read more >

Tags: ayurveda, yoga

Come to Costa Rica!

COSTA RICA | Sun, 8 Feb 2015 | By shaunagayle | Views [422]

I have been at Peace Retreat for 7 weeks now. I have witnessed profound positive shifts and changes in both fellow volunteers and guests alike. These shifts occur because of this place, Peace Retreat, there is something magical here. Maybe its the fact ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, playa negra, rejuvenate, relax, restore, retreats, sunsets, surf, wellness, yoga

She's still... in India

INDIA | Thu, 27 Mar 2014 | By chanamaste | Views [454]

It has been a year and a half since I last sat and wrote about this life... and since the last time I wrote, before I came back to India, my heart was broken. I have now been thru things that have allowed a reconnection to my soul... to my heart and ... Read more >

Tags: india, love, travel, yoga, yogi

Same Same But Different

THAILAND | Wed, 23 Oct 2013 | By jsgknaus | Views [517]

October 22 A little tired out from the previous day's adventures, we started our morning with a relaxing (and pretty advanced) hour and a half, beach front yoga session at a bungalow hotel up the road called Sanctuary. Our instructor was a little, ... Read more >

Tags: beach, ferry, lanta, phi phi, same same but different, thailand, yoga

Thumbs up in Rishikesh

INDIA | Sat, 20 Apr 2013 | By mirandita | Views [496] | Comments [1]

Fernando is feverish, literally, so between rinsing cold cloths and general nursing administrations, I have the perfect opportunity to write about our time in Rishikesh! We stayed the whole time in the part of town centred around the Ganges and slowed ... Read more >

Tags: rishikesh, surinder singh, yoga

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