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There are [79] photos and [111] stories tagged with "wildlife".

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Mole National Park.

GHANA | Tue, 16 Oct 2018 | By pbm6 | Views [387]

At the entrance to Mole National Park, I am introduced to my safari guide. Robert is a serious middle-aged man with a large rifle. When I ask him why he needs a rifle, he explains that it’s in case we have any difficulties with the animals. I check ... Read more >

Tags: elephants, ghana, roof walking, safari, wildlife

Monkey Business at Tafi Atome, Ghana.

GHANA | Fri, 29 Sep 2017 | By pbm6 | Views [468]

I leave Ho early and continue north. Once out of the town the people of the small villages, mainly young women, walk along the road carrying large grey metal bowls on their heads. They have empty ones on the way to the water pump and full ones on the ... Read more >

Tags: fantafrica, ghana, monkeys, sabbatical, wildlife

5 reasons for being an volunteer/intern in the rainy season of Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Fri, 11 Aug 2017 | By evatheintern | Views [428]

I've been very satisfied with watching how L.E.A.F is trying to help Mondulkiri's forests and its inhabitants as well as continuously trying to change Cambodia's old traditional ways of looking at animal welfare and the importance of the eco-... Read more >

Tags: cambodia, elephants, intern, low season, mondulkiri, mondulkiri elephant & wildlife sanctuary, volunteer, wildlife

Photos: Internship with Mondulkiri Elephant and Wildlife Sanctuary

CAMBODIA | Wed, 9 Aug 2017 | By evatheintern | Photo Gallery

Photos from the NGO as well as my own
See all 7 photos >>

Tags: beauty, cambodia, elephants, internship, mondulkiri, nature, ngo, travel, volunteer, wildlife

Driving in Australia

AUSTRALIA | Fri, 9 Sep 2016 | By apatterson | Views [462]

When you’re a United States citizen traveling, working or living abroad, it’s important that you’re able to get around safely. Though countries like Australia and the United Kingdom far better utilize public transportation than most ... Read more >

Tags: insurance, insurance, road, tac, travel, wildlife

Granada and Laguna Apoyo

NICARAGUA | Wed, 22 Jul 2015 | By sheree | Views [405]

The shuttle from Leon to Granada only took 3 hours and it felt like we were there in a flash! We checked in to Backyard Hostel where Guido and Steph are also staying. They are doing the opposite trip to us and we planned to meet up when we crossed paths ... Read more >

Tags: friends, granada, kayak, lagoon, laguna apoyo, pontoon, relax, wildlife

Banff, Jasper and Lake Louise Alberta, Canada

CANADA | Fri, 15 May 2015 | By sheerradiance | Views [462]

I almost don’t want to share this story for fear that it will become so commercialized that it will lose its mystique. That would be too selfish and a complete waste of beauty. Coming from a small town I kind of took for granted the natural elements ... Read more >

Tags: adventurist, alberta, bears, camping, canada, canada, glacier mountains, mountains, outdoors, wildlife

Torres Del Paine National Park, Day Four

CHILE | Wed, 25 Mar 2015 | By e_c_whittome | Views [367]

After another very pleasant night in the tent we ate our breakfast and set off on our last morning of walking up to the grey lake and grey glacier lookout and back - this glacier forms part of the Southern Patagonian ice field. We walked about 12km. ... Read more >

Tags: hiking, lakes, mountains, wildlife

Torres Del Paine National Park, Day One

CHILE | Sun, 22 Mar 2015 | By e_c_whittome | Views [397]

We had an early start to get to the national park. It was about a two hour bus ride from Puerto Natales via cerro castillo where the border with Argentina is. We saw lots of wildlife on the journey: Rhea Condors Guanecos Black-crested buzzard ... Read more >

Tags: hiking, mountains, nightsky, river, scenery, wildlife

A Threat to the Wild

AUSTRALIA | Fri, 20 Mar 2015 | By elcastleberry | Views [438]

The following is a letter regarding the management plan of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area released in January 2015. I have submitted this letter to the Draft TWWHA Managment Plan Representation, the Director of National Parks and Wildlife ... Read more >

Tags: australia, human impact, logging, mining, tasmania, unesco, wilderness, wildlife

The Blue Mountains

AUSTRALIA | Fri, 20 Feb 2015 | By e_c_whittome | Views [331]

An early start this morning for the Blue Mountains Tour, departing 7am! The first stop was the featherdale wildlife park.  Here I hand fed wallabies. I also saw wallabies, echidnas, dingo, cassowary, wombats, inland taipan (the world's most deadly ... Read more >

Tags: mountains, river, wildlife

The bottom of New Zealand

NEW ZEALAND | Mon, 9 Feb 2015 | By e_c_whittome | Views [324]

Today I left Queenstown in the morning, dropping off Kay at the airport.  A couple of hours later I pulled in to Invercargill.  As it was a nice day I carried on to Bluff until SH1 ran out at Stirling Point.  I drove to the lookout ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, wildlife

Don't Feed the Wildlife

NEW ZEALAND | Sun, 8 Feb 2015 | By elcastleberry | Views [437]

"I'll do whatever the hell I want, so shut the hell up!" shouted the redneck, crouched next to a small yellow-eyed penguin on the rocky beach. A crowd had gathered on the earthen ledge above him, watching as he tried to coax the animal towards him with ... Read more >

Tags: animals, new zealand, tourism, tourists, wildlife

Photos: My Scholarship entry - Costa Rica pura vida

COSTA RICA | Wed, 19 Nov 2014 | By crazysexyfuntraveler | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Peru has always been one of my biggest dreams. Just a week before I was supposed to visit it, I got really sick and had to cancel my trip. I remember having Peru posters on my wall when everyone else had male music bands on. I am obsessed with nature, ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: 2014 travel photography scholarship, animals, costa rica, jungle, wildlife

Photos: Tierra del Fuego - Land of Fire

CHILE | Sun, 2 Nov 2014 | By askdsn | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

My name is Gus and I am a passionate explorer, tailor and photographer. As someone who has always loved to observe nature, discovering photography gave me the tools to focus on details and context that can sometimes be missed by observation alone. After ... Read more >
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Tags: 2014 travel photography scholarship, chile, church, guanaco, king penguin, nature, penguin, south america, tierra del fuego, wildlife

Photos: More Like Us

KENYA | Mon, 27 Oct 2014 | By jmille19 | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

I grew up with a love for anything and everything that taught me about all the amazing creatures of the world. I spent years and years telling myself that I was going to be a photojournalist. After a year of college pursuing photojournalism, it quickly ... Read more >
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Tags: 2014 travel photography scholarship, kenya, wildlife

Cruising the Musandam Fjords

OMAN | Tue, 8 Apr 2014 | By lifeinthefoodlane | Views [2763]

Pristine. The word echoes in my head the entire weekend. Wherever I look, I see pristine beauty. The rugged, rocky coastline. The sea and its shimmering shades of blue and green. Hidden bays and inlets, coves and overhanging rocks. Remote villages beneath ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, beach, nature, sunset, wildlife

Photographing Nicky the Rhinoceros

KENYA | Thu, 20 Feb 2014 | By connectlocally | Views [2210]

If you spend two years in close proximity to wildlife, developing strong bonds to the oddest animals - from squabbling hyena pups to wallowing warthogs - is perhaps inevitable. Despite that, nothing had prepared us for our meeting with Nicky. Nicky ... Read more >

Tags: learn new skills, photography, travel, wildlife

Photos: State Park Itaunas

BRAZIL | Sat, 11 Jan 2014 | By ilka | Photo Gallery

the State Park Itaúnas (Parque Estadual de Itaúnas) is a conservation unit of the Atlantic Forest. It is 3200 hectares big with a diverse range of ecosystems, such as beach, mangroves, rainforest, river and dunes. It can be visited and trails are available ... Read more >
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Tags: adventura, beach, brazil, dunes, espirito santo, forro, itaunas, nature, travel, wildlife

Baby Cutia

BRAZIL | Sat, 11 Jan 2014 | By ilka | Views [1063] | Video

Everybody knows about lions, elephants and giraffes in Africa. Most people even know that the Amazon region of Brazil is full of species and rich wildlife. But few people know that the Atlantic Rainforest is the richest biome in the world. 10% of ... Read more >

Tags: atlantic forest, baby animal, brazil, cutia, rainforest, wildlife

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