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There are [17] photos and [29] stories tagged with "cuba".

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Cuba: Into the ancient Valley of Tobacco

CUBA | Sun, 7 Jan 2018 | By rodeime | Views [639]

  Benito Camejo Nodarse is a local legend in Cuba's western Pinar del Rio province, the UNESCO World Heritage region renowned as the supposed birthplace of modern tobacco cultivation.  "Date un toque," says Benito in typically ... Read more >

Tags: cigars, cuba, pinar del rio, tobacco

Four Days in Havana

CUBA | Mon, 9 Oct 2017 | By william1 | Views [389]

I was talked into sharing a taxi to Havana with two Russians. The drive, from the beach town of Varadero, took two hours; the Afro-Cuban driver never spoke, except to sing softly along with the booming reggaeton on the stereo, or to exchange a shouted ... Read more >

Tags: cuba, graham greene, havana

La Cuba orgánica

CUBA | Tue, 1 Aug 2017 | By loloberlin | Views [745]

Como les comenté en la columna de hace dos domingos, pasé el pasado mes de junio en Cuba. Es un país que más allá de sus bellezas naturales, vale la pena conocer como modelo económico, político y social.... Read more >

Tags: agro ecológico, campo, cuba, huertas, orgánico, revolución alimentaria, slow food, sustentabilidad

La nueva revolución en Cuba será alimentaria

CUBA | Fri, 7 Jul 2017 | By loloberlin | Views [1016]

Después de haber pasado un mes en este país único estoy cada vez más convencida de que, con el acceso a internet poco a poco cada vez más común, los ciudadanos captarán rápidamente los cambios acelerados ... Read more >

Tags: agro ecológico, alimentos, autonomía, cuba, eco consciente, huertas, orgánico, revolución, slow food, soberanía

Second World Problems

CUBA | Sun, 9 Apr 2017 | By william1 | Views [659]

Departures from airports are almost always inauspicious. In my case, the trip I had been longing to make began with a bad-tempered New Zealander at the check-in desk at Gatwick, who asked gruffly for my passport and visa; an unpleasant cup of stryrofoam ... Read more >

Tags: communist countries, cuba, straits of florida, varadero


CUBA | Fri, 19 Jun 2015 | By sheree | Views [511] | Comments [1]

We shared a taxi again with our Irish friends to Varadero. We had another incident with the cab drivers who tried to charge us $130 CUC when it should have been $90 all up as he agreed on 45CUC for both Matt and I the day before. Luckily we had the slip ... Read more >

Tags: 1950s american cars, beach, caribbean, cuba, resorts, sea, swimming, varadero

Touring the tobacco farms of Vinales and 'the taxi ride from hell' to Trinidad

CUBA | Fri, 19 Jun 2015 | By sheree | Views [539]

  Vinales The man was holding up a piece of paper with our names Sheree, Matthew James, Australia  written on it when we pulled up to the bus stop. We walked along the neighbourhood to the house where Kary welcomed us. We were now used ... Read more >

Tags: casa, cigars, countryside, cuba, farms, fruit, taxis, tobacco, trinidad, vinales

Mojitos and cigars in Havana

CUBA | Fri, 19 Jun 2015 | By sheree | Views [589]

We passed through grey clouds as we descended in to Havana and it was raining as we arrived. This wasn't a surprise as it is now their wet season which is very humid and rains/storms in the afternoon. We had not booked accommodation for Havana but were ... Read more >

Tags: buildings, cars, castro, che, cigars, cuba, havana, malecon, mojitos, music

Amanecí en Habana

PUERTO RICO | Thu, 18 Apr 2013 | By jmeh | Views [670]

Nos levantamos a las 5 am pensando que en Habana el sol sale a la misma hora que en San Juan. Nada, que tuvimos que desistir porque estaba muy oscuro afuera; así que salimos con el grupo del dawn patrol, una salida opcional para los que quisieran ... Read more >

Tags: cuba, habana

En Cuba ya

PUERTO RICO | Wed, 17 Apr 2013 | By jmeh | Views [353]

Tempranito hacia el aeropuerto de Miami. Allí, como era de esperarse, el caos. Finalmente, llegamos a Cuba! Allí nos recibieron los guías, que nos llevaron a Don Cangrejo, un tourist trap que se dedica a recibir grupos de turistas ... Read more >

Tags: cuba

Hacia Cuba

PUERTO RICO | Tue, 16 Apr 2013 | By jmeh | Views [710] | Comments [1]

Muy nerviosas nos levantamos. Ya habíamos preparado nuestro equipaje. Aixa quería llegar temprano al aeropuerto, así que el taxi nos recogió a las 8. Hicimos check-in, pasamos el check point, y fuimos a desayunar. Ya, relajadas, ... Read more >

Tags: cuba

Photos: Cuba

CUBA | Tue, 16 Apr 2013 | By leannec | Photo Gallery

A selection of images from the wonderful Cuba.
See all 10 photos >>

Tags: cuba, havana, leanne churchill, travel photography, trinidad de cuba

Viva Cuba libre

CUBA | Sun, 17 Mar 2013 | By coggos | Views [3554]

Belize/Cuba Don't know much about Belize! A small country on the Carribean, stuck between Mexico and Guatemala. We do the border crossing after leaving Flores, Guatemala into Belize. A simple, non eventful crossing with no hassles. A bus trip ... Read more >

Tags: baracoa, belize, che, cienfuegos, cuba, havana, santiago de cuba, trinidad, vinales

Viva Cuba

CUBA | Mon, 14 Jan 2013 | By alearangog | Views [413]

All kind of trips start with some kind of motivation and I remember which one was for Cuba, once I was walking through Bogota's downtown and I told my boyfriend how much I liked an old building, then he said: You will love Cuba. That remained in my head ... Read more >

Tags: cuba, la havana

Photos: Viva Cuba

CUBA | Mon, 14 Jan 2013 | By alearangog | Photo Gallery

My first time in Cuba
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Tags: cuba, la havana

Photos: My Photo Scholarship 2012 Entry

CUBA | Mon, 14 Jan 2013 | By grainfedphoto | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

The reason I have entered this scholarship for the last three years is simple: there is no better way to learn than by doing and for me that means shooting on assignment. I am sure that I could learn more from one week with Jason Edwards than four years ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: cienfuegos, cuba, documentary, fishing, world nomads

Travelling back in time: Cuba

CUBA | Sun, 6 Jan 2013 | By le_nomade | Views [445]

I have always had an interest in the modern history of Cuba. This trip was a great learning experience for me. The experience in visiting Cuba stems from the past-look-and-feel aspect of it, with all its negatives and positives. In Cuba, you feel went ... Read more >

Tags: cuba, tourism, travel

A Dream to Dance

CUBA | Thu, 1 Mar 2012 | By jean12 | Views [631]

I had watched him from across the room. I was relaxed and comfy on the brown leather couch.   He was moving to the music and entranced in his moves and the way he guided his partner around the dance floor. A and I had come ... Read more >

Tags: cuba, dancing, havana, hotel florida, piano bar maragarto, salsa

December - Procession of St. Lazarus, Cuba

CUBA | Mon, 21 Nov 2011 | By worldfestivals | Views [6896] | Video

Location: Santuario de San Lázaro, El Rincón, Cuba Dates: 16 December Level of Participation: 5 – walk, crawl or prostrate yourself if you really must Description: For a pilgrimage worth bloodying ... Read more >

Tags: cuba, procession of st. lazarus, world festivals

Photos: A Portrait of Cuba

CUBA | Sun, 6 Nov 2011 | By jenniferjanviere | Photo Gallery

Photographs taken during a December 2010 educational and cultural research trip to Cuba. These images were made while meeting and interacting with the people of the island with the goal of sharing their images and stories with people in the United States.... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: cuba, culture, people, street photography, travel

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