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There are [2] photos and [17] stories tagged with "belize".

Photos: Central America 2015

GUATEMALA | Mon, 7 Sep 2015 | By timmylodhi | Photo Gallery

Photos from an inspiring trip with my sister over the summer of 2015
See all 10 photos >>

Tags: backpacking, belize, central america, colombia, costa rica, guatemala, honduras, mexico, nicaragua, panama

Viva Cuba libre

CUBA | Sun, 17 Mar 2013 | By coggos | Views [3554]

Belize/Cuba Don't know much about Belize! A small country on the Carribean, stuck between Mexico and Guatemala. We do the border crossing after leaving Flores, Guatemala into Belize. A simple, non eventful crossing with no hassles. A bus trip ... Read more >

Tags: baracoa, belize, che, cienfuegos, cuba, havana, santiago de cuba, trinidad, vinales

Caribbean Christmas

BELIZE | Fri, 30 Dec 2011 | By doodledawn | Views [653]

Belize is killing my wallet, and my bank account will be happy once I get on the boat to Livingston, Guatemala tomorrow, but I still had a blast these past two weeks.  After I left Caye Caulker, I stayed the night in the town of Dangriga on my way down ... Read more >

Tags: belize, christmas, dangriga, funky dodo, hopkins, placencia, punta gorda, seakunga

Get Out and Push

BELIZE | Sun, 18 Dec 2011 | By doodledawn | Views [791]

I had trouble deciding which direction to head after leaving San Ignacio, but Kenny G had said that Caye Caulker was not to be missed so I jumped on a chicken bus and started east.  Arron and Caro got off in Belmopan but I continued on to Belize City.... Read more >

Tags: belize, caye caulker, sailing

Back to the Commonwealth

BELIZE | Fri, 16 Dec 2011 | By doodledawn | Views [654]

On Thursday (I think it was Thursday- I have a hard time keeping track when I am travelling), I left Flores with my Kiwi friends Arron and Caro and we headed for the Guatemala-Belize border.  This was a much less interesting crossing than my last one;... Read more >

Tags: atm cave, belize, central hotel, san ignacio

Simple Food Done Well

BELIZE | Thu, 21 Apr 2011 | By sarahreinertsen | Views [466]

Plantaños frying in Guatemala Up until Belize, the food on our trip had been ok but nothing particularly noteworthy. Guatemalan cuisine is certainly edible and functional - corn, rice, beans. Mom & I fought over the last ... Read more >

Tags: belize, ceviche, food, guatemala

Caye Caulker, Belize

BELIZE | Thu, 16 Dec 2010 | By djnlacey | Views [628]

From Orange Walk we headed south to Belize City in order to take a water taxi to the island of Caye Caulker, a very small island that was actually cut it half by a hurricane a few years ago.  We stayed right on the water at a place called Miramar.  ... Read more >

Tags: belize, caye caulker, fishing, kayaking, rasta, snorkeling, sunrise, sunset, yoga

Orange Walk, Belize, LAMANAI ruins

BELIZE | Wed, 15 Dec 2010 | By djnlacey | Views [827]

Wow! Belize! I could not believe how nice everyone was as soon as we crossed the border.  So surprising and, so far, so much cheaper than expected.  We had some interesting monetary issues crossing the border and exchanging money but with only $13US, ... Read more >

Tags: 17th century, belize, cocoa, crocodiles, lamanai, mayan, new river, orange walk, ruins, spider monkeys

adios belize.

BELIZE | Fri, 15 Jan 2010 | By elawlor | Views [601] | Comments [1]

I am currently in an internet cafe in punt gorda (or pg) belize. It is a small coastal town with lots of local fruits and veggies and I dixcovered two mayan women who provide traditional meals so I've been hanging out with them and eating beans and tortillas.... Read more >

Tags: belize

belize: the first 4 days

BELIZE | Tue, 12 Jan 2010 | By elawlor | Views [541] | Comments [1]

i sit now in an internet cafe in san igancio, belize. i love this town. Belize has reminded me of Africa so far. There are many similarities. I have been smiling a lot, so very happy to be traveling again. I arrived in Cancun after a full day of travel ... Read more >

Tags: belize

Flores to Punta Gorda

GUATEMALA | Fri, 25 Sep 2009 | By thefuegoproject | Views [3459] | Comments [2]

Flores to Punta Gorda 26/8/09 - 6/9/09  545 km What kind of sound does a howler monkey make?... It’s 4am and we awoke to the sound of howler monkeys singing in chorus through the canopy of the jungle at the ruins of Tikal. It was a call ... Read more >

Tags: belize, caribbean sea, cycling, guatemala, tikal

Hola, Belize! Urr, I mean, Hello.

BELIZE | Mon, 13 Apr 2009 | By alexandtheuniverse | Views [666]

Laguna Miramar was spectacular.  After a 45 minute canoe ride out the far side of the lake, our guide pulled our canoe up onto one of the funky rock formations that ringed the lake like the dirt that would ring a bath tub if I were to take a bath right ... Read more >

Tags: belize

Placencia Belize

BELIZE | Tue, 17 Jun 2008 | By ma_and_pa | Views [520]

We all caught a ride in pick up to a small hotel run by an American ex-pat, where we shared a bathroom ad a kitchen with Chris ad Maartje. The owner of the hotel was extremely nice and even did Amy and Turgay’s laundry for free. Placencia is a small ... Read more >

Tags: belize, placencia

Sailing the Cayes Belize

BELIZE | Sat, 14 Jun 2008 | By ma_and_pa | Views [1729]

We left early in the morning on Friday, taking all of our stuff that would need to be stowed on the boat and only taking a day pack for the next few days. After breakfast we boarded the Raga Queen run by Ragamuffin Tours and headed out sailing with ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, belize, cayes, islands, sailing

Caye Caulker Belize

BELIZE | Fri, 13 Jun 2008 | By ma_and_pa | Views [577] | Comments [2]

We crossed the border into Belize walking over with all of our belongings and meeting the same bus on the other side. On the bus we passed through San Ignacio, it is one of the only places we didn’t stop that Amy says she really wishes we had visited.... Read more >

Tags: belize, caye caulker

bandits on the border

BELIZE | Tue, 10 Jan 2006 | By true-claims-stories | Views [4193] | Comments [1]

We crossed the border from Belize and got a taxi from the Guatemala border to take us to Tikal. The border road is very rough, with huge potholes, and therefore slow going. About 15 minutes into the journey, two masked gunmen jumped out from the jungle ... Read more >

Tags: bandits, belize, scams & robberies, tikal, true claim stories

Belize 2003, The road trip continues

BELIZE | Tue, 15 Apr 2003 | By ladyc | Views [419]

Goodbye from Belize... Continuing my tour of Central America I am flying to Nicaragua on Friday so it’s adios to my lovely little home here. I love this country, I love, love, love this country you have no idea. This country is so laid back ... Read more >

Tags: belize


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