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There are [9] photos and [12] stories tagged with "fruit".

Airport Benches & Allergic Reactions

VIETNAM | Fri, 5 May 2017 | By tigerlillytravels | Views [787]

We arrived back in Hanoi, to the intense craziness. Our flight to Da Nang wasn't until early the next morning, but we decided we would embrace the travellers ways and sleep (ha ha ha) at the airport! When we arrived we were pleased to see the airport ... Read more >

Tags: airports, allergies, beaches, da nang, dragon bridge, fruit, grab taxi, relaxing, vietnam


CYPRUS | Thu, 23 Mar 2017 | By charis | Views [549]

Pa – pou – tsó – si – ka! “Shoe figs”, man, what don’t you get?! :) I don’t know about you, but I find it very funny that in Cypriot Greek we call the prickly-pear, Opuntia ficus-Indica cactus ... Read more >

Tags: fruit, language

Touring the tobacco farms of Vinales and 'the taxi ride from hell' to Trinidad

CUBA | Fri, 19 Jun 2015 | By sheree | Views [539]

  Vinales The man was holding up a piece of paper with our names Sheree, Matthew James, Australia  written on it when we pulled up to the bus stop. We walked along the neighbourhood to the house where Kary welcomed us. We were now used ... Read more >

Tags: casa, cigars, countryside, cuba, farms, fruit, taxis, tobacco, trinidad, vinales


INDONESIA | Fri, 8 Aug 2014 | By adventurers | Views [457]

Day 8.  Had a solid sleep in our king size poster bed of amazingness.   I woke to find that Dave had descended & re-ascended our 55 steep stairs to bring us morning cuppas.   We drank them while listening to the call of ... Read more >

Tags: bukit lawang, fruit, honeymoon suite, indonesia, jungle inn, macaque, monkey, orphanage, sumatra, turtle

Elephant Adventures

SOUTH AFRICA | Fri, 1 Feb 2013 | By butterfly-freed | Views [727] | Comments [3]

By Bambelela standards it is now very late, at 10.45pm. Tonight I watched a movie with some of the other volunteers hence why I have not posted anything today and what a day it has been! I got up and did the usual clean out in the handicap cage and then ... Read more >

Tags: elephants, fruit, game drive, smoothies, spa, zebula

Wild wild West.... Hollywood!

USA | Sun, 22 Apr 2012 | By jamesshanks | Views [1884] | Comments [1]

The Gayborhood. If I had known that prior to making the hostel reservation I probably would still have gone ahead and made the booking. This place is... different? I am staying at a groovy hostel called Banana Bungalow on Fairfax and Melrose Ave. Yep, ... Read more >

Tags: clubs, drinking, eating out, farmers market, fruit, hollywood, mexican, party, venice

A Taste of France - Clafoutis

FRANCE | Mon, 19 Sep 2011 | By connectlocally | Views [4048]

The first time I tasted clafoutis was during my summer failure as an au pair. I was barely 18 and had been placed in—to put it mildly—the middle of nowhere. I had already spent a summer in rural Provence, so I thought I knew the drill: cycle to ... Read more >

Tags: community, connect locally, eating, food, france, french cuisine, fruit, local recipes, travel

Inside World Festivals: La Tomatina

SPAIN | Tue, 27 Apr 2010 | By worldfestivals | Views [5731] | Video

Every year on the last Wednesday in August a little town called Buñol in the Valencia region of Spain plays host to the world's largest food fight. During La Tomatina, tens of thousands of people throw around 150,000 tomatoes (equal to 90,000 ... Read more >

Tags: bunol, fruit, la tomatina, parades, spain, spanish festivals, tomatoes, travel, valencia, world festivals

First impressions ... Egypt

EGYPT | Mon, 25 Jan 2010 | By robertadiamond | Views [536]

With a belly full of koshary (a traditional made of of rice, macaroni, chickpeas, lentils and chilli) and a few days worth of Egyptian experiences I think it's time to start my travel journal for 2010. I must warn you that previous attempts at online ... Read more >

Tags: drinks, food, fruit, library, people, pyramids

Cartagena to Medellin, Colombia

COLOMBIA | Tue, 8 Dec 2009 | By thefuegoproject | Views [6790] | Comments [8]

Cartagena to Medellin  710 km 19/11/09 to 29/11/09 (Total 18727km) Bienvenidos a Sudamerica After 18,017km on the north american continent and nearly a year and a half since riding out of Anchorage Alaska, we finally arrived ... Read more >

Tags: andes, columbia, cycling, fruit

A ferry through Marlborough Sounds and kayaks on Golden Bay

NEW ZEALAND | Sun, 8 Mar 2009 | By eoghancito | Views [1328] | Comments [2]

It was great to be back on the road after a work break in Wellington (work for Claire, “work” for me). We stuffed our gear into our bags and jumped in a taxi to the Interislander ferry terminal. The 3 hour ferry journey ( a comfortable mode of transport ... Read more >

Tags: camping, ferry, fruit, kayak, seal, springs

Photos: apples

AUSTRALIA | Fri, 11 Apr 2008 | By onthebus | Photo Gallery

workin' on da farm
See all 6 photos >>

Tags: apple, apple farm, apples, fruit, fruit picking, picking


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