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There are [3] photos and [9] stories tagged with "hollywood".

home through tourist eyes - peace

USA | Sat, 19 Jul 2014 | By thegreatchubby | Views [397]

My long-lost brother is visiting me in southern California from Switzerland this summer!  I'm learning to blend with his touristy ways even though, despite all his picture-taking and wide-eyed oggling, my brother is strangely adamant about his ... Read more >

Tags: connection, discussion, happiness, hollywood

Los Angeles

USA | Wed, 21 May 2014 | By clare-tamea | Views [453]

Arriving in the States was a bit of a culture shock after South America - so many (big) cars, billboards, shops, fat people, fast food outlets, and no fruit or veg in sight. So why not ratchet up the culture shock stakes and drive out to Beverley ... Read more >

Tags: beverley hills, hollywood, los angeles

Really? I really need a car in LA?

USA | Sat, 2 Feb 2013 | By zita_whalley | Views [426]

You really, really, really do need a car in L.A. You just do. I was surprised to learn that they even had a public transport system. So why I didn’t hire a car I don’t know. The subway is inadequate as it services only a small area, so for ... Read more >

Tags: hollywood, los angeles, the american dream

Los Angeles - Day Two: Beverly Centre, The Grove and Hollywood

USA | Sun, 4 Nov 2012 | By usadiary | Views [480]

Hello Friends.  Steph and I have woken up today feeling much better. The Jet Lag has subsided and we could actually go and do stuff today.  After waking up, we had a quick bight to eat at the restaurant on the corner of our hotel. We ... Read more >

Tags: hollywood

Athlete's Foot

USA | Thu, 26 Apr 2012 | By jamesshanks | Views [1129] | Comments [1]

My ithchy, peeling, blistered feet and toes have been diagnosed. The lady at Walgreens instructed me this morning that I have "Athlete's Foot". I was rather proud at first, but quickly reaslised she wasn't paying me a compliment. Since spending ... Read more >

Tags: bread, greyhound, hollywood, portland, running, vipassana

Wild wild West.... Hollywood!

USA | Sun, 22 Apr 2012 | By jamesshanks | Views [1884] | Comments [1]

The Gayborhood. If I had known that prior to making the hostel reservation I probably would still have gone ahead and made the booking. This place is... different? I am staying at a groovy hostel called Banana Bungalow on Fairfax and Melrose Ave. Yep, ... Read more >

Tags: clubs, drinking, eating out, farmers market, fruit, hollywood, mexican, party, venice

In and around LA

USA | Thu, 1 Mar 2012 | By jamesshanks | Views [552] | Comments [2]

It feels like it has been a while since I wrote anything down. So I'm going to work my way backwards... Last night I decided to go on an organised pub crawl with the hostel. It started off a bit lame, though I met some great people from the hostel ... Read more >

Tags: hollywood, pub crawl, santa monica, stoners, venice

First full day among the hype, the glamour and the glitz

USA | Tue, 9 Nov 2010 | By poita_j | Views [1235] | Comments [3]

Hey hey, Petes here again, reporting from East Hollywood CA. Well today was my first full day in this area. Has been a fairly evenful sight seeing day. Started off my day with breakfast at the iconic cafe 101, then walked down to Hollywood Blvd and ... Read more >

Tags: fun, hollywood, la, sights

Sights of LA

USA | Wed, 18 Jun 2008 | By loz | Views [692] | Comments [8]

Ok, so today we had to check out by 8am (so early!!) because they had to get ready for other early arriving camp counselors..but that worked out well because the girls who I shared a room with and I decided to do a bus tour around LA! We also went with ... Read more >

Tags: bel air, hollywood


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