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There are [5] photos and [7] stories tagged with "bread".

Professional Bread Thief - The Monkey

USA | Tue, 1 Aug 2017 | By bombardo-family | Views [425]

At our second game reserve, Kariega, there was a large lunch hall that was open to the outside. After we sat down and ordered our drinks, we were about to get up to go to the buffet -- all of sudden a vermin monkey come into the lodge’s eating ... Read more >

Tags: bread, kariega, monkey, thief

Fridays are when people discover their dreams in life

JAPAN | Fri, 5 Feb 2016 | By kakimono | Views [372]

Class on Friday was for the reading and dialogue in Tobira . So, during the reading class, we went over new grammar points, took a vocabulary quiz, went over kanji, and read the first 10 sentences of the reading passage. All pretty formal, related ... Read more >

Tags: bread, communication, drinks, ghosts, japanese

Focaccia and Cookies: A Day in the Kitchen

ITALY | Fri, 6 Jun 2014 | By elena_valeriote | Views [982]

At 5:00 this morning another of my culinary dreams came true – I baked my first real focaccia. Though it was still dark out and I hadn’t quite yet rubbed the sleep from my eyes, the sight of several loaves baking already assured me that there ... Read more >

Tags: baking, bread, cookies, kitchen

Photos: Passport & Plate - Romeo and Juliet Buns

BRAZIL | Fri, 7 Mar 2014 | By ataleoffreedom | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Ingredients 1250 grams of sifted plain wheat flour 4 eggs 250ml milk at room temperature 250ml water at room temperature 125 grams melted butter 125 grams sugar 1 teaspoon salt 50 grams fresh yeast 60ml sunflower oil 200 grams guava paste 200 ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: brazil, bread, children, family, freedom, italy, love, mother, sweet, tasty

Athlete's Foot

USA | Thu, 26 Apr 2012 | By jamesshanks | Views [1129] | Comments [1]

My ithchy, peeling, blistered feet and toes have been diagnosed. The lady at Walgreens instructed me this morning that I have "Athlete's Foot". I was rather proud at first, but quickly reaslised she wasn't paying me a compliment. Since spending ... Read more >

Tags: bread, greyhound, hollywood, portland, running, vipassana

Half way out of the dark...

USA | Tue, 28 Dec 2010 | By fiona | Views [507]

This year has been...well...complicated. In my oppinion however, "complicated"  has a bad wrap, and while, a little over a year out from my "aha"  moment that drove my itchy feet out of Mexico I still have NO idea how (when, WHERE) ... Read more >

Tags: blogging, bread, handwriting, job, long-distance, pretty things, to-do, yoga

Land of Sugar

INDONESIA | Wed, 28 Jul 2010 | By adventurers | Views [710]

"One's destination is never a place but a new way of seeing things" - Henry Miller Indonesian's love everything sweet & the new way of seeing things is sugar coated.  The bread is full of sugar.  The milk is sweetened condensed milk.  ... Read more >

Tags: asian food, bread, coffee, food, indonesian food, milk, sugar, sweet, tea


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