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There are [0] photos and [29] stories tagged with "japanese".

Revenge of the Projects

JAPAN | Tue, 24 May 2016 | By kakimono | Views [491]

I haven't mentioned it in a while, so I bet you forgot about the projects that we had to do for class, didn't you? Yeah, me too… A few weeks ago, there had been a takoyaki party at CET, with a lot of roommates and CET+ plus Japanese people ... Read more >

Tags: authors, japanese, literature, projects, survey


JAPAN | Sat, 30 Apr 2016 | By kakimono | Views [773]

Technically the theme of chapter seven was “Japanese pop culture,” but in reality, onomatopoeia would have been a better descriptor. Because that's what the reading, dialogue, and large amounts of homework focused on. This might seem ... Read more >

Tags: grammar, japanese

Why are Tuesdays so Long?

JAPAN | Thu, 17 Mar 2016 | By kakimono | Views [567]

On Tuesday we started chapter six. Which was sad, because six is a multiple of three. We have chapter tests every three chapters. So even though it seemed like we’d just finished a chapter test, we were already nearly due for another one. Joy.... Read more >

Tags: cats, host family, japanese, math, programs

What Day is It?

JAPAN | Thu, 10 Mar 2016 | By kakimono | Views [529]

One of Suzuki-sensei’s favorite starts to the class is asking “what is today’s date? What day is today?” The first is a straightforward question, the second is a question that only she knows the answer to. Usually it’s ... Read more >

Tags: akutagawa, chopin, dates, japanese, literature, music, numbers

Testing, 1, 2, 3, Testing

JAPAN | Sat, 5 Mar 2016 | By kakimono | Views [446] | Comments [1]

Thursday, we had our first full test in Japanese class. So instead of just asking about grammar or vocabulary, every aspect of the past three textbook chapters were potential questions. And, because we only have them every three chapters, it was a rather ... Read more >

Tags: class, grammar, japanese, test

And Every Sentence that I Spoke Began and Ended with Ellip...ses

JAPAN | Fri, 4 Mar 2016 | By kakimono | Views [555]

Chapter two (which we’ve moved past, but whatever) was about speech styles. It focused for the most part on speech levels, but there was a bit where they discussed other things, such as tanshukukei and shouryaku. Neither of those are super ... Read more >

Tags: coteaching, ellipses, grammar, japanese

First Line Game

JAPAN | Wed, 2 Mar 2016 | By kakimono | Views [413]

I haven’t had that much experience with different Japanese textbooks, so it’s hard for me to know what works and what doesn’t. But Tobira is starting to grate on me by not placing like concepts together. The grammars are grammars ... Read more >

Tags: books, grammar, japanese, spirtuality, textbooks

A Day in the Life

JAPAN | Tue, 1 Mar 2016 | By kakimono | Views [369]

By Monday, it had become increasingly clear that we had settled into the pace of the class. Which is to say we were moving very quickly. To get some idea of that, consider our homework for Monday (and, per CET policy, homework assigned over the ... Read more >

Tags: coffee, grammar, japanese, kanji, roof, umeda

Are You Culture-Shocked Yet?

JAPAN | Tue, 23 Feb 2016 | By kakimono | Views [402]

Tuesday began the normal way, with several hours of Japanese class. We were finishing up chapter , which was nice, since chapter 1 wasn’t particularly interesting, and especially in conversation classes, I was starting to get sick of the same ... Read more >

Tags: culture shock, genies, japanese, yokai

Please give the titles and authors of five books.

JAPAN | Thu, 18 Feb 2016 | By kakimono | Views [359]

A semi-significant part of Japanese class has been working on our projects. I’ve been ignoring that on the blog for the main reason that I’ve been doing ignoring it whenever possible. On Wednesday, that ceased to be possible. So here’... Read more >

Tags: interview, japanese, literature, project, survey

Thinking Man's Rummy

JAPAN | Tue, 16 Feb 2016 | By kakimono | Views [457]

It’s been awhile since I’ve given you a Japanese lesson, so I think it’s time for another one. Slight disclaimer here that this lesson has absolutely nothing to do with what we were learning about in Japanese class, but those were ... Read more >

Tags: cards, games, grammar, japanese, past

My favorite author is Milan Kundera. No, Kazuo Ishiguro! No, Milan Kundera!

JAPAN | Wed, 10 Feb 2016 | By kakimono | Views [546]

On Thursday, we had a kanji test. Now, here’s the thing that’s probably going to screw me over in another few weeks: I have not yet had to study for any of the grammar, kanji, or vocabulary quizzes. I have opened up a book, glanced through ... Read more >

Tags: hats, japanese, kundera, literature, photos, studying, suicide

This should go without saying, but try to stay away from demons

JAPAN | Tue, 9 Feb 2016 | By kakimono | Views [341]

Wednesday was Setsubon, a day in Japan associated with demons. Specifically, a day associated with avoiding demons through eating or throwing beans. Since I hadn't gone to the Super before class on 3 February, the first indication I got ... Read more >

Tags: demons, japanese, math, pizza, sushi

Be Careful of Genies Too

JAPAN | Mon, 8 Feb 2016 | By kakimono | Views [394]

During Japanese class on Tuesday, we continued the pattern that had been established by Friday’s class. That is to say with Yamaguchi-sensei we continued to review grammar and the reading, then with Suzuki-sensei we talked some more so we could ... Read more >

Tags: grammar, japanese, reading, spirituality

Come for the pancakes, stay for everything else

JAPAN | Sun, 7 Feb 2016 | By kakimono | Views [414]

Monday we had more kanji practice. I’ve stabilized into only doing the four sentences asked, but trying to work all of the kanji into those four sentences. Which means I need to use a lot of new kanji each sentence, which can be a challenge if ... Read more >

Tags: food, high schoolers, japanese, kanji, pancakes

Fridays are when people discover their dreams in life

JAPAN | Fri, 5 Feb 2016 | By kakimono | Views [378]

Class on Friday was for the reading and dialogue in Tobira . So, during the reading class, we went over new grammar points, took a vocabulary quiz, went over kanji, and read the first 10 sentences of the reading passage. All pretty formal, related ... Read more >

Tags: bread, communication, drinks, ghosts, japanese

How do you address the spirits of dead nobility?

JAPAN | Thu, 4 Feb 2016 | By kakimono | Views [416]

On Thursday we actually started Tobira. Which meant I finally had a good reason to be carrying around 800+ pages of Japanese textbooks. The rest of the week must have just been for strength building or something like that. We’d all messed ... Read more >

Tags: ghosts, honorifics, japanese, spirituality

Japanese Language and Culture

JAPAN | Tue, 2 Feb 2016 | By kakimono | Views [453]

It’s not until you leave behind a place that you’re familiar with that you realize all of the small things you took for granted. Like, I’d always assumed that if you had a class that was being co-taught by two teachers, or taught by ... Read more >

Tags: champagne, japanese, new years, particles, passive

Causitive-Passive: Everyone's Favorite

JAPAN | Sun, 31 Jan 2016 | By kakimono | Views [486]

A key difference between English and Japanese come with how you change verbs. In English, you conjugate depending on subject, and then add extra words depending on things like tense or if it’s active or passive. So for instance: I write a ... Read more >

Tags: causitive, grammar, japanese, meditation, passive, spirituality

Kanji and High Schools

JAPAN | Sun, 31 Jan 2016 | By kakimono | Views [385]

Class on Monday had two parts. The first part had us review kanji, the second part had us meet with high schoolers and introduce ourselves. Both parts had homework. The homework for the kanji part was to write four sentences using kanji on pages ... Read more >

Tags: classes, high school, japanese, kanji

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