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There are [0] photos and [9] stories tagged with "sickness".

Bamboo bridges and Sickness bugs

THAILAND | Thu, 30 Mar 2017 | By tigerlillytravels | Views [773] | Comments [1]

We finally came to leave Pai. We got a lift into town to get our bus tickets. The person in front of us at the station (who shoved his way in) got the last tickets for the Chiang Mai bus that day..... so we stayed another night! We headed across a rickety ... Read more >

Tags: borders, busses, chiang mai, love, new places, pai, relaxed, sickness, soda, talking

A Spider's Web

INDIA | Wed, 3 Feb 2016 | By davidford | Views [371]

A mellow bluesy number is playing at the Pink House. It's 6.30 pm and dark out. The Pink House has been a haven. A place to come for breakfast, read and relax in the shade of a thatched hut roof in the company of dogs, crows and, when I'm eating in ... Read more >

Tags: beach, hucksters, sickness, temples

I'm having heaps of luck, it's just that a lot of it's bad.

THAILAND | Sat, 7 Feb 2015 | By homeless_harry | Views [808]

My luck is varying so much on this trip that I think the monsoonal weather is buffeting my karmic scales, and they're dolling out justice and reward like Lady Luck is trying to get herself fired. Nothing is quite going as expected so I'm keeping my plans ... Read more >

Tags: luck, missed flights, river cruise, sickness

Things That Were, Things That Are, and Things That Will Be.

PERU | Thu, 29 Jan 2015 | By kat617 | Views [689] | Comments [5]

When I began to write this entry, I wasn’t sure where to begin. Then I wasn’t sure where to finish. I just kept writing everything that came to mind, and I wrote for hours. By the time I ran out of things to say I was so tired that I couldn’... Read more >

Tags: archaeological, archaeology, arrival, culture, homestay, mistakes, program, sickness, sunburn, tefl

From (A) Port Hardy to (B) Prince Rupert:

AUSTRALIA | Mon, 10 Jun 2013 | By aliryan | Views [359]

I highly recommended taking the BC ferry from these points. Expensive, but definitely worth it. It was travelling in style and if you pay a little bit extra for the trendy food and cocktails and you’ll be sweet, because and lets get one thing perfectly ... Read more >

Tags: boats, captains, fancy, sea, sickness, steer

Strange Turn of Events

MONGOLIA | Fri, 29 Mar 2013 | By r8chel | Views [378]

I bit into my apple. Savouring this single piece of Mongolia that would be mine, in the end. Tears streamed down my face as my despair gave vent to a poem entitled ‘One Apple in Mongolia’. I had been sitting on the same kitchen chair for ... Read more >

Tags: mongolia, ovarian cyst, sickness, teaching english, ulanbaatar


CAMBODIA | Sun, 20 Feb 2011 | By gem_sky | Views [1044]

I don't really know how to 'fairly' describe Sihanoukville. It's a little bit like Blackpool in some parts.. not to do it down, but the (S)Ex-pats neon strip at the 2 lions roundabout is a casino, neon lover, lager lout seedy sexpat haven. As if ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, carnival, castaway, coastline, cocktails, khmerival, ream national park, sickness, sihanoukville, two lions roundabout

Oaxaca to San Cristobal de las Casas

MEXICO | Sat, 30 May 2009 | By thefuegoproject | Views [4933] | Comments [3]

13/5/09 - 22/5/09  Oaxaca to San Cristobal   468 km Oaxaca is a great city to enjoy some downtime, relaxing with our cycling friends Martin and Susy, checking out Monte Alban, wandering the markets and artesanias, the leafy ‘zocalo’ and working ... Read more >

Tags: cycling, food, mexico, mountains, oaxaca, san cristobal, sickness

Siamese Sinusitis in the Year 2550

THAILAND | Tue, 11 Dec 2007 | By justine | Views [2142] | Comments [2]

I haven’t written in nearly two weeks because I’ve been sick.   First it was a nasty cold that slowed me down and then that turned into a nasty sinus infection that makes me just want to chop off my head.   I kept thinking that if I just rested ... Read more >

Tags: chiang mai, doctors, hospitals & health, sickness


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