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There are [8] photos and [18] stories tagged with "mongolia".

From Beijing to Ulaanbaatar

CHINA | Fri, 14 Apr 2017 | By atravelerswritings | Views [265]

How to travel from Beijing to Ulaanbaatar for 44USD         It is 11th April 2017 and my last day in china. Two ... Read more >

Tags: boder crossing, bus to ulan bator, china, how to cross the border, mongolia, transmongolianrailway

Last of Mongolia

MONGOLIA | Fri, 10 Oct 2014 | By parisephone | Views [326]

So now we're onto the second part of our trip, Western Mongolia. Sadly we said goodbye to our travel companion Matt who went his own way. We ended up flying to Khovd cause all the flights to Olgii were booked. Then had to take a bus to Olgii. In Khovd, ... Read more >

Tags: eagle hunting festival, mongolia

Onto the Steppe

MONGOLIA | Thu, 11 Sep 2014 | By daveonhols | Views [488]

Crossing the border to Mongolia was a hum drum affair, enlivened only marginally by the changing of the train's wheels for the wider Mongolian tracks.  A young, cheerful Chinese lady collected our passports, a few people bought cheap booze, and ... Read more >

Tags: ger, grassland, mongolia, nomad, steppe, train, ub, ulaan baator

It starts tomorrow

CHINA | Tue, 9 Sep 2014 | By daveonhols | Views [480]

11:22.  The departure from Beijing.  Train K3.  847 miles.  Twenty Eight hours.  The real adventure begins.  Through the great wall, into inner mongolia, the Gobi desert and across the border into Mongolia, over the vast ... Read more >

Tags: beijing, china, mongolia, train, trans-mongolia trans-siberian, ub, ulan bator

Mongolian bumps and kindness

MONGOLIA | Sat, 12 Jul 2014 | By kek_crazy92 | Views [506]

After a day spent eating most of Ulaanbaatar, we headed to the bus station to buy tickets and the worlds greatest matching hot pink bedazzled caps. They shine like disco balls in the sunlight, and tell the world that "black, you want your coffee, 65, ... Read more >

Tags: bus, cap fashion, gers, hiking, mongolia

Mongolia by bus

MONGOLIA | Sat, 12 Jul 2014 | By piratepete | Views [492]

We took a bus from Ulaanbaatar to Moron- a town presumably named after the people who catch the bus there. The bus reportedly takes between 15 and 30 hours, that's Mongolian consistency for you. We arrived at 1pm to buy tickets, only to be told the 2pm ... Read more >

Tags: bus, mongolia

Vitim or Bust

RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Mon, 14 Oct 2013 | By newbold | Views [462]

This was a trip with 3 mates from Athens to Vladivostok on motorcycles.    Mine was a 25 year old yamaha xt600 tenere.  The others were on almost new suzuki dr650s and a 2005 bmw 600 x-challenge. The trip was from April 25 'til ... Read more >

Tags: iran, iraq, kazakhstan, mongolia, pamir, siberia, tajikistan, turkey, yamaha

Strange Turn of Events

MONGOLIA | Fri, 29 Mar 2013 | By r8chel | Views [382]

I bit into my apple. Savouring this single piece of Mongolia that would be mine, in the end. Tears streamed down my face as my despair gave vent to a poem entitled ‘One Apple in Mongolia’. I had been sitting on the same kitchen chair for ... Read more >

Tags: mongolia, ovarian cyst, sickness, teaching english, ulanbaatar

My Scholarship entry - Seeing the world through other eyes

WORLDWIDE | Sat, 17 Mar 2012 | By foot21583 | Views [580] | Scholarship Entry

Travelling through the South Gobi in Mongolia, ironically I saw that in a way, the nomadic rural lifestyle helps breed more “neighbourliness” and social bonding than in a cramped city. Utilizing camels instead of jeeps, we had to stay overnight ... Read more >

Tags: camel, desert, ger, gobi, mongolia, nomad family, tent, travel writing scholarship 2012

Nomads on the Road - Lisa in Mongolia

MONGOLIA | Mon, 12 Dec 2011 | By nomads-news | Views [2909]

Lisa Cape works in the Customer Service Centre at World Nomads and recently returned from adventures on the road.  Where did you go?  In July of this year myself and 6 like minded seasoned  travellers left our phones and a good part of the 21st ... Read more >

Tags: food, mongolia, nomads, travel

Photos: My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

WORLDWIDE | Tue, 8 Nov 2011 | By hannahrose | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

The soft thud of hooves thundering upon the earth. Mongolia, with its vast and lonely landscapes, syrup eyed people and proud, wild maned steeds. As one of the world's last nomadic cultures, this place has always quietly called to me. The deep connection ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: #2011wnphoto, eastern mongolia, eastern mongolia, horse, horse trek, horse trek, horses, mongolia, mongolia, mongolian cowboy, mongolian cowboy, mongolian horses, mongolian horses, travel photography scholarship 2011

Off the Beaten Path: Mongolia

MONGOLIA | Thu, 30 Jun 2011 | By OffTheBeatenPath | Views [6016]

The untamed beauty and stark remoteness of Mongolia has captured the imagination of adventurers for centuries. Humble monks and curious nomads occupy a landscape dotted with not much more than herds of yaks, camels and the occasional ... Read more >

Tags: asia, hot springs, lake khivsgol, monastery, mongolia, off the beaten path, selenge river

Preparing for Mongolia

MONGOLIA | Wed, 22 Jun 2011 | By travel-tips | Views [3168]

My Mother always told me: "Wash your hands and have clean underwear." So when preparing for a 12 day, self organised trip with 6 other crazy females to Mongolia, these words of wisdom rang clear. Mongolia ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, asia, food, mongolia, packing, preparation, travel

Naadam - 3 Manly Mongolian Sports

MONGOLIA | Mon, 20 Jun 2011 | By connectlocally | Views [5195]

Mongolian Morning I woke up to hear our jeep ignition turn on and leave the guesthouse.   I laid in my sleeping bag disturbed; wondering why Shack, our driver, sped off at 6AM without saying goodbye.   I felt a bit jolted ... Read more >

Tags: asia, entertainment, festivals, food, mongolia, naadam, sporting events, sports, travel

Photography: contemplating Mongolian men

NETHERLANDS | Mon, 4 Apr 2011 | By picslyrics | Views [653]

Picture this: I get off my horse’s back and plant my feet in lush green grass. My back is aching from the short, yet pretty rough horseback ride. A ride that is the opposite from the ones back home. This might be due to the different saddle, but my ... Read more >

Tags: mongolia, photography

My Travel Writing Scholarship 2011 entry (My Big Adventure)

MONGOLIA | Sat, 5 Feb 2011 | By tomczaban | Views [1380] | Scholarship Entry

The roads in Ulan Bator were choked with traffic. The streets were flecked with women flogging boiled sweets. Children with smudged faces dodged legs and begged for cash. Power-cuts were frequent and unacknowledged. Men loitered in the darkness, burgling shoppers ... Read more >

Tags: #2011writing, ger, horse riding, mongolia, nomads, terelj national park, travel writing scholarship 2011

To My Tran Siberian Tour Mates: Thanks for the Good Times

CHINA | Wed, 29 Sep 2010 | By lauren_watson | Views [2582] | Comments [1]

I wanted to list the highlights/low lights of the 17 day tour that I have just completed. The 16 of us spent 8 nights and 7 days on a train and thus these unique memories are bound to happen. These are the things that I don’t want to forget years to ... Read more >

Tags: china, mongolia, russia, tran siberian

Mongolian Bliss

MONGOLIA | Mon, 27 Sep 2010 | By lauren_watson | Views [3232]

Last night I slept in a Ger Camp in Gorkhi-Terelj National Park in Mongolia. I shared my Ger with my Norwegian travel mate Kiki. Picture my evening - it’s dark, about 33 degrees Fahrenheit outside and we are in our beds huddled under the thick ... Read more >

Tags: ger camp, mongolia


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