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There is [1] photo and [7] stories tagged with "oslo".

36 hours in Oslo

NORWAY | Sat, 13 Oct 2018 | By shire_girl | Views [316]

Such a short time for a city with so much to do, namely so many museums! After taking an hour to relax at our airbnb and getting to know the friendly kitten sized cat that came with it we headed out to explore a piece of Oslo. Perhaps the best moments ... Read more >

Tags: fram museum, norsk folkemuseum, open air museum, oslo, transportation, vigeland park

A Foodies Guide to Home Cooking in Oslo

NORWAY | Sun, 18 May 2014 | By moresbbb | Views [854]

Like clockwork the deciduous trees had begun to yellow and drop their leaves. The days were visibly shorter and the autumn rains were moving in. It was damp under the forest canopy, a rich musty smell rose from the undergrowth. I picked my way gingerly ... Read more >

Tags: food, home cooking, oslo

"This is not Scandinavia" - 16 Things to do in Oslo and How I Came to Relate to a Sidewalk Poet

NORWAY | Fri, 16 May 2014 | By moresbbb | Views [845]

Some eight years ago walking home through the inner city suburb of Macdonald Town, Sydney, I stopped to read a few words etched in the cement.   “This is not Scandinavia”. The fact that someone had chosen preserve these precise ... Read more >

Tags: norway, oslo, this is not scandinavia


NORWAY | Fri, 29 Jun 2012 | By macedonboy | Views [1594]

Day 1 A short 1 hour flight from Copenhagen and we land in Oslo at 1130, where I get a train direct to Oslo S(Central). At the ticket machines, I get my ticket and it reminds me to "validate" the ticket before getting on board. There are ... Read more >

Tags: akershus, art, castle, munch, norway, oslo, rain, sightseeing

Out and About in Oslo

NORWAY | Sun, 19 Jun 2011 | By drmitch | Views [810]

I had to get up stupidly early to catch the 6 hour train to Oslo, where I walked the 15 minutes to Anker Hostel . Once again it is more of a “hotel” feel than a hostel, with a large waiting room, no kitchen but a hotplate in the dorm room, and very ... Read more >

Tags: akershus slott, bygdoy island, castle, fram museum, kontiki museum, maritime museum, nobel peace centre, opera house, oslo, vikings

Put your hands up, Put your hands up for Oslo

NORWAY | Sun, 1 Jul 2007 | By kipnomad | Views [11870] | Comments [2]

OK, So it's not a rocking city. More like visiting Canberra ( Australia's capital city) but adding culture and multiplying the cost of everything by 4. We're here for the Global Ecotourism Conference and my colleague at World Nomads, Christy ... Read more >

Tags: conference, culture, ecotourism, footprints, norway, oslo, sculpture, vigelands, world nomads

I'm in a Norsca commercial

NORWAY | Mon, 14 May 2007 | By crustyadventures | Views [2542] | Comments [1]

Oslo; first impressions. Green, calm and clean. It's so nice to have arrived at the Oslo airport which smelled of popcorn and looked like a stylish entrance to a sauna, all glass and wood and light. This was a contrast after the awful mayhem of ... Read more >

Tags: conference, oslo, the great outdoors


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