There is [1] photo and [2] stories tagged with "healthcare".
THAILAND | Tue, 14 May 2013 | By paul_meet_world | Views [364]
Before getting on the plane to Thailand I begged every crew member not to let me on. Sniffling and coughing, trying to force my way through the language barrier, I'd explain just how bad an idea it was to trap 80 or so other people in an enclosed airspace ... Read more >
Tags: backpacking, healthcare, sick
INDIA | Wed, 8 Aug 2012 | By bonnie | Views [1501]
PEAK's work in the installation of Solar Home Lighting Units, primary school education, potable water/hygiene project and the provision of basic healthcare has made a tangible difference to villagers lives in the Kumoan Himalaya, India. This is all ... Read more >
Tags: healthcare, india, khati, peak, primary school education, solar home lighting, uttarakhand