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There are [17] photos and [26] stories tagged with "koh tao".

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Diving Part 3 - Fun Diving, Koh Tao

THAILAND | Sun, 20 Aug 2017 | By tigerlillytravels | Views [440]

Fun Dive time! It was the day of the trip to Sail Rock. My confidence had built quite a bit on the Advanced Course. I was still cautious but I didn't see that as a bad thing being 20-30ft under water.  It was an early start, we had to be ready ... Read more >

Tags: amazing experience, crystal dive, fun diving, koh tao, making memories, sail rock, scuba diving, wanderlust

Diving Part 1 - Open Water Course, Koh Tao

THAILAND | Sun, 20 Aug 2017 | By tigerlillytravels | Views [426]

Leaving the park was terrible! Everyone cried, no one wanted to leave, even though all of us where exhausted. We got our last cuddles in with Duckie then the bus took us back to Chiang Mai. We checked into a guesthouse and headed out for drinks. It ... Read more >

Tags: amazing, crystal dive, dive school, diving qualifications, experience, facing fears, koh tao, new skills, scuba diving

Turtle Island - "I don't need a bag, thanks"

THAILAND | Wed, 18 Feb 2015 | By katiestoner | Views [356]

No sooner had we touched down in Bangkok did we hop on an early morning bus headed south for Koh Tao, a small island in the Gulf of Thailand. Koh Tao, also referred to as “Turtle Island,” is 21 square miles and is pretty much exclusively ... Read more >

Tags: koh tao

Photos: Koh Tao

THAILAND | Thu, 24 Apr 2014 | By hapakuna | Flickr Photo Gallery

a month on a Turtle(less) Island
See photo slideshow >>

Tags: diving, hapakuna, ko tao, koh tao, thailand

Swimming with the fishes in Koh Tao

THAILAND | Mon, 17 Feb 2014 | By kpow | Views [517]

After an uninspiring time in Bangkok I was eager to move on- to Koh Tao, an island famous for scuba diving. I've had the idea of getting certified in the back of my mind for absolutely ages now, just never got around to it, really. Well, I heard that ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, diving, koh tao, partying, thailand


THAILAND | Sun, 10 Nov 2013 | By jsgknaus | Views [651]

November 5 First off, I'd like to say thank f'in God for Dramamine and that I officially change my last opinion of the worst ride of my life.  Our 3 hour ferry ride to Koh Tao was quite possibly the worst experience of my 22 years of life.  ... Read more >

Tags: koh tao, scuba diving

Experiencing Thailand

THAILAND | Sun, 6 Oct 2013 | By longawaited | Views [609]

Have been in Thailand, unbelievably(!) since the night of 24/09/13. I stayed near Saphin Taksin for the first ten days. Went to a floating market in Damnoensaduak on a tour. I had nearly run out of money by that stage, so all I shared with the Indian ... Read more >

Tags: damnoensaduak, koh tao, low season, thailand, tropical

Koh Samui, Koh Lanta & Krabi

THAILAND | Fri, 26 Jul 2013 | By butterfly-freed | Views [3490]

The 'quiet beach' on Koh Samui did not prove to be one of my best choices for getting off the tourist track. The hotel was on the wrong side of the main thoroughfare route around the island but did have a nice rooftop top pool & a decent library ... Read more >

Tags: basic, koh lanta, koh nang yuan, koh samui, koh tao, krabi, mai kaew cave swimming, primitive, sustainable, volunteering

The Adventures of the Advanced Diver

THAILAND | Fri, 1 Jun 2012 | By coliestravels | Views [546]

Last time I left off, my hunger for diving had begun and I knew I had been sucked into the Koh Tao vortex.  After signing up for the advanced course, I realized that my intended three night stay on the islands would now be six.  Whoops. At the lovely ... Read more >

Tags: aow, koh tao

Hello, paradise (May 23 - May 26)

THAILAND | Wed, 30 May 2012 | By coliestravels | Views [551]

After a lovely bus ride from 9pm - 5am (thank you melatonin for making that possible), we arrived at Chumphon. Asian public transportation is notoriously unreliable but we somehow got the one bus that left on time and arrived well before the 7am ferry.... Read more >

Tags: diving, koh tao, open water

Fun dives and fun people-watching

THAILAND | Sun, 11 Mar 2012 | By pmok | Views [794]

Outside of the four courses, I also took in several fun dives, and met may other divers and travelers. Some divers were on holiday, and had previous diving experiences or were certified elsewhere; some were new divers who just took and passed the Open ... Read more >

Tags: fun dive, koh nang yuan, koh tao

Dive course #4: Diving with Nitrox

THAILAND | Sat, 10 Mar 2012 | By pmok | Views [435]

Many divers I met recommended taking the course and getting certified in Nitrox diving. Nitrox is the commonly used term for enriched air, or air that has more oxygen added so it's above 21%, and thus less nitrogen. For recreational divers, we could ... Read more >

Tags: koh tao, nitrox

Dive course #3: Rescue diver

THAILAND | Sat, 3 Mar 2012 | By pmok | Views [418]

My next class, Rescue Diver, wasn't so popular, so I was the only student. Being a rescue diver included learning to be an emergency first responder on land, so the course started with watching another DVD (a poorly made video with bad actors acting ... Read more >

Tags: koh tao, rescue dive

Thoughts on Koh Tao

THAILAND | Thu, 1 Mar 2012 | By pmok | Views [2306]

Koh Tao, aka Turtle Island, is a great place to release your "inner tortoise".  No one really observes time, and days of the week don't matter (unless you want to join the pub crawl, which takes place on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays).... Read more >

Tags: koh tao, scuba diving, thai massage

Dive course #2: Advanced Open Water Diver, part 2

THAILAND | Sun, 26 Feb 2012 | By pmok | Views [1042]

Having endured the embarrassment of being lost, I returned the next morning for the next two dives. The French couple in my class didn't seem annoyed that their dive was cut short when I got lost, but then again I don't know French.  The first dive ... Read more >

Tags: advanced open water, koh tao, night dive, thailand, wreck dive

Dive course #2: Advanced Open Water Diver

THAILAND | Sat, 25 Feb 2012 | By pmok | Views [1761]

The advanced open water certification allows divers to dive up to 30 meters.  My class this time had three students, me and a young French couple.  First we had to choose three of the five specialties to focus (the two mandatory are Peak Performance ... Read more >

Tags: advanced open water, buoyancy world, koh tao, thailand, underwater navigation

Dive course #1: Open Water Diver, part 2

THAILAND | Thu, 23 Feb 2012 | By pmok | Views [707]

The fourth and last day of the open water course were two dives in the morning.  We met at 7 AM, went through the whole routine of loading, boarding the boat, gearing up, and dived in by 8:30. The first site was Shark Island, which sadly has no sharks;... Read more >

Tags: adobe premiere, idvd, koh tao, open water diver, padi, thailand, underwater videographer

Dive course #1: Open Water Diver

THAILAND | Wed, 22 Feb 2012 | By pmok | Views [607] | Comments [2]

I started the PADI Open Water Diver course the day I arrived on Koh Tao. Once passed, this course gives a diver the credential to dive anywhere in the world up to 18 meters. There were three other students besides me in my class: a young guy from ... Read more >

Tags: blue-spotted stingray, koh tao, open water diver, padi, scuba diving, sea turtle, thailand

Off to Koh Tao

THAILAND | Mon, 20 Feb 2012 | By pmok | Views [878]

Getting to Koh Tao from Bangkok required an overnight bus ride. After being assigned a seat on the bus, all of us passengers waited at Khao San Road for an hour before the bus arrived. Once on the bus around 9 PM, I was given a pillow and light throw.... Read more >

Tags: daily life, food voucher, koh samui, koh tao, penthouse, thai cuisine

I'm ready to go!

THAILAND | Sun, 13 Feb 2011 | By cindyjay | Views [676] | Comments [4]

I'm always ready to go.  Somewhere!  So March 15 Lynn and I are leaving for our third trip to Thailand.  I can't wait!  It's going to be great.  We have plans.  Of course!  Spending the first few nights in the heart of Chinatown in Bangkok.  Then taking ... Read more >

Tags: bangkok, chinatown, koh tao, snorkeling

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