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There are [10] photos and [11] stories tagged with "kolkata".

Calcuta. Nadie me avisó (I)

INDIA | Thu, 25 Aug 2016 | By manuel | Views [492]

“Do not wait for leaders, do it alone, person to person” reza un gran panel que me da la bienvenida a Calcuta, como no, de la Madre Teresa de Calcuta. Yo no esperé a líderes, elegí tomar la decisión de salir, ... Read more >

Tags: calcuta, ciudad, kolkata, olores, pobreza, ruido, sucio, tiempo

On second thought, Kolkata

INDIA | Sun, 29 Sep 2013 | By tjrossi | Views [758]

To the uninitiated Kolkata seems a city of pure chaos.  At least that was my first impression.     Every type of transport jockeys for position on narrow streets with little or no pavements.  To get from A to B on foot you experience ... Read more >

Tags: beggars, culture shock, india, kolkata, rickshaw, traffic

Arrival in Kolkata

INDIA | Sun, 29 Sep 2013 | By tjrossi | Views [623] | Comments [1]

Arriving in Kolkata at around 1am in the morning wasn't as daunting as I had expected.  I had met up with Ray on the plane; an Australian planning a cycle trip of northern India.  After waiting for quite some time for our bags we went outside ... Read more >

Tags: airport, india, kolkata, taxi

Photos: My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited: Bengali Stories

INDIA | Fri, 5 Jul 2013 | By marconovara | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

For most of my life I never thought much about photography. In 2008 I did my first solo trip taking photos with my mobile phone. Back from the adventure in the Amazon, and all around South America, I decided to study photography at academic level, but ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: chaos, howrah, india, kolkata, portraits, rituals

Apni kotaY thaken? Ami KolkataY thaki!

INDIA | Fri, 15 Mar 2013 | By kirsty_nz | Views [1558] | Comments [3]

Where do you stay? I stay in Kolkata! So I’ve been in Kolkata for a month & a half now – not so much travelling as learning to stay put and live in a totally foreign culture. The good, the bad and the crazy? Well this is India so ... Read more >

Tags: calcutta, freeset, india, kolkata, street life

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

INDIA | Sun, 17 Oct 2010 | By rajdeep | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Kumortuli (potters quarter) a neighborhood within Kolkata, India. Its a place where the Idols of Hindu Gods and Goddess are being made for the festival, Durga Puja, especially popular among the Bengali Community. From here the idols are delivered all ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: #2010wnphoto, artists, festival, goddess, idol, kolkata, painting, people, potters, travel photography scholarship 2010

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

INDIA | Sat, 11 Sep 2010 | By sadiedaly | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

The unseasonably cold and foggy weather reflected our mood. We were stuck on this train for 12 extra hours as it dragged itself along the tracks. We truly understood the term 'climbing the walls.' We were short with each other, frustrated, had eaten ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: #2010wnphoto, india, kolkata, travel photography scholarship 2010, varanasi

Oh Kalkotta!

INDIA | Wed, 8 Jul 2009 | By houdyman | Views [1099]

Well as you can read we decided not to visit Nepal instead opting for Kolkata where we could spend close to a week working with fast internet for job related items. We traveled to Kalcuta on our first train in India with the American Indian boys, Anand ... Read more >

Tags: beggars, kolkata, monsoon

July 3 & 4, 2008 - Starting in the Subcontinent: Kolkata

INDIA | Sat, 12 Jul 2008 | By andynjen | Views [498]

I was completely mistaken in my misconceptions about Kolkata, or Calcutta, the former British Trade Captial of their Indian Colony. I blame the image of millions of starving children in a desert of devastated, crumbling mud homes on Sally Struthers and ... Read more >

Tags: calcutta, kolkata

The Remarkable Gautam Lewis

INDIA | Fri, 11 Jul 2008 | By sidhus_on_safari | Views [2499] | Comments [2]

The Remarkable Gautam Lewis   Note of apology: while I am sure this is mostly true and correct - the dates are going to be a bit wrong and I will give Gautam the right to call me a tosser etc ...   Gautam   contracts polio ... Read more >

Tags: adoption, calcutta, gautam lewis, kolkata, missionaries of charity, polio awareness

Soft Landing

INDIA | Wed, 9 Jul 2008 | By sidhus_on_safari | Views [1019] | Comments [10]

On decent  into Kolkata I had moment of pure fear. It has never happened to me before - this kind of fear. Just imagine that the plane went into an uncontrollable  spin and there, in the middle of an ordinary  July night a freak plane crash claims the ... Read more >

Tags: adoption, india, kolkata


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