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There is [1] photo and [7] stories tagged with "santa cruz".

Suunnittelematon seikkailu

PERU | Tue, 27 Dec 2016 | By tuulikki | Views [383]

Ihminen tarvitsee jonkinlaisen suunnitelman. On oltava jokin, mikä vie ihmistä eteenpäin - niin päivitäin, viikoittain kuin koko elämän ajan. Joskus suunnitelmat ovat selkeitä, joskus vain hahmotelmia valkealla ... Read more >

Tags: andit, santa cruz, vaeltaminen

Peru – finally seeing some ruins (Chachapoyas, Trujillo, Santa Cruz)…

PERU | Wed, 10 Oct 2012 | By kamzam | Views [1301]

I was incredibly happy to finally get to Chachapoyas. And I was not disappointed. It’s a lovely city with white washed buildings and the star attraction of pre Inca ruins in nearby Kuelap. There are plenty of other things to do around Chachapoyas ... Read more >

Tags: chachapoyas, chan chan, huacachina, huaraz, ica, kuelap, moche, peru, santa cruz, trujillo

Hell Bus to Paraguay

PARAGUAY | Wed, 14 Mar 2012 | By doodledawn | Views [3908] | Comments [1]

After I decided I was going to try heading through Paraguay, I did some research and got the address for the Paraguay consulate in Santa Cruz.  An extened searcg if the city revealed the office on the first floor of an apartment building.  The security ... Read more >

Tags: asuncion, ciudad del este, encarnacion, paraguay, paraguay consulate, paraguay visa, puerto iguazu, santa cruz, yacyreta

Lethal La Paz and the Death Road

BOLIVIA | Wed, 7 Mar 2012 | By doodledawn | Views [1440]

Having spent less than 24 hours in La Paz before Carnaval, I decided to backtrack a bit and give the city another look.  It also helped that Hannah, Tijs, and Bethune from my Salar tour were all heading in that direction anyway.  My cold was still ... Read more >

Tags: bolivia, cochabamba, death road, la paz, mountain biking, santa cruz

The Galapagos islands...The Cruise

ECUADOR | Wed, 27 Apr 2011 | By moomazza | Views [2708] | Comments [2]

Welcome to Ecuador!! Arriving in Quito it was way too cold to stay for any length of time! So, we headed straight to the Galapagos islands!  We booked flights for the following day at 9.15am which was fantastic! I had been so cold for about 2 weeks ... Read more >

Tags: galagagps cruise, galapagos, galapagos islands, isabella, millenium cruise, quito, santa cruz

Look into my eyes, my eyes, not around the eyes...

ECUADOR | Thu, 25 Jun 2009 | By iainjosim | Views [1140] | Comments [1]

We’re still coming down off the Galapagos high. We’d been looking forward to it for most of the trip, and our 8-day tour really lived up to our expectations, especially because we were joined by our UK friends, Jen and John, who we have been travelling ... Read more >

Tags: bartolome, fernandina, galapagos, genovesa, isabella, rabida, santa cruz

20 Stunden Bus und ich bin in Bolivien!!!

BOLIVIA | Mon, 30 Mar 2009 | By steffen_graz | Views [1692] | Comments [6]

Hola Chicos y chicas, nach einer erlebnisreichen Busfahrt (siehe Bericht Paraguay) bin ich nun seit 6 Tagen in Bolivien. Und mein Gefühl sagt mir: „Hier bist Du richtig!“ Nach einer fast 20 stündigen Busfahrt kam ich in Santa Cruz, der größten Stadt ... Read more >

Tags: bolivien, cochabamba, samaipata, santa cruz


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