There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "western usa".
USA | Sun, 28 Aug 2011 | By doshin | Views [540]
We do have really great people living in the west. Compared to so many other places in the US and the world we are law abiding, and you will travel here in safety. Of course any kind of bad human caused event can, has, and will happen. But such events ... Read more >
Tags: #blogyourbackyard, western usa
USA | Thu, 18 Aug 2011 | By doshin | Views [609]
I would love to have the opportunity to travel around the world, but right now I prefer to stay home for awhile. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah which is not exactly my home, or maybe it is. "Home" is, of course, that elusive concept that ... Read more >
Tags: salt lake city, utah, western usa, zen