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Destination: Australia

There are [6816] stories and [89629] photos from Australia

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6. Mainly Brisbane

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 | By iowflute | Views [368]

I'm back in Brisbane and I've busked several times. Three times in the city but the markets are more lucrative. Still, it more than pays the fare and gives me something to do, plus people are always very nice and smile and stop to chat. I met up with ... Read more >

Photos: Life in Mexico

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 | By holdensontheroad | Photo Gallery

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Life in Mexico

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 | By holdensontheroad | Views [340]

On the surface life in Mexico looks hard when compared with daily life in Australia. Whether you look in large cities or the small rural villages. Houses and buildings are of a completely different standard comparatively speaking. It appears that ... Read more >

Giving Photos & Saving Indigenous Languages in Australia

Tue, 17 Dec 2013 | By responsible-travel | Views [3098]

Louise is an amazing landscape photographer as well as being an Indigenous advisor for a national construction company currently working on secondment with an Aboriginal organisation in Kununurra, Western Australia. World Nomads sent her Sanchez the ... Read more >

I’d like a pet cassowary!!

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 | By gcadventuresdownunder | Views [460] | Comments [1]

G’day Everyone,  Gary here, cheryl has agreed to let me write an entry as long as I made everyone aware very early its me writing, now that disclaimer is out the way over to what we have been up to…..   We left alice and ... Read more >

Rough start in Australia

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 | By charline_thomasson | Views [594]

Going back to Sydney wasn’t a great idea afterall, but I wouldn’t have guessed if I hadn’t tried. I thought I would have lots of options in Sydney with finding any sort of office job that just requires customer service or admin duties.... Read more >

The countdown is on!

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 | By supergg | Views [372]

And so we prepare and count down to another adventure. The Christmas shopping's done just some food to organise;and celebrate with the family. Then we're up, up and away. Albeit a short trip this time, it is much needed and, we feel, well deserved after ... Read more >

Frontera Corozal (pronounced Fron-Terra Coro-zal) to Palenque (Pronounced Pa-len-cay)

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 | By holdensontheroad | Views [1374]

This leg of the trip was something completely different. Up to now we had been using a mix of taxis, private cars, first class buses and air travel to get around however, to get from Frontera Corozal to Palenque we had no choice but to use a Collectivo ... Read more >

I guess we are not in Kansas anymore, Toto!!!

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 | By holdensontheroad | Views [383]

This afternoon we took a 40 min river boat ride to the ancient Mayan city of Yaxchilan (pronounced Yaks-chi-lan) on the Rio Usumacinta (U-suma-cin-ta river). The Rio Usumacinta forms the border between Mexico and Guatemala and on our way up in the launch ... Read more >

Photos: Las Guacamayas -The Scarlet Macaw

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 | By holdensontheroad | Photo Gallery

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Las Guacamayas -The Scarlet Macaw

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 | By holdensontheroad | Views [359]

A real change of pace and scenery now as we step off the beaten path and into the wilds of the Mexican Lancandon (Lan-can-don) jungle. First stop is Las Guacamayas (Las Gwaaka-mayas) which means "The Scarlet Macaw". This is an eco tourist lodge run by ... Read more >

Photos: Week in San Cristobal

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 | By holdensontheroad | Photo Gallery

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A week in San Cristobal

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 | By holdensontheroad | Views [393]

Today we flew from Oaxaca (pronounced Wah-haka) to Tuxtla (pronounced Toost-La) ,via Mexico City, apparently all air flights are either to or from Mexico City so the easy concept of going from Oaxaca to Tuxtla is not that easy. All in all it was a very ... Read more >

Swimming with turtles

Sat, 14 Dec 2013 | By clare-tamea | Views [765]

We went out ona boat to Lady Musgrave Island on the outer Great Barrier Reef, this place is simply paradise with a sting up its sleeve. The reef encircles a coral island and large seawater lagoon, perfect for diving and snorkelling. The sands are pure ... Read more >

Photos: australia

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 | By azariah | Photo Gallery

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Musical lightshow in the Clocktower in central Chiang Rai

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