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Destination: Australia

There are [6816] stories and [89629] photos from Australia

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Planning the trip

Tue, 9 Jul 2013 | By ally007 | Views [280]

Well, here I am again, attempting to write a blog to record my travels.  I just can't remember what happened with my Vietnam blog, or even where I recorded my visit there - but I know that I did.  This year I am returning to Thailand. I ... Read more >

Tags: 2013, planning, thailand

"Everybody's going surfing..."

Tue, 9 Jul 2013 | By darcyleggett | Views [416] | Comments [1]

I went surfing! Which was awesome!!!! HELLO! As many of you know, I could be part fish, so I loved playing in the water! I went with a surf school that does trips. The group was Deano (the instructor) and 2 guys from the UK who had come to Sydney for ... Read more >

A 'place' I have visited

Mon, 8 Jul 2013 | By roseraziel78 | Flickr Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Hi my name is Kimberlee and photography is my passion. It gives me the chance to be totally immersed in my subject, and quite often I lose track of time. No matter the subject, my enthusiasm is always the same, which is quite amazing considering the last ... Read more >
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Tags: Travel Photography Scholarship 2013

Photos: My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Mon, 8 Jul 2013 | By cvanwyk | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

I take photos because I love to. Capturing a glimpse of the world in an image is something I find difficult to explain, but, when I take my camera out and explore, producing an image is very rarely my primary goal. Having a camera is just an extra ... Read more >
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Tags: travel photography scholarship 2013

A 'place' I have visited

Mon, 8 Jul 2013 | By samarajo | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

I have had a love for photography since receiving my first camera. Natl Geo is a prominent feature in my life and despite having many aspirations for my future; it’s one of my lifelong dreams. From the age of 5 years old, I suffered from Epilepsy. I ... Read more >
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Tags: travel photography scholarship 2013

Photos: My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Sun, 7 Jul 2013 | By callumwouters | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

I am sitting here, stuck with writers block on what to say about myself. It should be simple right? If someone was to ask me ‘What does photography mean to you?’ I simply could not fit an answer in to 1200 characters, so I will answer that question with ... Read more >
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Tags: travel photography scholarship 2013

UK, France, Italy & New York City!!!

Sun, 7 Jul 2013 | By kmk | Views [176] | Comments [2]

SUNDAY 7 JULY 2013 Hi all Well I thought I would get my travel diary started even though I haven't left Australia yet.  I have 3 more sleeps and so not organised.... No doubt I will be doing my packing late the night before!! Heading ... Read more >

A 'place' I have visited

Sun, 7 Jul 2013 | By breesentry | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

My name is Breanna Wright-Ryan. I am 18 and currently studieing at CATC the rocks sydney. photography has been a possion of mine since i was a kid as well as wanting to work with all sorts of anmials and all over the world. this trip will tech me all ... Read more >
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Tags: Travel Photography Scholarship 2013

A 'place' I have visited

Sun, 7 Jul 2013 | By cpas3675 | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

I’m Caitlin and I live in Wellington NSW. I have a boyfriend, I'm a perfectionist & I've loved photography for a long time. I am fun, outgoing and living life. One year ago I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. For a while it felt as though it was ... Read more >
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Tags: Travel Photography Scholarship 2013

Photos: North Queensland

Sun, 7 Jul 2013 | By butterfly-freed | Photo Gallery

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Chasing Rainbows & Magnetic Attraction

Sun, 7 Jul 2013 | By butterfly-freed | Views [1247]

I imagine Magnetic Island to be fairly small and so am quite surprised to find that there are around 3,000 inhabitants, numerous bays to explore with a vast range of accommodation on offer. Booking.com once again steps in and we have found a guest house ... Read more >

Tags: australia, fraser island, glamping, koalas, magnetic island, rainbow beach, sharks, townsville, wallabies

Photos: My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Sun, 7 Jul 2013 | By spphoto | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Greenland. I know how cold it is, how windy it is and how difficult it can be just to exist there. It’s the entire reason why I wanted to go. The deserts of Central Australia where I’ve lived and worked pushed me to explore the opposite extreme. I’ve ... Read more >
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Tags: travel photography scholarship 2013

Photos: My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Sun, 7 Jul 2013 | By caminniss | Flickr Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

I'm sure that I share the same dream as everyone else who has entered to win the Travel Photography Scholarship. My dream is to travel the world with my camera in hand. Documenting my travels, finding stories and sharing them with the world. Now for ... Read more >
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Tags: travel photography scholarship 2013

Xi'an - Terracotta Warriors

Sun, 7 Jul 2013 | By chstone | Views [444] | Comments [2]

My preconcieved thought of how China would be were finally confirmed in Xi'an. It was a hussle bustle town which old school chinese architecture and shops which Beijing didnt really offer being a newer city.  I had always thought of Xi'an as a small ... Read more >

Summer Palace and Lama Temple

Sun, 7 Jul 2013 | By chstone | Views [363]

On Tuesday El and i visited the renowend Summer Palace and Lama Temple in Beijing. After the nght previous escapades (torrential rain and lack of mandarin skills to order a cab) we were happy to be greeted by blue skies with not a cloud to be seen. We ... Read more >

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Eyes full of kindness and benevolence

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