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Destination: Australia

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Photos: Day 9

Fri, 6 May 2011 | By hvc | Photo Gallery

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Day 14

Fri, 6 May 2011 | By hvc | Views [175]

Easy day today as I needed to be in Alice to get the window on my truck replaced. So after checking into Lassiters Casino and Hotel it was off to ARB. Truck delivered it was then of to Macdonalds for a Big Mac and fries plus tall Latte. Truck fixed, it ... Read more >

Day 13

Fri, 6 May 2011 | By hvc | Views [169]

Today was more sight seeing. First it was off to Ormiston Gorge. We were there a little longer than expected as the walks were flooded so we had to do a bit of scrambling around rocks so as not to get our feet wet. Then it was a quick stop at Ellery Creek ... Read more >

Day 12

Fri, 6 May 2011 | By hvc | Views [152]

Today we popped down to Kathaleen Springs for look see. Not too much to see but did see a snake but didn't have my camera on me. It's possible it was an Inland Taipan but not confirmed. We then headed off towards Alice. We stopped off at a lookout for ... Read more >

Day 11

Fri, 6 May 2011 | By hvc | Views [147]

Again another lazy morning. Bit of breakfast and then headed off to Kings Canyon. We did the rim walk which was a 6 Km round trip. It took about 4 hours to do as there was so much wanting to be photographed. All in all, it was an enjoyable walk. Then ... Read more >

Day 10

Fri, 6 May 2011 | By hvc | Views [166]

Up at the crack of sparrows this morning to see if we can get a good sunrise. It was a bit cloudy so it wasn’t as good as hoped for. After that we went back and started to pack up, get some provisions,fill up with fuel and have breakfast. Not in that ... Read more >

Day 9

Fri, 6 May 2011 | By hvc | Views [175]

It was a lazy morning this morning. Did a few bits and bobs, washing , clean out the truck. We had lunch and then left to go and see the Olgas. We did the gorge walk which was about an hour. Then we went and did the base walk up to the first lookout.... Read more >

Day 7

Fri, 6 May 2011 | By hvc | Views [209]

Up at 6 and off to the campsite to pack up the tent. It was then fuel up, pump the tryes up and then off for a pie and coffee before setting off for Uluru.Not much occured during this trip. It was leg stretch at Marla, team photo at the SA/NT border before ... Read more >

The PLAN!!

Thu, 5 May 2011 | By afrosentrix | Views [373]

Well we have stuck a huge map of europe on the dining room table and thrashed out a route through 18 countries, about 16000kms and over 3 months, starting and ending in London. This story is so we and you can track our progress along the planned route ... Read more >

Tags: route

第三站之 RED CENTRE 3-DAY TOUR (Uluru, Kata Tjuta and Kings Canyon)- DAY 2

Wed, 4 May 2011 | By mishulee | Views [8047] | Comments [1]

終於近距離一睹 ULURU 呢日 5 點幾起身 , 都唔係好早者 , 都多得 TAS 6-DAY TOUR 既訓練後 , 已經習慣早起 ?! 首先先到 LOOKOUT 睇 ULURU 日出 , 之後會去 ULURU 既 BASE WALK! 前一日已經聽過 BRON 講 , 當地既 ABORIGINAL 唔希望旅客去爬 ULURU, ... Read more >


Wed, 4 May 2011 | By tommastenbroek | Views [201]

Hey, Ik heb de blog met foto's verplaatst naar een andere locatie voor diverse redenen. Je kunt me nu op Facebook volgen of als je je had aangemeld voor de maillijst, krijg je de berichten via de mail, dit kun je alsnog doen door mij een mailtje te ... Read more >

Photos: Broome & Cable Beach

Wed, 4 May 2011 | By flyted | Photo Gallery

Off in its own little world, the town of Broome, 2,200 km north of Perth in Western Australia, 700 km from the nearest large town, gateway to the Kimberley, definitely a different place.
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Jonathans Welt Teil 2

Tue, 3 May 2011 | By huebschen | Views [511]

Liebe Freunde, da wir grad etwas gestrandet sind, hatte Jonathan mal wieder etwas Zeit, seine Sicht der Dinge zu diktieren... Hallo zusammen, wie Ihr schon geslesen habt, geht die sogenannte Reise (ich denke ja, es ist Flucht) weiter. Die letzten ... Read more >

第三站之 RED CENTRE 3-DAY TOUR (Uluru, Kata Tjuta and Kings Canyon)- DAY 1

Tue, 3 May 2011 | By mishulee | Views [3921]

騎駱駝 騎駱駝係第一個行程 ! 短短既一個圈路程 , 要 $5, 不過今次我差 D 唔見左太陽眼鏡 =_=’ 一隻駱駝可以坐 2 個人 , 我個人覺得比騎馬舒服 DD, 不過我隻駱駝有 D 唔聽話 , 個工作人員要多番嘗試要叫到佢企係身 ! 行左半個圈之後 , 工作人員就開始叫佢地跑 , 雖然都唔係話好快 , 不過都幾拋 , 掛係我心口既眼鏡就唔覺意地跌左 ... Read more >

Photos: Rodeo, Kaenguruhs am Strand, Dschungel-Walks und Great Barrier Reef

Mon, 2 May 2011 | By huebschen | Photo Gallery

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