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Destination: Australia

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Photos: Profile photos

Wed, 30 Mar 2011 | By itchyfeet1 | Photo Gallery

Pics of me and family
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goodbye Cairns, my real holiday starts !

Tue, 29 Mar 2011 | By mishulee | Views [2379]

今日(28/3)係我留係CAIRNS最後一日,下午返去GOLDEN BOAT還圍裙,見到CODY 同青哥,真係有D唔捨得,因為佢地對我都好好...唔知我地幾時有機會再見呢!? >.< 之後我就去左報下星期 TAS 6天團,仲有5月PERTH去EXMOUTH 既TOUR, 一口氣俾左好多$$$$$! 不過琴晚有一件事,令我覺得好唔開心,亦訓得唔好.... 除左上次初初黎,有D掛住屋企而唔開心, 今次比上次更唔開心 感覺好差,但又要扮無野... 點解要係我出發前先黎唔開心呢? ... Read more >

Photos: Mongolia

Mon, 28 Mar 2011 | By johndunn | Photo Gallery

My 2009 journey through Mongolia
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My Travel Writing Scholarship 2011 entry - Journey in an Unknown Culture

Sun, 27 Mar 2011 | By ainsleyryan | Views [187] | Scholarship Entry

It’s just past 4am and it’s chilly on the street corner. Rugged up, in anticipation, I peer down the main street of Lao’s Luang Prabang but the thick mist has built a wall that is obscuring everything beyond. Each of the locals have set up a spot along ... Read more >

Tags: #2011writing, travel writing scholarship 2011

Photos: Ellensbrook and Meekadarbee Falls

Sun, 27 Mar 2011 | By natmatmoonshine | Photo Gallery

From the Homestead you can find a walk trail that leads to a cave at Meekadarbee Falls. In Aboriginal legend, the cave is where the spirits of lovers, Mitanne & Nobel live. Listen carefully to hear their laughter echoing in the waterfall.
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Adventure into an Unknown Culture

Sun, 27 Mar 2011 | By natmatmoonshine | Views [1042] | Scholarship Entry

As we drove through the overhanging Karri trees, I explained the Aboriginal legend to this sacred place.   To my surprise, after a rib nudge from the central princess, the outer adolescents removed their ear plugs and provided me with their attention.... Read more >

Tags: #2011writing, aboriginal legend, ellensbrook homestead, margaret river, mekadarbee falls, travel writing scholarship 2011

001. Planning Americana.

Sun, 27 Mar 2011 | By lishaje | Views [395]

I've got just over 50 days left till I leave the country for the first time and so far I've got a backpack. I've been reading every article, looked at every photograph, talked to every American I can find. This past week I lost a great friend and amazing ... Read more >

Tags: america, passport, plan, travel

完成工作了!! 將要開始旅程啦!!

Sun, 27 Mar 2011 | By mishulee | Views [5936]

上星期二22/3有幸被老闆邀請返去(當日明明放假去RAFTING)食飯,因為當日係酒樓6週年紀念日~~靖就開心啦,生日仲有好野食!!講真,實在多得老闆,先可以食到咁多中餐,如果唔係我呢半年一定極度掛住唐餐架喇!亦都多得佢,我搞到肥肥白白(黑先岩!) 有邊個會估到唔好飲酒既我,會學識做BAR溝酒呢?! 做BAR都幾好玩呀! 茶水部....一有時間就"LUI'去既地方,飲水!! 睇下,真係好多野食呀!!我地仲飲LLB...哈哈D鬼好鐘意飲既LEMON ... Read more >

Photos: golden boat anniversary dinner 22 MAR 2011

Sun, 27 Mar 2011 | By mishulee | Photo Gallery

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Rafting @22 Mar 2011 (Ching's b-day)

Sun, 27 Mar 2011 | By mishulee | Views [3008]

因為靖生日,所以我地特地要求今日放假去玩!我地報左名去RAFTING,即係激流,不過有趣地台灣人會叫RAFTING做泛舟!我地一聽就覺得呢個名太悠閒,太唔刺激喇! 我地最後報左一個FULL DAY既TOUR, 去左TULLY, 來回車程都要5個鐘呀!!!晨早6點幾就要上車,7點到CENTRE再搭架大COACH出發!成架車都坐滿人!!不過一上車,就二話不說,訓覺!!ZzzzzzZZZZ 雖然話訓覺,不過途中有醒過,見到好多機木倒塌左,就係上次CYCLONE YASI既破壞,仲有,INNISFIL同TULLY都有出產香蕉,不過上次打風,好多蕉樹都吹毀晒,我地路過D農埸都唔見有香蕉,難得見到樹上有既,都好小心咁用袋包裹住~ ... Read more >

My Travel Writing Scholarship 2011 entry - My Big Adventure

Thu, 24 Mar 2011 | By myleneorillo | Views [145] | Scholarship Entry

My biggest adventure happened in February 2010 when I was invited by my uncle to visit Sydney, Australia for three weeks and attend his 50th birthday celebration. It was a mixture of fun, excitement, and apprehension because it was my very first time ... Read more >

Tags: #2011writing, travel writing scholarship 2011

Notes From Japan - A World Nomad Returns Home Safely

Wed, 23 Mar 2011 | By nomads-news | Views [2940] | Comments [1]

Jesse Perez is a producer and writer for the Safety Team at The World Nomads Group. He went to Japan on the 10th of March for a brief holiday and a work stint. The very next day, the country was hit by a massive 9.0 earthquake, and a resulting tsunami ... Read more >

Tags: japan, japan disaster, japan earthquake, travel-safety-tips

Chancletas & Cohibas across Central America & Cuba

Wed, 23 Mar 2011 | By captpugwash | Views [1036]

First stop The Rocks YHA Sydney.........      ....then V Australia to Los Angeles and Alaskan Airlines to Mexico City.


Sun, 20 Mar 2011 | By baznjannie | Views [473]

We are busy cycling around the Mid North Coast area of New South Wales to prepare ourselves for cycling Central Europe. Our plan is to cycle the Danube from Donauueschingen in Germany to Budapest in Hungary. We will do some side trips along the ... Read more >

Tags: cycling

Photos: The Great Ocean Road

Sun, 20 Mar 2011 | By flyted | Photo Gallery

Heralded as one of the most scenic drives in the world, let's see if it's true.
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