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Destination: Australia

There are [6816] stories and [89629] photos from Australia

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Photos: Skydiving on Valentines' Day 2011

Tue, 15 Feb 2011 | By mishulee | Photo Gallery

A very special celebration on valentines
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Photos: Chinese New Year @ Cairns 2011

Tue, 15 Feb 2011 | By mishulee | Photo Gallery

after two very busy week in Golden Boat, we had a great dinner on 12.2.2011
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Danger of Death 1

Tue, 15 Feb 2011 | By elsie_moon | Views [446]

Crimes committed against Youth Hosteling: 1 - movement of the toaster from it's sacred spot on the kitchen bench. Risks of dying on work placement - about 1,000,001 God sorry, I keep disappearing into the bush don't I? Very unreliable correspondent ... Read more >

Photos: Australia

Mon, 14 Feb 2011 | By darwin | Photo Gallery

The Australian outback and all its beauty, breathtaking!
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City Lights--Touring Brisbane and Melbourne

Mon, 14 Feb 2011 | By proneymooners | Views [416]

Both of us being country folk, we were surprised in ourselves at just how much we enjoyed ourselves in the “big” cities. We arrived in Brisbane, Brissy for short (everything in Aussie land has an abbreviation, and usually on that ends with a “y” or ... Read more >

My First Weekend in My New House

Mon, 14 Feb 2011 | By jtmoughton | Views [519] | Comments [1]

I moved in on the Thursday, and Dom, whose place I'm taking in the house, took me round the area a bit for some lunch etc. We were sitting outside a particular pub, when Libby and Jess, the girls from Perth who I keep running into, sat down at our table ... Read more >

Surviving a hostel environment

Sun, 13 Feb 2011 | By elsie_moon | Views [914]

Crimes committed against youth hostelling: 1 - putting plastic in the paper and board recycling bin Ah, where can I begin? Let's start with the youth hostel that we're staying at and it's genial manager Basil Hitler aka Adolf Fawlty. That's not his ... Read more >

Photos: travel

Sat, 12 Feb 2011 | By mkeily | Photo Gallery

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Team Korea

Fri, 11 Feb 2011 | By elsie_moon | Views [527] | Comments [1]

I'm writing this in retrospect as I have been in the back end of beyond for the last week - Ooh Steph, you'll love this - I was working in a place called St. Helens lol! I've included a couple of photos so you can see what our St helens would look ... Read more >

Playing with Sharks and Dingos

Thu, 10 Feb 2011 | By proneymooners | Views [629]

So there are both some benefits to being in a civilized country again, and also drawbacks. The good parts are many in number and range from things like normal-sized TP rolls, menus without misspellings, food options OTHER than rice, and the list goes ... Read more >

Finding the Definition of Home

Thu, 10 Feb 2011 | By OffTheBeatenPath | Views [1940]

It s not like I have a status in Sydney - neither backpacker nor expatriate nor real tourist. Actually, I don’t have any status. Anywhere. Fortunately, unlike the one person I've come to visit here in Australia in 2010, I have a European passport, ... Read more >

Tags: australia, beaches, home, itineraries, life, malaysia, passport, south america, sydney, travel

Living In The 'Burbs

Wed, 9 Feb 2011 | By jtmoughton | Views [301]

The sharehouses I saw on Monday night were awful. About 30/40 people between 8 or 9 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Not good. Too much like hostel living for me. So that was a no go. I ended up moving in with Karen and family on Tuesday, which is out in the ... Read more >

It's all about money

Tue, 8 Feb 2011 | By lenemar | Views [496] | Comments [1]

Don’t ever think something is well organized because some altruist is passionate about it. Ultimately, it is always money that it boils down to. Let me quote an example. The National Harvest Trail (“Work your way around Australia”) has been developed ... Read more >

Photos: The Grace and Gjergj Wedding

Mon, 7 Feb 2011 | By carm | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Weddings, beach, sunsets

Mon, 7 Feb 2011 | By carm | Photo Gallery

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