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Destination: Australia

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Berlin: she may be poor...but she's sexy

Fri, 21 Jan 2011 | By tash | Views [855]

As soon as I arrived, I knew I would be spending much more time here. How easy is it to fall in love with this city with it's glorious architecture, magnificant memorials, amazing history and vibrant underbelly. Berlin has a long and checkered history ... Read more >

First message from Broome

Thu, 20 Jan 2011 | By james-karolien | Views [468] | Comments [6]

Hello friends and family, After 9 months together it is time to take the next step in our relationship... And because the Australian Immigration is oh so 'friendly' we are heading off overseas for 4 months. With this weblog we like to keep you up to ... Read more >

向農場出發@ MENINDEE—逃走篇

Thu, 20 Jan 2011 | By mishulee | Views [3574]

 事源我地工作左幾日之後,雖然唔係因為工作太辛苦而頂唔順,而係因為好似人工不穩定,住食環境都不太好,又感覺D工頭都搵機會收我地車費、工具費;有D BACKPACKER仲慘,佢地既有部份行李留左係另一個地方,所以想走都一定要有人車去個個地方拎行李,SOMEHOW我地冇呢個問題,而我地黎既時間仲拎定D 火車TIMETABLE, in case 我地要走,我地都有資料知道有咩途徑!! 最後我地就買左星期六晚上8點幾火車返SYDNEY........... 點知, 係出發前收到個SMS話因為FLOODING ,星期日個班車會CANCEL!咁我地搭個架係星期六,就冇理咁多,出左去車站等先算,F4 ... Read more >

向農場出發@ MENINDEE—朋友篇

Thu, 20 Jan 2011 | By mishulee | Views [3870]

去到呢個 farm, 都認識左唔少香港既 backpacker, 有剛黎澳洲既 , 有集二簽既 , 有已經留澳 21 個月既 , 有做左好多 farm 既 , 亦有好似我地咁新仔去 farm, 有剛係 hk 畢業既 , 有做左好多年野 quit 份工既 !! 因為除左返工 , 煮野食 , 我地最多既就係時間 , 所以冇野做都會吹水 , 一傾就 2 ... Read more >

向農場出發@ MENINDEE – 飲食篇

Thu, 20 Jan 2011 | By mishulee | Views [7443]

雖然我地知道我地未必好快可以跟車出去一個叫做 broken hill 既小鎮買糧食 , 不過我地都係準備左一 d 公仔麵同麵包 , 每日早餐就係麵包夾芝士 ,pack lunch 就係兩份麵包夾芝士 , 晚餐竟係公仔麵 / 米線 + 半條腸仔 ! 真係好堪坷 !! 眼見到有 4 個香港男仔 ( 稱為 F4), 因為其中一個係 hk 係做廚師 , 對食有要求 , ... Read more >

向農場出發@ MENINDEE – 擇提子篇

Thu, 20 Jan 2011 | By mishulee | Views [5595]

第二日我地就著好全副防蚊防曬既裝束 , 準備開工 ! 天都未光 ,5 點 45 分就要等工頭黎接我地去農場 , 其實車程唔遠 , 不過我地唔知去邊 , 就唯有跟車 ! 一到達 , 已經見到好多好多一行行既提子樹 , 經過個 SUPERVISOR briefing 我地幾個新人之後 , 我地就被分派到某一行 , 穿上瑩光衣 , 拎住我地被 ’ 坤 ’ 要買既較剪 ... Read more >

向農場出發@ MENINDEE – 第一晚血案篇

Thu, 20 Jan 2011 | By mishulee | Views [2543]

我地食完第一餐公仔麵 ( 其實之後幾日都係 ), 就沖涼準備訓覺 , 因為第二日早上 5 點幾我地就要返工 !! 正當我地係房執野之際 , 忽然聽到「嘭、嘭」兩下巨響 !! 我地初時又 ’ 淋 ’ 左 , 我一開門 , 望見我地房對住既女廁 , 有一個韓國男人訓左係度 , 地上仲有一大攤血 !!! 嚇死我地 !! 我地見到有 D 韓國人出黎睇咩事 , ... Read more >

向農場出發@ MENINDEE – 環境篇

Thu, 20 Jan 2011 | By mishulee | Views [3115]

我地一到埗 , 都等左一陣先被安排到一個房間 , 要行到房間 , 經過一條好多泥既走廊 , 見到有幾個剛開房門既房間 , 好細 , 混亂 , 簡陋 , 亦有一陣陣味道 … 最後我地入到房間 , 有一張 ’look’ 架床 , 幸好有冷氣 !! 之後我地都出去睇下其他設施 , 見到有一個叫做 leisure hall, 當時入面已經有人食緊飯 , 有廚房 ... Read more >

向農場出發@ MENINDEE – 出門篇

Thu, 20 Jan 2011 | By mishulee | Views [5718]

經過我地係台灣背包客棧爬左好幾十次文之後 , 又多方打電話聯絡不同既農場工頭 , 最終就選定左一個遠到呀媽都唔認得既地方 —MENINDEE, 一個要從 SYDNEY 搭 12 個小時火車 , 每星期只有一班車去 / 返既一個地方 ! 其實仲有其他都係好偏遠既農場 , 不過比較過採果既種類、交通、辛苦程度等等 … 我地就決定訂飛去 MENINDEE! 到出發前一天 , ... Read more >

Photos: grape-picking@ Menindee

Thu, 20 Jan 2011 | By mishulee | Photo Gallery

a week in a very remote farm in NSW
See all 34 photos >>

Maggie, Airlie, Melbourne

Wed, 19 Jan 2011 | By jtmoughton | Views [563] | Comments [2]

Been a while since I could get internet access, so settle in for a long(ish) one! And just so everyone knows who's been asking my parents, I am absolutely safe and unaffected by the floods in Australia, except that they have changed my plans a bit, ... Read more >

Bush Trekking in the Blue Mountains

Tue, 18 Jan 2011 | By p-j | Views [562]

Up at six this morning for a long day to explore the Blue Mountains.   We caught a bus from Curl Curl to Manly; the ferry from Manly to Circular Quay; the cityrail train from Circular Quay to Central station; the countrylink train from Central station ... Read more >

Tags: bush trekking, lyrebird, spectacular views, three sisters, waterfalls

Counting Down to Rio...

Tue, 18 Jan 2011 | By jessica184 | Views [408]

This time in two weeks I'll be on a plane with my dear friend Pow to Rio de Janerio, Brazil!! Saude! When I think of Brazil I think of beautiful beaches, CARNIVAL, samba in the streets, beautiful women in small bikini's (or also known as shoestrings), ... Read more >

Photos: Blue Mountains

Tue, 18 Jan 2011 | By p-j | Photo Gallery

Bush Treks, Magnificent Views, Lizard, Lyre Bird, Waterfalls, Three Sisters
See all 26 photos >>


Tue, 18 Jan 2011 | By tash | Views [381]

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