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Destination: Australia

There are [6816] stories and [89629] photos from Australia

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First days

Wed, 5 Jan 2011 | By oconnorclare | Views [322]

Ok, ive decided to give this a go but i dont have regular internet access so we will see how it goes! also im no literary genius so ill need a while to get into the swing of it! forgive me if its only nearly as good as one of my stories! ive arrived ... Read more >

On The Road Again

Wed, 5 Jan 2011 | By jtmoughton | Views [530] | Comments [2]

Hey everyone, hope you had a fantastic New Years, I know I did! We spent the night in Gilligan's in Cairns, all 11 of the people who had come down from the lodge, and had a great time. Spent New Years Day with a bit of a headache mind, but still managed ... Read more >

Diving into Couchsurfing, My First Experience

Wed, 5 Jan 2011 | By OffTheBeatenPath | Views [5881] | Comments [1]

It’s almost midnight and I am shining a torch into a dumpster behind a Coles supermarket in Katoomba, Australia.    Katoomba is a small mountain town an hour train ride from Sydney.    I am accompanied by 3 people I have just met a few hours ago.... Read more >

Tags: adventure, australia, couchsurfing, food, off the beaten path, travel

Day 17/18/19 Getting to Hong Kong

Wed, 5 Jan 2011 | By bparrish | Views [358]

Hi Dear Family We are in Hong Kong safe and sound. Took the long road from paris to london. London to hong kong and after no sleep on the plane girls very very jet lagged but good. Today we went to the Peak on the tram and then had some yummy food ... Read more >

Photos: hong kong

Wed, 5 Jan 2011 | By bparrish | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Sydney

Tue, 4 Jan 2011 | By mattandandy | Flickr Photo Gallery

Sydney pics
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Tue, 4 Jan 2011 | By mattandandy | Views [494]

Bondi – The next day we took the 333 bus to Bondi beach.   The beach is huge and really busy; sort of reminded me of Southend seafront on a grander scale.   We took a walk south to some of the smaller beaches of Tamarama and Bronte along ... Read more >

Tags: ashes, sydney

in transit

Mon, 3 Jan 2011 | By tash | Views [266]

It's quiet and the house is  dark. I can't sleep -my mind is filled with future destinations, not all of which I am certain of - and anticipation keeps my minds eye open. I envision getting lost in cobbled Roman streets, staring in awe at ancient structures ... Read more >


Sun, 2 Jan 2011 | By mishulee | Views [2650]

幾日前我上網搵CITY工,除左SEND左一封去某FAST FOOD STORE做之外,係某個比較蚊型既網站見到一個POST, 內容如下:   Travel writer assistant Assistant required to acompany me on many trips to luxury hotels and resorts, unpaid role but includes lots of free travel and free accomodation, something ... Read more >


Sun, 2 Jan 2011 | By mishulee | Views [2438]

話說係DEBBIE 屋企住到27號, 因為之後去到我二家姐既一個朋友屋企住2日, 係BOXING DAY ,佢仲車我返左佢(JACKY)同佢太太(WENDY)既教會@CHATSWOOD, 唔係太長既崇拜...之後就同佢地去附近食野, 不過因為BOXING DAY既關係,大部份既食店都冇開,呢度既人放聖誕假,就真係放...所以條街就死寂!! 最後搵到一間$10任食韓國BUFFET ~~ 下午就出左CITY,感受一下 XMAS CRAZY SALE 既迫人情況=_='' 27-28去左JACKY屋企住,WENDY既父母都岩岩係香港黎探佢地,佢地都好好人,之前都猛問我有冇咩地方想去,我就話冇所謂,唔想佢地太刻意安排活動俾我,佢地最後同我去飲茶,又令我諗起CAIRNS既酒樓呢,仲有職業病地睇下人地有咩點心賣^^ ... Read more >

United Airlines Eggs, LAX & NYC

Sun, 2 Jan 2011 | By swatson11 | Views [288] | Comments [1]

Well team, only a quick up-date as I have less than 5 minutes left of internet time. I'm still alive!! (hooray!) although no thanks to United Airlines and their "eggs".. which i don't believe were really eggs at all. In New York City and ... Read more >

Photos: Old Stuff

Sun, 2 Jan 2011 | By russellroberts | Photo Gallery

some of the bits from the shed
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A Devil of a Good Time in Tasmania and Going Barmy with the Army in Melbourne

Sat, 1 Jan 2011 | By steve_and_emma | Views [773]

You realise just how enormous Australia is when an internal flight from the West to the East coast takes as long as the flight from KL to Perth.   Even though it sounded like a short hop we landed exhausted since we’d been up all day and flying all ... Read more >

Photos: Hogmanay in Sydney

Sat, 1 Jan 2011 | By dancinnadz | Flickr Photo Gallery

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Photos: Tasmania and Melbourne

Sat, 1 Jan 2011 | By steve_and_emma | Photo Gallery

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