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Destination: Australia

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Finding My Center in the Blue Mountains of Australia

Thu, 25 Nov 2010 | By lauren_watson | Views [2183]

“Whinging” is an expression used in Australia for complaining.   It’s my understanding that the expression is used mostly if you complain a lot.   I guess in “Jersey-speak” we would call it “bitching and moaning”.   I’m sorry to say I’ve been doing ... Read more >

Tags: australia, blue mountains, katoomba


Tue, 23 Nov 2010 | By noone6 | Views [488] | Comments [1]

Day 92 – 94 Crossing the Nullarbor (ing). Esperance to Madura was day 1 – 9 hours in the car.   A few stops along the way; petrol, food and Matthew’s unbelievable ability to pee.   Drove the longest stretch of straight road in Australia; very ... Read more >

Photos: Esperance

Tue, 23 Nov 2010 | By noone6 | Photo Gallery

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Tue, 23 Nov 2010 | By noone6 | Views [497]

Day 89 – 91 We drove from Albany to Esperance which took roughly 6 ½ hours including a petrol stop and a lunch stop; a fairly boring drive and a very ordinary lunch - maybe preparing us for the Nullarbor? We arrived at the prearranged caravan ... Read more >

Dumpster Diving in Katoomba

Tue, 23 Nov 2010 | By lauren_watson | Views [3531] | Comments [1]

It’s almost midnight and I am shining a torch into a dumpster behind a Coles supermarket in Katoomba, Australia.   Katoomba is a small mountain town an hour train ride from Sydney.   I am accompanied by 3 people I have just met a few hours ago.   ... Read more >

Tags: australia, blue mountains, couchsurfing, katoomba

A Reminder to Keep My Guard Up

Tue, 23 Nov 2010 | By lauren_watson | Views [2375] | Comments [5]

I haven’t written in awhile.   To be honest it’s because I don’t have much to say.   Australia is beautiful.   The beaches are lovely, sand is white, the ocean is deep blue.   Being here has been a great holiday and incredibly relaxing.   In terms ... Read more >

Tags: australia, coffs harbour, women solo traveling


Tue, 23 Nov 2010 | By mishulee | Views [5850] | Comments [1]

不經不覺黎左澳洲2個月喇,如果計正正式式工作,差3天就夠一個月了,第一個月係CAIRNS 係摸索,搵工,認識朋友中渡過(都多得佢地,我可以同佢地一齊煮飯,傾計,日子變得冇咁難過);今個月就努力工作,努力到一連7天都要返工,有時3個小時,有時6個小時,所以覺得真係覺得只有WORKING,而冇左HOLIDAY !>< 不過我知道我依家努力D, 起碼我有點$$ 日後可以去玩, 因為我一離開CAIRNS, 去到SYDNEY,又唔知要用幾多時間先可以搵到另一份工! 心目中黎到澳洲,都有幾樣野係必玩既!當然全部都唔平啦,普通都一百幾十, ... Read more >

Photos: Uluru

Mon, 22 Nov 2010 | By siblysgotroppo | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Alice Springs & MacDonnell Ranges

Mon, 22 Nov 2010 | By siblysgotroppo | Photo Gallery

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sick of work (part 2)

Mon, 22 Nov 2010 | By mishulee | Views [11604]

今個星期極之忙碌,好幾日都要返全日,唔知係唔係做野既關係,定係我無啦啦有關節炎(>_<)?每日訓覺都會覺得十隻手指都好累!!係每一節既關節都好累!!(或者我係香港係靠把口工作,依家要用勞力,真係有D難適應)除左身體上既疲勞之外,呢個星期心靈上都冇空間俾我休息、回氣!好想有一日係全日唔洗返工,可以游下水,休息一下!當然這個星期令我覺得係工作上受夠既原因,仲有一個... 話說餐廳既廚房入面,有個負責'執碼'(即執食物材料)既一個男仔,由於廚房忙起上黎係好混亂,有時忙起黎都有身體推撞,初初我都唔覺係咩.... Read more >

The MacDonnells and Cairns

Sun, 21 Nov 2010 | By jtmoughton | Views [206]

We went out to the MacDonnell range like I said we would, and we had a blast. Stopped off at a place called Simpsons Gap was was pretty cool, but then moved on to a place called Ellery Creek, which was amazing. It's a watering hole in a gap in the rock, ... Read more >

Uluru, Kata Tjuta and Kings Canyon

Sat, 20 Nov 2010 | By jtmoughton | Views [525] | Comments [2]

Hey everyone, how are you all?? Over the last 3 days, we've been travelling round the Red Centre of Australia, and it's been wonderful! We flew out relatively early on Wednesday morning straight to Ayers Rock airport, getting the shuttle bus to one ... Read more >

Feel sick of work

Sat, 20 Nov 2010 | By mishulee | Views [2283]

(I was typing a really long piece of journal in chinese but then it was all gone!)I felt so bad about it! So now i just type in English which is faster! Hope this won'these affect your understanding! These two days, i started to feel bad at work. It ... Read more >

Photos: Terara House

Fri, 19 Nov 2010 | By kazdavevaughan | Photo Gallery

Nikki & Scotts Wedding
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Fri, 19 Nov 2010 | By bucko | Views [217]

After being diverted to Phnom Penh airport due to bad weather conditions at Ho Chi Minh, we were able to fly to Ho Chi Minh and then take off for Sydney two hours late. Managed to get a bit of sleep on the overnight flight. I was very happy to see Mum ... Read more >

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