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Destination: Australia

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Photos: Great Ocean Road

Fri, 3 Dec 2010 | By noone6 | Photo Gallery

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Fri, 3 Dec 2010 | By noone6 | Views [587]

Day 100 – 104 Well this is it, the last entry in the blog.   We are currently heading back to Melbourne.   Since last I wrote we have been to Victor Harbour, a pretty little town.   We stayed in a nice caravan park, played in some parks ... Read more >


Wed, 1 Dec 2010 | By mishulee | Views [4237]

有時真係覺得世事總令人有選擇,就有煩惱!! 上星期六我正想打算搵到合適既時機同老細細佬講,我做多2星期都會走,點知我未開口講,俾佢講先,佢話我依家識得賣點心,所以加我人工! (我心裡真係一沉架,你遲唔加,早唔加...><)之後我就冇再出聲...我返去有認真諗過,我知道佢地1,2月會好鬼忙,因為放新年同農曆新年假,會有好多遊客,所以會非常等人用,所以如果我去完SYD返去,做到2月中,咁我都應該會儲到D錢;而我如果去到SYD,去搵工,好多人都同我講個邊人工好平,好多留學生都會搵工,我未必咁易有工做.... Read more >

My coffee is rich

Wed, 1 Dec 2010 | By darwinsdream | Views [573] | Video

This morning over coffee, I happened to be sucked   in by the lens. Then, It seemed like I entered a world of fantasy where people have forgotten that an adult is no longer a child ... The parrots go shopping at the cheese shop, ... Read more >


Tue, 30 Nov 2010 | By gemmahu | Views [228]

Ah Melbourne.... I left Bowen 22/11/2010 for big city life with Ruth and Anna banana. Melbournes SMASHING you should go. I undertook the odd bit of culture vulturing but mostly stuck to eating, drinking and shopping.....lovely.

Fruit Picking in the Arse End of Nowhere

Tue, 30 Nov 2010 | By jtmoughton | Views [380] | Comments [1]

So we made it to the fruit picking hostel, and its not too bad. Bit expensive, but they do find work for you and transport you there, so its alright. All the shops had closed by the time we had checked in, and the nearest supermarket is the next town ... Read more >

Preparing for the Journey...

Mon, 29 Nov 2010 | By cokeeffe | Views [453]

The countdown is ticking and there is so much to do before we leave! I now have my hiking pack... what an experience that was... who knew there was so much to know about hiking packs!! After hours shopping, Mum and I finally chose one. Happy Birthday ... Read more >

Photos: Port Lincoln/Burra

Mon, 29 Nov 2010 | By noone6 | Photo Gallery

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Port Lincoln and Burra

Mon, 29 Nov 2010 | By noone6 | Views [516] | Comments [3]

Day 95 to 99 Port Lincoln We stayed in Port Lincoln for 1 day and 2 nights. It poured with rain for the first night and during the day.   Madi got her wish to go shopping and finally bought the shoes she had wanted – good news is they ... Read more >


Sun, 28 Nov 2010 | By mishulee | Views [3082]

上次我都有提過廚房入面有個大陸既男仔,成日有意無意咁碰撞我,後來我話左俾同事+SHAREHOUSE MATE- DICKSON知, 佢話仲有另外一個女仔都有類似既情況,亦剛剛話左俾老闆知!正當呢個星期我掙扎緊幾時同點樣講之時...有一晚係廚房,當時我同佢唔係好近,都有1個身位,佢就唔小心踩到我,我就痛到大叫左一聲,點知佢係完全冇失平衡既情況下,撲埋黎攬住左我囉!!整個情況我同事DICKSON睇到晒!,我之後都即時鬧佢,佢就好似若無其事咁行開! 呢個時候其實我都差唔多收工,不過個個都可以準時收工,我就被老闆細佬S留低,繼續完成(人地)未做完既工作, ... Read more >


Sun, 28 Nov 2010 | By jtmoughton | Views [648] | Comments [4]

AHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, SKYDIVING IS AMAZING!!!! Went for a little skydive on saturday morning, and oh my god, the rush is unreal!! It's like nothing I've ever felt before, just incredible. Jumped from 14,000ft (sorry mum, i'm not helping any ... Read more >

Adventure Stuff in Cairns

Fri, 26 Nov 2010 | By jtmoughton | Views [589] | Comments [2]

Things have really picked up!! On Wednesday, we went whitewater rafting, which was really good fun. Went over some crazy rapids and jumped off a big rock into the water. Was great fun. Fell out once though when we went over one of the last rapids, ... Read more >

Gold Coast, Australia

Thu, 25 Nov 2010 | By nomad_kiwis | Views [963]

We arrived in Brisbane at 9.30am along with 6 other flights from all parts of the globe. After customs, getting our bags, and immigration all took so long we were wondering if we would ever get out of the airport when yeah a uniformed lady directed us ... Read more >

Yan in s2

Thu, 25 Nov 2010 | By chavat09 | Views [227]

'The phone is an extention of his arm.  He reads with bated breath.  Each successvive character enlarges his smile.  Furiously tapping away at the keypad he reciprocates all the whispers of love hidden within the text he has recieved.  His world exists ... Read more >

The Departure: November 25th

Thu, 25 Nov 2010 | By chavat09 | Views [203]

Rain grew from a graceful touch, to a forceful collision in a matter of minutes.  The morning swell of meals, showers, and dressing were met with an excited determination.  Bags were checked once, twice, then thrice, everything going as planned for the ... Read more >

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