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Destination: Australia

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The Start of Everything

Tue, 14 Dec 2010 | By francesca_kelly | Views [273]

Firstly i just wanted to say sorry to everyone for writing this so late! We began our trip in Suvarnabhumi Aiport, when we arrived at 11pm we were dazed by everything. We had to find our shuttle bus to the hotel and we couldn't work out where the ... Read more >

Brisbane via Noosa..

Tue, 14 Dec 2010 | By dancinnadz | Views [384]

I've really been putting off this update because i don't have a great amount to talk about but here goes! We arrived in Noosa on Friday after a short couple of hours drive from Rainbow Beach and it was lovely and sunny. Unfortunately the hostel i was ... Read more >

Comfort zone

Mon, 13 Dec 2010 | By mishulee | Views [3150]

星期三(15/12)我就要離開cairns去sydney喇,雖然係cairns只係2個半月,工作只有1個半月,不過好多事情都習慣左,cairns central買野,返工既路,sharehouse煮野食,雖然好多朋友都走左,我roommate又走左,感覺好似返番去最初黎到, 只有我自己一個,不過依家我有同事,同佢地就好似朋友一樣,每天都嘻嘻哈哈..^^ 早前我曾經掙扎過,農曆年返黎餐廳做野,因為我已經適應左呢度既生活、工作、人事,去sydney就即係去一個完全陌生既環境,又再重新開始認識一個新地方,朋友,搵工作,我覺得大部分人都會傾向留係個個comfort ... Read more >


Mon, 13 Dec 2010 | By jtmoughton | Views [843] | Comments [6]

Still here in Tolga, doing my fruit picking. I managed to get away from the series of grumpy farmers and have a day off in Atherton, where Gareth (a kiwi who is here as well) and I spent the day just relaxing away from the hostel. There's not much to ... Read more >

Last day of work @Cairns

Mon, 13 Dec 2010 | By mishulee | Views [7432]

 因為我有好一陣子冇上午同晚上都要返工,所以琴日同今日要整天返工,感覺係有d唔習慣,又累! 加上我之前同d同事影左d相,我晒左出黎又想每張都寫少少說話俾佢地,所以今日都一早起身寫左好幾張!!>< 其實我之前不停掙扎買唔買一本簿,叫佢地寫少少野俾我留念,可是當想到人家可能冇咩想寫俾我既時候,可能為佢地帶黎煩惱...所以就放棄喇!相反,我都覺得我希望佢地記得我,如果有機會黎香港,我都想帶佢地去食下野,玩下!!所以我就晒左同佢地既合照,寫上小小既心聲!! 始終我唔知道係澳洲我有冇機會再見到佢地每一個!! ... Read more >

Photos: workplace @Cairns

Mon, 13 Dec 2010 | By mishulee | Photo Gallery

working in a chinese restaurant
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Started Packing

Mon, 13 Dec 2010 | By bparrish | Views [451]

All gear out on table. Medications currently outweighing clothes..... Getting very excited. Girls keep counting their money.

Fraser Island..Goon-giggles in Paradise

Sat, 11 Dec 2010 | By dancinnadz | Views [421] | Comments [3]

I don't like to over exaggerate but i think my trip to Fraser Island was one of the best 3 days i've had on my adventure so far.. Perfect scenery, idyllic weather, good banter and people..plus alcohol = fun times! We arrived at Rainbow Beach where ... Read more >

Family Road Trip on the Sapphire Coast

Sat, 11 Dec 2010 | By lauren_watson | Views [2511] | Comments [1]

Have you ever met people in your life that you immediately cliqued with? People with whom you feel careless and free and like you could conquer the world with? Certain individuals in which being with them is as easy as breathing and collectively you ... Read more >

Tags: australia, merimbula, road trip

Good Friends, Cockroaches, Santa Claus and Other Adventures in Woy Woy

Sat, 11 Dec 2010 | By lauren_watson | Views [4227]

There’s a cockroach scuttling along the floor in my friend Amanda’s house. We both squeal as I stand at a distance and attempt to gas the thing with spray. In my head all I am thinking is “die die die!” Who would have thought such vicious thoughts could ... Read more >

Tags: australia, woy woy


Thu, 9 Dec 2010 | By mishulee | Views [2832] | Comments [2]

接觸過不同國藉既人,對佢地多多少少都有D唔同既印象(或是Perception啦),不過今次重點,講番中國人! 又或者講得具體d,應該係黎大堡蘸既國內遊客!! 因為係餐廳工作,有7成以上既生意都係黎自團餐--即係旅行團餐,平時唔太多一晚有5-6檯,如果多起上黎有成廿幾張檯都係團餐!如果農曆新年就更誇張,同事話每晚可能要做到12點先可以收工!以前初初做,我會幾鍾意做團餐,因為唔洗用腦!咩意思?上團餐有幾個steps,客人一黎到,就上茶,之後上湯,之後就'食送'同白飯一齊上!之後就生果,基本上記住個次序,有野就盡快拎出去就得,而當客人走,我地就盡快清理好張檯.... Read more >

Still Fruit Picking.................

Sun, 5 Dec 2010 | By jtmoughton | Views [693] | Comments [2]

So, the trip has taken a downturn, as I have run very low on money and have been forced to turn to fruit picking. And it sucks. If you can ever avoid it, do, because the farmers are all @#%$&!>" ?<@%$#)!?"@s - in other words, not ... Read more >

Bondi Waves 2000 - 2010

Sun, 5 Dec 2010 | By darwinsdream | Views [1941]

It's back... My Australian Dream ... It's been 3 months since I bathe in a dream that had captivated me and recalled me back ten years later. I was madly in love in May 2000…My ideals ignited by the Olympic torch, floating ... Read more >

It's Been Quiet but things are picking up again

Fri, 3 Dec 2010 | By poita_j | Views [582]

Been a bit quiet, but been keeping busy with food and Gym and getting used to all the different things here. Really has been great, getting colder as we get closer to being into winter. Snow is on the ground most days now. It still doesn't lose me, ... Read more >

Tags: fun, nyc, usa

Packing for the East Coast

Fri, 3 Dec 2010 | By pudddddin | Views [187]

Night before the flight to Cairns and I'm trying to pack... My backpack is too small and my clothes are still too wet to pack..!  Flying at 15.20 tomorrow (4/12/10) from Sydney to Cairns with Magali, Nathalie and Nicolas... exciting and scary! Booked ... Read more >

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