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Destination: Australia

There are [6816] stories and [89629] photos from Australia

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I'm leaving on a jet plane...

Mon, 27 Dec 2010 | By emmaneal | Views [345]

So, the day has finally arrived. In approximatly 7 hours I will be sitting on a plane, on my way to Buenos Aires for the trip of a lifetime! Corny huh? Well, the past few months have been completely corny. My emotions have been out of control...I feel ... Read more >

Back into the journal, Merry Christmas & a happy new year to all!

Sun, 26 Dec 2010 | By poita_j | Views [747] | Comments [2]

Well what a magical xmas, firstly seeing my family back home open their presents (gotto love skype) and then spending this xmas over here the following day with my close friends here.  Opened my family's present first on xmas eve, the letter from ... Read more >

Tags: family, fun, snow, usa, utica

Have Yourself a Very Aussie Christmas.....

Sun, 26 Dec 2010 | By lauren_watson | Views [2356]

This Christmas Eve I got to have my photograph taken in front of a giant cod.   I am thinking not too many people can say that.   The gigantic cod is a large road side attraction in a town called Swan Hill, located a 4 hour drive north of Melbourne ... Read more >

Tags: australia, christmas, melbourne, swan hill

Leaving on a jet plane...

Sun, 26 Dec 2010 | By cokeeffe | Views [391]

Tomorrow I depart on my great adventure! I have my bag(s) packed and ready to go... after many attempts at trying to fit everything in my backpack I culled some things and it finally closed! It is very difficult to fit all your favourite things into ... Read more >

Day 10 - Christmas Day in Lapland

Sun, 26 Dec 2010 | By bparrish | Views [449] | Comments [1]

Not really sure how to describe today - the most amazing things I have ever seen. Which may not say alot as I have never been out of the country but honestly it was everything we had hoped for and more. Evie's word for today - No words to describe ... Read more >

Day 9 - In Lapland (Yeh)

Sat, 25 Dec 2010 | By bparrish | Views [418]

Merry Merry Christmas gorgeous family and a very big happy birthday to Uncle Simon. Well we finally arrived at 3am. It was -20 so quite mild for here. Hotel is very authentic (yes I know I choose the authentic tour) but my god the atmosphere, view and ... Read more >

A lonely Christmas ?!

Sat, 25 Dec 2010 | By mishulee | Views [5046] | Comments [1]

今日係平安夜, 沒有刻意為自己安排好豐富既節目,只係下午出去行下...不過一行又行左3個鐘!(因為我又行路出去..放棄搭火車同巴士),沿住個條最繁忙既paramatta road一直出去,就可以去到一個叫做broadway既大型商場,係一個未到city而最近我住既地區既shopping centre. 其實我出去唔係為左買野,只係想係我離開呢間屋之前,行下附近既地方~~由於xmas 既關係,好多人都出去shopping,係澳洲過聖誕除左天氣同香港唔同之外,我覺得澳洲人或者係電視等媒體都好重視呢個節日,而聖誕老人真係一個xmas ... Read more >

Merry Christmas..Everyone!!!

Fri, 24 Dec 2010 | By dancinnadz | Views [470] | Comments [3]

Just wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone, who hasn't already seen my e-card on Facebook especially. Hope everyone has a great time, Santa is good to you and you all eat and drink plenty :) Spending my first Christmas away from home is going to ... Read more >

Day 8 - Meant to be in Lapland......

Fri, 24 Dec 2010 | By bparrish | Views [426] | Comments [1]

Hi gorgeous family Well it is 5pm 23rd Dec in London Gatwick Airport. We have been here since 7.30am. Plane has been delayed due to a variety of reasons but either way girls have spent their first whole day in an airport. We have met everyone else ... Read more >

The Last Leg - Byron Bay to Sydney

Thu, 23 Dec 2010 | By dancinnadz | Views [372] | Comments [1]

I probably should have updated this a few days ago cos i have pretty much forgotten alot about Byron Bay even though it was only a week ago! One of my favourite places as it was so chilled out, a bit of a hippy town and a beautiful beach. I was staying ... Read more >

Photos: Bondi 2000 2010

Thu, 23 Dec 2010 | By darwinsdream | Photo Gallery

From 2000 to 2010, snaps of the life of a backpacker in Bondi
See all 15 photos >>

Day 7 Last Day in London

Thu, 23 Dec 2010 | By bparrish | Views [490] | Comments [5]

We have done every major possible tourist activity in 6 days so today we were feeling quite tired. Only one not ticked off for the girls was the Science Museum so off we went. What a magical science centre - makes the wollongong one look a little under ... Read more >

Next stop- Sydney

Wed, 22 Dec 2010 | By mishulee | Views [3962]

黎左SYDNEY差唔多一個星期,一到埗,DEBBIE(係學校既同事)揸車去接我,講真有佢既接濟係好好,因為佢好樂意咁俾我係佢屋企住!! 佢今日一早就出發,去3個月旅行,所以由今日起,我會暫住多幾日,之後會去我家姐個SYD朋友家暫住2-3天,之後就可以同LAMCHING見面啦!!(時間過得真快, 佢終於黎AUS啦!)(我都唔覺唔覺係到3個月!!~~~ 一黎到SYD,已經覺得呢度好大,D交通好複雜,又好貴,DEBBIE住既地方算係跟CITY,坐火車幾個站就到,有D地方真係可以搭成個鐘火車先到!! ... Read more >

Photos: journey@sydney

Wed, 22 Dec 2010 | By mishulee | Photo Gallery

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Where all started

Wed, 22 Dec 2010 | By heleneaustralia | Views [271]

Do you all know Bill Bryson? He is an American author who wrote a lot of travel books - he is my heroe. The funniest Ever. His feelings were such a reflexion of mine when I travelled around Australia...till the single detail of the shark warning sign ... Read more >

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