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Destination: Australia

There are [6816] stories and [89629] photos from Australia

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Photos: Destination: Queenscliff

Wed, 16 Mar 2011 | By flyted | Photo Gallery

Arriving in Victoria, heading around the bay and out to Queenscliff on the sea
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The Beginning : Travelling to Europe

Mon, 14 Mar 2011 | By marfee7 | Views [4999] | Comments [7]

    14 March 2011 : Melbourne, Australia Finally we have booked our tickets. We fly to Singapore on 12 August leaving Jacinta in residence to keep Bella, our watchdog, company. Watchdogs still get lonely. We spend three nights there.... Read more >

The challenges of developing an iPad app

Mon, 14 Mar 2011 | By Ask-a-Nomad | Views [829] | Video

We have been developing web sites since the early 1990's and are thoroughly experienced in terms of what will work, what's usable and the process to go from idea through to delivery. Easy. Part of the interest in developing an iPad app was to explore ... Read more >

Tags: design, innovation, ipad, travel, user interaction

Photos: Canberra

Sun, 13 Mar 2011 | By flyted | Photo Gallery

Capital of the Commonwealth
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more road trip

Sun, 13 Mar 2011 | By oconnorclare | Views [352]

After a wonderful nights sleep we decided to go to see Whale World, this is a museum of sorts at an old whaling station that was in operation until as recently as about 40 years ago. It was a really interesting place showing videos of the whales being ... Read more >

窮富翁大作戰- 後感

Sun, 13 Mar 2011 | By mishulee | Views [9853]

係呢幾個星期入面,除左返工,放工外,就睇香港電視劇...(令我有時會以為自己身在香港呢!^^) 係ITUNES 下載左港台製作既窮富翁大作戰,睇完真係有一點..有一點似我係AUS 咁(當然我比住300百呎不足既板間房既人好好多) 呢一班可能有學歷,或者生於富有既家庭,係社會上有地位既人,去體驗一D社會低下層人仕既生活,所面對既困難...我唔敢講係香港既我係好富有,但起碼有份收入不錯既穩定工作,不需為生活而擔心;黎左AUS之後,要去做不同既工作,亦係香港我唔會做既餐廳WAITRESS,係酒樓賣點心;... Read more >

Photos: Celebrating and Goodbyes!

Sat, 12 Mar 2011 | By chanelle_ross | Photo Gallery

Goodbye everyone
See all 21 photos >>

Photos: iPad wireframes

Sat, 12 Mar 2011 | By Ask-a-Nomad | Flickr Photo Gallery

Early pencil sketches of how we imagined this might work.
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Selling Children

Fri, 11 Mar 2011 | By jtmoughton | Views [622] | Comments [3]

I started my job about 2 weeks ago, with a day in training. For those that don't know, I am currently working for a charity trying to persuade people to sponsor children in 3rd world countries. For my first proper day, I was partnered with a guy called ... Read more >

Townsville & North Queensland

Fri, 11 Mar 2011 | By rosibud | Views [838]

Well I know I have been very slack of late, not updating this journal.  I guess when you are living and working somewhere you fall into a rhythm that makes you feel more like a resident than a traveler.  Living and working in Townsville has been ... Read more >

Photos: The Blue Mountains

Wed, 9 Mar 2011 | By flyted | Photo Gallery

Two days in Katoomba, heart of the Blue Mountains of New South Wales
See all 29 photos >>

Time off!!!

Wed, 9 Mar 2011 | By oconnorclare | Views [476]

Today i was working and just couldn’t wait for the sailings to finish, though we have had a good laugh at work this week, the banter and jokes following the day where Jason the chef was ‘the man’, surrounded by us four ladies, have carried on and theres ... Read more >

Photos: Sydney Day 6: The Opera House Tour

Tue, 8 Mar 2011 | By flyted | Photo Gallery

My last morning in Sydney, before heading for the Blue Mountains. Just enough time to squeeze in a tour of the Opera House.
See all 13 photos >>

Photos: Sydney Day 5: Manly Beach and the Opera House at Night

Mon, 7 Mar 2011 | By flyted | Photo Gallery

I took the ferry out to Manly Beach for the afternoon, then an evening stroll around the Opera House.
See all 15 photos >>

From Broome to Bukit Lawang..

Mon, 7 Mar 2011 | By james-karolien | Views [841] | Comments [3]

  From Broome to Bukit Lawang.. Finally the day arrived, to hop on the planes. On Sunday the 27 th we took the first plane from Broome to Perth then from Perth to Singapore, from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur and the last flight from Kuala Lumpur to ... Read more >

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