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There are [0] photos and [9] stories tagged with "antwerp".

Europe's Capital and Old, New Friends

BELGIUM | Tue, 9 Aug 2016 | By bcpckngbrtns | Views [430]

Our start in Belgium is an early one, 3am to be exact. Flight left at 6:50am so anyone who has flown knows just how early you have to be there before you can actually leave... Too early in my opinion! So of course I slept the entire way and we landed ... Read more >

Tags: antwerp, bcpckngbrtns, bcpckngbrtns2016, belgium, brussels, europe 2016, european adventure

Adios Antwerp to Good Ghent

BELGIUM | Thu, 25 Jun 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [583]

This morning, I checked out of the hostel in Antwerp so I can spend a night in Ghent. But before moving on to Ghent, I went back to a museum I first checked out yesterday, called the MAS, a museum about Antwerp. The MAS is in a very modern building-but ... Read more >

Tags: antwerp, belgium, brugge, ghent

Bergen Op Fail and lost money

BELGIUM | Wed, 24 Jun 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [517] | Comments [1]

First things first, yesterday, I went to another country to get my camera fixed. That's right-another country. I took the train from Antwerpen to the aptly named Bergen Op Zoom, Netherlands, where there is a  Canon Service Facility, one of very ... Read more >

Tags: antwerp

Belgian Snuffles

BELGIUM | Wed, 6 May 2015 | By the_life_of_lady_laura | Views [676]

One thing that England does well is public holidays. May is particularly fortuitous with May Day the first Monday of the month and Spring Bank holiday the last Monday of the month. Needless to say, we had spotted these dates way back in January and decided ... Read more >

Tags: antwerp, beer, belgium, brussels, buskers, chocolate, croissants, eurostar, moules, mussels

Riding the rails

BELGIUM | Sat, 30 Aug 2014 | By schmodude | Views [351]

I woke up in time for breakfast today. It was OK, but still free. I found out that the Irishmen and most of the Australians I met were also on their way to Amsterdam at the same time. The Aussies booked a coach while the Irish guys were had an Interrail ... Read more >

Tags: amsterdam, antwerp, bruges, febo, irish, rotterdam, trains

Amsterbeen’s Dam Awesome

NETHERLANDS | Sat, 16 Jan 2010 | By neil_loewen | Views [1270] | Comments [15]

Our travel blog - originally intended as a one-time only, epic adventure - has surpassed expectations and we’re gonna give the crowds exactly what they’ve been begging for: a sequel! DA DA DA...   From the masterminds who brought ... Read more >

Tags: alice berents, amsterdam, anne frank house, antwerp, belgium, kendra eyolfson, neil loewen, paris, red light district, van gogh museum

Belgium Day 2: Ypres

BELGIUM | Sun, 15 Nov 2009 | By cisoux | Views [2823]

Ypres was kind of a mistake. Well the whole day was full of mistakes. I decided to squeeze a day trip to Ypres into our schedule at the last minute, and it seemed to me that out of the 14 days we had, Day 2 was the only one that could be spared for this ... Read more >

Tags: antwerp, belgium, in flanders field, trains, world war i, ypres

Belgium Day 1: Antwerp

BELGIUM | Thu, 12 Nov 2009 | By cisoux | Views [885]

We met the nicest people in Antwerp - the nicest people we met on the entire trip, and the nicest people we've met on any trip. When we arrived in Antwerp, we were flush with newly exchanged Euros, but all of our money was in notes, and we had to have ... Read more >

Tags: antwerp, belgium

Mussels in Brussels

NETHERLANDS | Fri, 27 Jun 2008 | By katiekimberling | Views [2437] | Comments [4]

While sitting in the lobby of the Van Gogh Youth Hostel in Brussels, Belgium, Devin and I encountered a couple of guys from San Diego named Ray and Charles, not to be confused with Ray Charles. After spending the evening hanging out on the patio, we made plans ... Read more >

Tags: amsterdam, antwerp, belgium, brussels, netherlands


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