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There are [38] photos and [11] stories tagged with "chicago".

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USA | Tue, 11 Aug 2015 | By welcometomyworld | Views [275]

I was pretty keen to be starting my travels overseas in America with one of my favourite people- Rochelle looking at you! After 36 hours of travelling and endless conversations with crazy strangers I finally arrived in Chicago! We had a few days ... Read more >

Tags: chicago, lollapalooza

surf to save

USA | Fri, 18 Apr 2014 | By naz-jey | Views [178]

I've always known I can stretch my wallet, but I was put to the test, when I decided to go to Chicago, with no more then 200 dollars in my wallet and four days to explore the city. I had to have money for food, accommodation, sight seeing, transport ... Read more >

Tags: chicago

I hopped off a plane at LAX with my dream and a cardigan

USA | Wed, 15 Jan 2014 | By elizabethkfmurphy | Views [684]

"It's a dangerous business Frodo, going out your door. You step into the road and if you don't keep your feet there's no knowing where you might be swept off to" -JRR Tolkein (Gandalf) Well stepping out my door I definitely got swept into an adventure, ... Read more >

Tags: adventure begins, canadian girls, chicago, fiji, layover, los angeles


USA | Wed, 25 Jan 2012 | By ecrivain | Views [864] | Comments [1]

The Spirit of New Orleans backed out of Union Station and sat on a flyover for twenty minutes in deference to another, favoured, train using the shared tracks before jolting forward to begin the long journey south. ... Read more >

Tags: amtrak, chicago, city of new orleans, mississippi, usa. train travel, yazoo

How I Survived the AMTRAK Train

USA | Thu, 10 Nov 2011 | By nomads-survival-kit | Views [5808] | Comments [3]

This year I travelled across America on the AMTRAK. Beautiful sleeper cabins, a dining cart with cocktails and white linen table clothes and service that would put top restaurants to shame. I thought this would be a beautiful way to see the country.... Read more >

Tags: amtrak, chicago, san fran, transport, usa

On the Rooad Again....

CHINA | Sat, 20 Aug 2011 | By joshuapatterson23 | Views [511]

I am sitting in the most uncomfortable chair that has been manufactured in the last 500 years, in Chicago's O'Hare airport. I left Dayton bright and early at 6 a.m. and only had to deal with one moron on my first flight. Right after take off the sun started ... Read more >

Tags: chicago

USA 2003...Chicago adventure

ROMANIA | Thu, 27 Jan 2011 | By fiy3ro | Views [408]

In the last episode, our hero (me that is) has landed in Chicago, USA. Of course not knowing what the procedures were, I just followed the crowd to customs. Naturally before departing I checked buses and trains for Wisconsin Dells (my home for 3 months).... Read more >

Tags: chicago, flying, travel

USA 2003...the beginning

ROMANIA | Thu, 27 Jan 2011 | By fiy3ro | Views [502]

It all started in 2003, when I was young and mostly free. Being in my 3rd year of university I thought the world was mine, and I was right. I came upon an ad, where they needed camp counselors in the US. After much debate with the parental unit, I thought ... Read more >

Tags: chicago, flying, summer, travel

Chilly in Chicago

USA | Sun, 10 Jan 2010 | By harts | Views [582] | Comments [1]

Hello from Chicago, So it is 7:30 and I am at the Days Inn in Chicago. It is quite cold here and there is a lot more snow than in Saskatoon. The trip was quite uneventful, but since I have nothing else to do(Nfl playoffs are done for the night, good ... Read more >

Tags: chicago, planes

Extended trip back to Denver via Chicago - 10,11,12 Sept

USA | Fri, 12 Sep 2008 | By nomad_kiwis | Views [829]

10 Sept  - Wednesday Up early and Ben dropped us at the station on his way to work in time to catch the 8.30am Texas Eagle which finally arrived at 10.30am. Now the plan was that we got off the train at Springfield Illinois and caught a bus to Galesburg, ... Read more >

Tags: chicago, denver

To and at Chicago

USA | Wed, 27 Aug 2008 | By nomad_kiwis | Views [883]

26 th Tuesday To Chicago We packed up in the morning to catch our train, only to find that someone had pinched a set of our rechargeable batteries. We had an idea who it was, may he meet a grizzly bear. The weather was just starting to get nasty, ... Read more >

Tags: chicago


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