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There are [3] photos and [5] stories tagged with "geyser".

Iceland: Let's party til it gets dark!

ICELAND | Sun, 21 Jun 2015 | By dohnster | Views [1065] | Comments [2]

Welcome back! I'm sipping a Pilsner in a famous establishment in Prague right now called Mlejnice about to indulge in a beer goulash with cranberries, followed up with a beef stew soaked in plum sauce. So exciting! It's also costing me about $11 USD, ... Read more >

Tags: daylight, geyser, glacier, hike, hot springs, iceland, snorkel, waterfall

Doing the Thermal Pool Shuffle

ICELAND | Fri, 20 Feb 2015 | By the_life_of_lady_laura | Views [457]

I think I may have had an idealistic view of what Iceland would be like. Sure I know it is called the land of 'ice and fire' for a reason, but I'd been diligently checking the weather forecasts for the week or so before we left and the forecast was miserable ... Read more >

Tags: geothermal, geyser, hot pots, iceland, northern lights, northern lights, reykjavik, snow

Golden Circle

ICELAND | Fri, 22 Aug 2014 | By schmodude | Views [323]

  I went on the famous Golden Circle tour. It was great fun. About 40 km outside the city, our minibus had one of its rear tires blowout. Luckily, we were driving past a geothermal power station, or there would have been nowhere to pull off the ... Read more >

Tags: geyser, gullfoss, iceland, reykjavik, þingvellir

Photos: My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

USA | Wed, 3 Jul 2013 | By jries77 | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

I am still very new to photography and have less than 2 years of experience. I am 36 and this is the first hobby (passion) that I have loved and kept with for more than just a few weeks before burning out. I have never had lessons and I teach myself ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: beach, geyser, moon, ocean, stair, surf, yellowstone

Salar de Uyuni - Salt Flat tour to Atacama, Chile

BOLIVIA | Thu, 6 Nov 2008 | By eoghancito | Views [4227] | Video

So up we got the following morning for what has to be admitted as a rushed breakfast with the goal of not being late for the tour of the salt flats and Bolivian Altiplano. We had chosen a 2 night 3 day tour ending in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile as other ... Read more >

Tags: 4x4, desert, geyser, hot spring, rum, salt flats, volcano


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And lastly, the road led me to smile with the world! That smile still travels around the globe now as every time I see this photo or show it, it brings a smile to the viewers face! A smile is genuine and the photo captures the warmth these beautiful children are capable of sharing!: by chelseasuzanne, Views[168]
And lastly, the road led me to smile with the world! That smile still travels around the globe now as every time I see this photo or show it, it brings a smile to the viewers face! A smile is genuine and the photo captures the warmth these beautiful children are capable of sharing!

by chelseasuzanne | Views [168]

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by ashleyhelmick, Views[113]

by ashleyhelmick | Views [113]

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The feeding system at the Kuala Lumpur Bird Park is ingenious, because they pierce fresh fruits on tree branches for the birds to find . This encourages the birds to use their hunting skills. Here we see this little fella enjoying the sweet treat!: by laurenceaberia, Views[192]
The feeding system at the Kuala Lumpur Bird Park is ingenious, because they pierce fresh fruits on tree branches for the birds to find . This encourages the birds to use their hunting skills. Here we see this little fella enjoying the sweet treat!

by laurenceaberia | Views [192]

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