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Destination: Australia

There are [6816] stories and [89629] photos from Australia

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Photos: Kakadu National Park

Sun, 2 Nov 2014 | By kiwiaoraki | Photo Gallery

Indigenous culture, rock formations, and plunge pools
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Kakadu-Dool Du

Sun, 2 Nov 2014 | By kiwiaoraki | Views [857]

Two Taswegians, one free-spirited nomad, and no didgeridoo! Here we are in Kakadu. Chris gave me a lift to Humpty Doo this morning and I was picked up within a few minutes by Andrew and Stuart, two adventurers from Tassie (Tasmania). With this oppressive ... Read more >

The South West Country Side

Sun, 2 Nov 2014 | By brookerenae | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Photography is my passion! To be able to have an experience such as this one would give me the adventure and photographic knowledge that I crave. Mr Edwards has always done amazing photos and to be able to learn from the best would be a life changing ... Read more >
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Tags: 2014 Travel Photography Scholarship

Photos: My Scholarship entry - A varied land

Sun, 2 Nov 2014 | By ruthie | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

I have had a small taste of overseas travel, love it and want to do more. Most recently I have been exploring my homeland via a road trip from Melbourne to Cairns & back. I am passionate about culture & the environment and try to convey the beauty I see ... Read more >
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Tags: 2014 travel photography scholarship


Sat, 1 Nov 2014 | By travelingchef | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

About me; Hello my name is Jack Fowler, since i was a child it has been a wish of mine to traveling the amazon. (Mainly to see the pink river dolphins) I have two dreams in life to explore every inch of this planet and learn about different country's ... Read more >
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Tags: 2014 Travel Photography Scholarship

The Unthought of World Around Us

Sat, 1 Nov 2014 | By mitchhh | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

I am a live music and travel photographer. I have been restricted to where I live due to full time work, therefore I could only adventure as far as a day trip is concerned. I have recently resigned from my full-time job, and am pursuing my dream ... Read more >
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Tags: 2014 Travel Photography Scholarship

Photos: My Scholarship entry - Tie-dye beach

Sat, 1 Nov 2014 | By wanderlusting2k14 | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

My name is Shanna. I am from Dallas, Texas. Ever since I can remember, I knew my mission in life is to save animals. I found a love for traveling, and exploring what the world has to offer. I would love to get picked, so I can see all the amazing animals ... Read more >
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Tags: 2014 travel photography scholarship

Photos: Life on the West Coast

Sat, 1 Nov 2014 | By jakedyer | Photo Gallery

A teenage Photographers perspective of the West Coast of Australia
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Sat, 1 Nov 2014 | By fabriziograci | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Photography is my passion; since when i was a little child, i start to shoot homeless's pictures in my home country (turin) with my father's film camera ( MINOTTA ). Then i start travel by myself and my passion is still growing up day by day! Australia ... Read more >
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Tags: 2014 Travel Photography Scholarship

Off to Cape Town, S. Africa for sightseeing, Safari and a Nephews Wedding

Sat, 1 Nov 2014 | By mikeh | Views [269]

Our life wants us to discover it

Sat, 1 Nov 2014 | By ourlife | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

I am ahmed, Iam student at mansoura faculty of dentistry in Egypt, Iam so interested in capturing special photos especially , photos related to wildlife, I really want to get this chance in my life
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Tags: 2014 Travel Photography Scholarship

Photos: My Scholarship entry - A collection of moments behind the lens

Fri, 31 Oct 2014 | By tonnes | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

I have always had a fascination with the unknown, the wild, and the wonderful. Since I could see and crawl I have been attracted to nature - I was forever breaking free of my parents grasp as a toddler and running into swamps and woods (it nearly cost ... Read more >
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Tags: 2014 travel photography scholarship

Sunshine and Shorelines

Fri, 31 Oct 2014 | By meljs17 | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

I am just an ordinary person. I am just an ordinary person who looks for the magic and the beauty in the simple, in the everyday, in the ordinary. When I was a little girl my grandparents would come home from overseas holidays and we would get together ... Read more >
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Tags: 2014 Travel Photography Scholarship

Life in Rural Queensland

Fri, 31 Oct 2014 | By mwphotograpgy | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Photography has always been a hobby of mine and I dream of travelling the world and taking photos of the spectacular wildlife and cultures I encounter along the way. Travelling to the Amazon is something I have dreamed about since watching countless documentaries ... Read more >
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Tags: 2014 Travel Photography Scholarship

Life on Earth

Fri, 31 Oct 2014 | By ecomatt91 | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

I am deeply passionate about photograhing our environment and species on our beautiful blue and green planet. I am expertise in environmental management and sustainability. I explore nature and beauty. I would be appreciated to win this scholarship.... Read more >
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Tags: 2014 Travel Photography Scholarship

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