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Czech Me Out

CZECH REPUBLIC | Sat, 19 Mar 2016 | By leelee1586 | Views [502]

First of two posts. I’ve been in Prague for a month now, which is so surreal (albeit amazing).  I honestly didn’t realize how much and how quickly I would fall in love with this city.  Around every corner is a new surprise in ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, czech republic, exploring, observations, prague

Random Reflections on London

UNITED KINGDOM | Fri, 27 May 2011 | By libby-k8 | Views [766] | Comments [2]

Howdy folks... Well, after stressing, first about the volcanic cloud and then about actually getting to my plane in time for check-in (stupid journey to the airport took just over 2 hours.  Damn Toulouse traffic making the shuttle take its maximum of ... Read more >

Tags: london, new zealander, observations, travel

Everything out of Nothing. Nothing out of Everything.

CHINA | Sun, 18 Jul 2010 | By anuon2r | Views [627]

Or: how making no plans leads to beauty. ****CHECK OUT THE PICKS IN THE GALLERY***(Xiamen & Gulang Yu)**** This morning, for some reason I decided to look for an internet cafe. Don't know why I didn't want to use the internet here in the hotel.... Read more >

Tags: gulang yu, life without plan, observations, wisdom, xiamen

Staying in touch

UNITED KINGDOM | Sun, 3 Jan 2010 | By will | Views [1356]

About a year ago I bought a netbook, a handy sized laptop which I though would be ideal to take travelling, for connecting to the net and writing articles on. I took it on a few weekend trips but didn’t use it much and often found that the wifi zones ... Read more >

Tags: hostels, hotels, internet, laptops, netbooks, observations, wifi

Buddha's Revenge... OR I Wish I Was Cute (but not really)

JAPAN | Sun, 27 Sep 2009 | By hannahandemma | Views [1046] | Comments [2]

the people in japan are annoyingly cute.   actually. as card-carrying, bitter north american cynics Hannah and I have been having a jolly old time scoffing at cars that look like gum drops, women wearing pigtails into ther forties, the animation ... Read more >

Tags: buddha, japan, karma, observations


USA | Fri, 10 Jul 2009 | By jarrodkee43 | Views [627] | Comments [1]

LA is a place for rubbish, shit smells, massive trucks (for recreational use)the super poor and the super rich. Unless you are in the latter group it would be a place to avoid. Also, if your fetish is to sit on a bus for over an hour and still remain ... Read more >

Tags: observations

Back in the USA...

USA | Sat, 22 Mar 2008 | By justine | Views [1477] | Comments [3]

As TS Eliot put it, “And the end of all our exploring/Will be to arrive where we started/And know the place for the first time.” Now that I'm back, I find myself in that place of culture shock where the world feels like it's upside down and I'm on ... Read more >

Tags: coming home, culture shock, observations, usa

End of Southeast Asian Days

INDONESIA | Mon, 10 Mar 2008 | By justine | Views [3511]

First it was mere weeks, then suddenly mere days, and now just mere hours until my Southeast Asian sojourn comes to an end. It is unreal that this life of traveling will end, unreal that in 26 hours I’ll enter the space and time shifting machine ... Read more >

Tags: bali, end of the journey, fears, observations, poetry, writing, yoga

around Montevideo

URUGUAY | Tue, 5 Jun 2007 | By wandorion | Views [501]

This morning we visited the headquaarters of MERCOSUR - a trade association between Argentina, Brazil, Paruguay, and Uruguay.  Chile is an associate member, meaning they do not get to participate in all the decisions.  And Venezuela is a new member but ... Read more >

Tags: observations

no game

ARGENTINA | Fri, 25 May 2007 | By wandorion | Views [576] | Comments [1]

Well, the volleyball game last night didn´t happen.  :(  I showed up and there was just the home team and about four fans.  The other team hadn´t showed up on time; most of the home team had already left by the time the opponent got to the gym.  I hoped ... Read more >

Tags: observations

Colombia - the real risk

COLOMBIA | Fri, 25 May 2007 | By will | Views [4017]

I’ve had a number of mails recently from people asking about safety in Colombia and I thought it would be useful to place things in context. The picture above is a chart in a Colombian bus station, which are displayed in all the bus stations in the country.... Read more >

Tags: Observations

after the first night

ARGENTINA | Thu, 17 May 2007 | By wandorion | Views [484] | Comments [1]

Buenos Aires is an amazing city.  People are very friendly and helpful.  Internet access is readily available and cheap.  There are also ATMs on every block.  Kind of reminds me of NYC, though - quite dirty.  The thing I have not seen yet is a Starbucks ... Read more >

Tags: observations

The New India

INDIA | Wed, 14 Mar 2007 | By will | Views [9703] | Comments [3]

I’ve now been in India for almost three months. It’s always been a favourite country of mine, a place that’s always been very good for the ‘WOW’ factor, always full of surprises. Even in the centre of the cities you can see people on the ... Read more >

Tags: Observations

Namaste – Impressions of Nepal

NEPAL | Sun, 11 Mar 2007 | By will | Views [4671] | Comments [3]

Nepal has had rather a mixed press over the last few years; countries going through a Civil War tend not to be on the list of ‘must see’ places for most travelers. Since late 2006, the countryside has been quiet with the Maoists now in the government ... Read more >

Tags: Observations


TANZANIA | Sat, 16 Dec 2006 | By will | Views [4220]

Zanzibar , even the name has an exotic ring to it and conjures up images of Sultans, Spices and Slaves. One of the great island ports of the mystic east, ships traded the goods of Africa, the Middle East, and India and out across the Indian Ocean to ... Read more >

Tags: Observations

Africa by Overland Truck - Two

TANZANIA | Thu, 7 Dec 2006 | By will | Views [3434]

By chance I caught up with the ATC truck I’d been traveling on when I saw it stopped at lights in Dar es Salaam; I then spent a day with everyone at a beach on Zanzibar. What was surprising was the contrast to the experience I had had and the current ... Read more >

Tags: Observations


ARGENTINA | Wed, 6 Sep 2006 | By will | Views [6205]

Unlike every other South American country I’ve seen on this trip, Argentina is a country I have visited before, on a two week holiday in which I went to Buenos Aires and Patagonia, flying around the country in order to see as much as I could in the ... Read more >

Tags: Observations


PARAGUAY | Wed, 9 Aug 2006 | By will | Views [4692] | Comments [2]

Paraguay has always struck me as an interesting place to travel too, partly because I’ve never met anyone else who has been here and I wondered why. All the backpacker/travelers routes in South America avoid it, a place where bad things happen perhaps? ... Read more >

Tags: Observations

Boat Trip to the Amazon

BRAZIL | Thu, 6 Jul 2006 | By will | Views [10303] | Comments [1]

There is something special about reaching a place after a long boat trip, especially when it is along a river. One of the places I’ve always wanted to visit was Manaus on the Amazon, having read as a child the epic story to build an Opera House there ... Read more >

Tags: Observations

Extortion - Andean Style

BOLIVIA | Mon, 26 Jun 2006 | By will | Views [2578]

Having in the last year been marooned in a town in Ecuador for a week by protesters blocking the main roads and having just escaped the same thing near Cusco, I thought that the days of being held hostage by indigenous people was over, especially as ... Read more >

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