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There is [1] photo and [15] stories tagged with "sport".

Photos: Climbing the Aiguille de Trelatete

ITALY | Fri, 21 Nov 2014 | By hiking-journal | Photo Gallery

The summary of an adventure trying to catch the summit of the Aiguille de Trelatete.
See all 3 photos >>

Tags: adventure, alps, italy, mountain, sport

Photos: My Scholarship entry - Tiwi Bomber Boys

AUSTRALIA | Mon, 14 Jan 2013 | By tiwi-island-australia2012 | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Stuart Marshall "Just get in there", My photography life tipped on its head in January 2012. Bored in my Govt job of 10yrs at NSWPolice I asked for work experience with the Police media photographer. A week later I received an email asking if I had ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: australia, australia, brothers, football, mining, natives, northern territory, outback, sport, tiwi island

First Impression

CHINA | Sun, 23 Sep 2012 | By vampyrlady | Views [557]

First morning and I woke up around 5.45 which kind of made me happy, maybe I´ll be able to go to Tai Chi every morning, but I didn´t want to go today, so I just rolled around in bed for one more hour before I got moving. Well breakfast was ... Read more >

Tags: kung fu, school, sport

No longer for the fun of it

AUSTRALIA | Sat, 26 Nov 2011 | By homeless_harry | Views [975]

So this is what an average ride has been like during my preparation for my upcoming epico-colossusaurus adventure. I made that word up if you didn't realise, and the use of the word 'average' is anything but appropriate ... Read more >

Tags: bicycling, preparation, sport

Being one-60,000th of a Professional Soccer Player, and Other Adventures in Buenos Aires

ARGENTINA | Mon, 14 Nov 2011 | By elis82 | Views [2342]

Buenos Aires sure was a head-spinning week or so. We watched a game of soccer in a crowd famous for being the most fanatical and passionate in the world; we attended a local birthday at probably the biggest house we’ve ever been inside (as a guest);... Read more >

Tags: argentina, buenos aires, sport, tattoo

What It Means To Be Kiwi (ie, from New Zealand)

NEW ZEALAND | Sat, 3 Sep 2011 | By libby-k8 | Views [17655] | Comments [3]

For those who were scratching their heads and wondering why I was blogging about what it meant to be a fruit on World Nomads, you just failed the first ‘Kiwi/not Kiwi’ test. It’s pretty hard to sum up a national identity in a ... Read more >

Tags: #blogyourbackyard, accent, being kiwi, character, food, from new zealand, kiwi, new zealand, new zealander, sport

I'm still alive.

AUSTRALIA | Tue, 26 Jul 2011 | By homeless_harry | Views [1135] | Comments [1]

After another 8 month sabbatical, sitting down to write is like sex with a girlfriend you haven't seen in a long time. You know its good, and you really enjoy it but you just can't seem to do it properly. You then stammer out ... Read more >

Tags: accommodation, injury, returning home, sport, weather, work

The four horsemen of the budget apocalypse

THAILAND | Tue, 12 Oct 2010 | By homeless_harry | Views [2541]

The boys night in Melbourne relocated to Asia for nearly a week. It was an inauspicious sign for bank balances, livers, and the price of grain. A trip overseas had been discussed ad nauseam and it took one of us getting married to see it happen. I ... Read more >

Tags: beach, friends, sport

Canada, the first couple of weeks

CANADA | Mon, 4 Oct 2010 | By elis82 | Views [638] | Comments [1]

So we left Fiji feeling pretty damn relaxed. We had caught up on some sleep, gotten some tan and had some Awesome Fun Times, and met some cool people along the ways. Approximately 23 hours of flights and transfers had us landing in Vancouver roughly ... Read more >

Tags: glaciers, mountains, sport

Coral Coast, Fiji

FIJI | Mon, 20 Sep 2010 | By elis82 | Views [691]

We're coming up to our last couple of days in Fiji, it should be pretty hectic as soon as we hit Canada. The current plan is to hit Seattle and Vancouver when we arrive, and head north after interviews. There has been insane swell here the last couple ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, fishing, sport

Slippery in Sydney

AUSTRALIA | Thu, 4 Mar 2010 | By homeless_harry | Views [1024]

I need a holiday after all this talk about commitment, and marriage and every other aspect of human interactions that is scarier than watching 'Wolf Creek'. Its open wallet season and not one, not two, but three interstate trips are forcing ... Read more >

Tags: friends, sight seeing, sport

el Pelea de Toros

PERU | Tue, 28 Apr 2009 | By melissamain | Views [1440] | Comments [1]

There is a sea of pale straw larger-than-life cowboy hats that only come out on occasions such as this. We purchase an umbrella from one of the dudes walking around which later inspires the occasional beer bottle caps to be thrown at us throughout the ... Read more >

Tags: bullfighting, bulls, hats, sport, toros

Nothing Raises More Jubilation

VIETNAM | Sun, 4 Jan 2009 | By willpeach | Views [690]

Nothing raises more jubilation than a hard fought victory. The conservative attitudes of the Vietnamese nation were thrown out the window last night following their dramatic victory over Thailand in the AFF Suzuki Cup. What followed were scenes ... Read more >

Tags: crazy, football, sport, suzuki cup, thailand, victory, vietnam

Pura Vida!

UNITED KINGDOM | Sun, 20 Jul 2008 | By rachel_and_daniel | Views [1440]

Well, sorry for the delay since the last journal entry.   Rachel and I have either been away at a weekend at the beach (damn, it´s hard here), or have otherwise been thwarted in our attempts to get to Puriscal (lack of sleep and motivation to get ... Read more >

Tags: drunkeness, futbol, projects, sport


AUSTRALIA | Mon, 28 Apr 2008 | By sl0ggs | Views [3590] | Comments [1]

Brisbane is another really nice city. I did plan on doing a few things from here, but time has been eaten up with nothing in particular and I'm more and more conscious of money (I'm spending too much!). I'm staying at another YHA hostel, which is not ... Read more >

Tags: onward planning, sightseeing, sport, the planning phase, walking


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