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There are [0] photos and [8] stories tagged with "students".

Week 3 - Time to Practice

CHINA | Sun, 25 Aug 2013 | By aussie_ange | Views [628]

Week 3 was upon us and it was time to get into the classrooms and start teaching practice. We were split into groups of four, and given our age groups. I had Agnes, blonde Marcus, Andreas and myself, and we would have to prepare lessons for 12-13 ... Read more >

Tags: bye phone, china, english, students, teacher, teaching practice

Help your favorite school!

USA | Mon, 6 Dec 2010 | By annanderson | Views [675]

We just saw the eye-opening movie, "Waiting for Superman."  We were also given $15 gift cards to donate to any school or project that we especially liked.  The teachers, students, & projects are so inspirational AND giving is so much ... Read more >

Tags: education, educational projects, learning, students, us schools


CHINA | Fri, 17 Sep 2010 | By samvanneilson | Views [543] | Comments [1]

YOHOHOHO, Let me tell ya folks! moon cakes leave nothing for a non Chinese person to admire. On Wednesday i went to school to see the other teachers making said moon cakes and maybe make some of my own. I was going to take lots of photos but another ... Read more >

Tags: china, korean, moon cake, school, students

School daze

CHINA | Tue, 14 Sep 2010 | By samvanneilson | Views [512] | Comments [1]

Hi everyone, update! short because i haven't been too much. There was teachers day in China on Friday! I forgot to mention :s It's a day where teachers are celebrated surprise surprise! nothing fancy but i got a big box of milk and some cracker ... Read more >

Tags: china, school, students, teachers

You Don't Know What You Haven't Been Exposed To

ITALY | Sun, 20 Jul 2008 | By happyfeet123 | Views [427]

During the summer between my junior and senior year of high school, I participated in a study abroad program called the People to People Ambassadors Program (I loved it and recommend it as a safe and educational option for young people!). It was the ... Read more >

Tags: exploring, italy, navigating, pantheon, people to people, rome, spanish steps, students, trevi, youth

A football (soccer) team

CHINA | Tue, 25 Mar 2008 | By avant-garde_chauvintist | Views [743] | Comments [1]

The other day the class assignment was to think about ambitions. Then, tell your partner about your ambitions. Then, tell the class your most interesting ambition. "I want to travel the world." "I want to become a business woman."... Read more >

Tags: culture, students

This is your mind on university

CHINA | Tue, 18 Mar 2008 | By avant-garde_chauvintist | Views [741] | Comments [2]

My university experience took my mind and inflated it with a bicycle pump.  Then, it turned it inside out, poured acid on it to make it melt, and blended it to a pulp.  Then, it poured it into a mold, slightly different from the previous mold, and baked ... Read more >

Tags: culture, students, work

Parent-teacher conference

CHINA | Sun, 16 Mar 2008 | By avant-garde_chauvintist | Views [1079] | Comments [1]

Today I had lunch with Kevin and his parents. They brought me to a very nice Sichuan restaurant in Beijing They picked me up this morning at 10:30 am. I thought it was a little early for lunch, but just went along assuming it was a tradition that ... Read more >

Tags: family, food, friends, students


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