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There are [17] photos and [25] stories tagged with "amazon".

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The Ecuadorian amazon

ECUADOR | Thu, 23 Jan 2020 | By teresa421 | Views [287]

This morning we are prepping for a visit to the kichiwan villages where we will be welcomed with ceremonial tea and the chikdren of the community. We woke this morning to the sound of a variety of birds singing and calling none of which with i am familiar.... Read more >

Tags: amazon, ecuador, kichwa

The Amazon

ECUADOR | Wed, 30 Sep 2015 | By thewanderingrock | Views [647] | Comments [1]

A 20 minute van ride, five hour bus ride, another 20 minute van ride, 10 minute boat ride and a bit of walk gets me to Shiripuno Community Lodge where the Kichwa tribe lives in the Amazon jungle. The past three days have been jammed packed with learning ... Read more >

Tags: amazon, trekking

The Amazon!

PERU | Tue, 18 Aug 2015 | By sheree | Views [519]

Day 1 We checked in to our flight that was flying to Iquitos. It's probably the most incredible flight I've been on, firstly flying over the Andes which is a huge mountain range. Some parts had snow on them and cloud surrounded the peaks. I've never ... Read more >

Tags: amazon, animals, lodging, monkeys, peru, pink dolphins, piranha fishing, river, sloth, tribes

Stop #3 - Welcome to the Jungle - Peru

PERU | Wed, 20 Aug 2014 | By rachelstewart2 | Views [1037]

  Welcome to the Jungle – Manu National Park, Peru Pre-Inca Ruins   Day 1 – We had a long drive from Cusco to the edge of Manu National Park. On the way we stopped to see some pre-Incan ruins. They ... Read more >

Tags: amazon, jungle, laselva, manu, manunationalpark, nature, peru, selva, theamazon, trekking

Ecuador and The Galapagos Islands

ECUADOR | Mon, 30 Sep 2013 | By coggos | Views [2089]

Ecuador   Finally, we arrive in Ecuador. Our last week has been spent trying to get out of Colombia and across the border. It hasn't been easy, with the farmer's protests in full swing, the roads out of the country have been blocked and ... Read more >

Tags: amazon, banos, coatapaxi, galapagos, islands, otavalo, quito

Photos: My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

PERU | Thu, 23 May 2013 | By jamcam | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Hi! My name is James, I'm an easy going Australian traveler that has been lucky enough to spend some years backpacking around the world and going on adventures, often living on a shoestring and loving it. I've enjoyed photography as a hobby for a few ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: amazon, backpacking, iquitos, peru

The epic boat journey - Manuas to Tabatinga

BRAZIL | Tue, 7 Aug 2012 | By kamzam | Views [2600] | Comments [3]

I have been struggling to think of a way to describe this boat journey. It's 7 days on a tiny vessel with about 100 other people, all sleeping in a very close proximity to your hammock. All your stuff is laid out on the floor and you basically have ... Read more >

Tags: amazon, boat, leticia, manaus, on the road, tabatinga

A bit about where I'll be.

UNITED KINGDOM | Sat, 4 Feb 2012 | By jessicadale | Views [1434]

Ecuador is the second smallest country in South America. Though it may be modest in size, Ecuador is one of the most species rich countries in the world and is deemed a 'megadiversity hotspot'. The secret to Ecuadors diversity lies in its unique ... Read more >

Tags: amazon, banos, ecuador, misahualli, monkeys

The volunteering program.

UNITED KINGDOM | Sat, 4 Feb 2012 | By jessicadale | Views [1858]

The volunteering program I'll be taking part in this summer is called Amazonas Explored  and is run by the volunteering organisation Volunteer Eco Students Abroad . VESA works hand in hand with the indigenous village communities to create real ... Read more >

Tags: amazon, ecuador, rainforest, trek, volunteering

A new day, a new blog.

UNITED KINGDOM | Sat, 4 Feb 2012 | By jessicadale | Views [768]

Welcome to my journal! This blog will chart my volunteering journey. From fundraising to departure, labour intensive volunteering to rainforest trek, I'm recording all the highlights and pains here for the world to see. From July 7th - 21st I shall ... Read more >

Tags: amazon, ecuador, fundraising

Brazil: Preparing for the Amazon and Exploring Manaus

BRAZIL | Wed, 1 Feb 2012 | By travel-tips | Views [11882]

If you’re looking for an opportunity to visit an untouched place on earth, you should consider visiting the Brazilian Amazon . Located in the north of Brazil, the “Amazônia brasileira” (in Portuguese) is considered one of the most species-rich places ... Read more >

Tags: amazon, brazil, tours, tours, travel. adventures in brazil

Student Diplomat Video Contest

BRAZIL | Wed, 9 Nov 2011 | By tawndamata | Views [654] | Video

This video is a brief glimpse of my study abroad experience in the Brazilian Amazon. The video was made for a video contest describing how my cultural immersion in Brazil had an impact on my global perspective and my contribution to communities that I ... Read more >

Tags: amazon, brazil, human ecology, resourse management

A Day on the Rio Amazonas

COLOMBIA | Fri, 19 Aug 2011 | By rachelina | Views [1521]

Going on jungle trips in the Amazon was a lot harder to organize than I´d imagined. As a solo traveller, it was near impossible to arrange anything and even if I had, I would have paid far, far, far more than what I could afford. Very frustrating, but ... Read more >

Tags: amazon, amazon river, amazonas, colombia, leticia, puerto narino, santa rosa

Positive Footprints - Ecuadorian Amazon

ECUADOR | Wed, 22 Jun 2011 | By positive_footprints | Views [7422] | Comments [1] | Video

WorldNomads.com Founder, Simon Monk and GapAdventures.com founder, Bruce Poon Tip travel to the Quichua community, deep in the heart of Amazonian Ecuador. It's been 20 years since the first Gap Adventures trip was run in the Amazon, when a special ... Read more >

Tags: amazon, community development, ecuador, education, gap adventures, international development, south america, sustainable tourism, world nomads

Photos: Mission Impossible

BRUNEI DARUSSALAM | Sun, 20 Mar 2011 | By ritchiebasilio | Photo Gallery

See all 10 photos >>

Tags: amazon, amazon jungle, asia, brunei, brunei darussalam, essay, ritchie, ritchie basilio, temburong, travel

Inner Worlds

ECUADOR | Wed, 6 Oct 2010 | By soly | Views [1056]

"Is man what he seems to the astronomer, a tiny lump of impure carbon and water crawling impotently on a small and unimportant planet? Or is he what he appears to Hamlet? Is he perhaps both at once?" I've read this quote before by Bertrand ... Read more >

Tags: amazon, ecuador, travel documentary scholarship

The Pachamama

ECUADOR | Tue, 5 Oct 2010 | By soly | Views [1096]

Delphin was his name. He was the truest form of man living side by side with nature, and he and his family were our hosts for this trip in the middle of the jungle. Apart from the genuine kindness this man and his family showed us, he opened my ... Read more >

Tags: amazon, ecuador, jungle, travel documentary scholarship

Entering the Amazon!

ECUADOR | Mon, 4 Oct 2010 | By soly | Views [1201]

Time to leave civilization, or at least the modern one we know, and head towards the jungle. Our little team has grown a little bigger with 2 new members. Simon Monk, the founder of WORLD NOMADS and Bruce Poon Tip, the founder of GAP Adventures. ... Read more >

Tags: amazon, ecuador, travel documentary scholarship


ECUADOR | Tue, 6 Apr 2010 | By eyeownatravel | Views [504]

Visiting the Achuar community deep in the Amazon, is an unforgettable experience. We were invited by our Achuar guide Celestino to visit the community where he lived, we later discovered the house we went to was actually his brothers and the children ... Read more >

Tags: achuar, amazon, blow-gun, chicha, ecofriendly tourism, kapawi lodge

The Journey to Kapawi…

ECUADOR | Thu, 1 Apr 2010 | By eyeownatravel | Views [628]

The trip to reach Kapawi begins in Quito at 6am. The journey takes you past many volcanoes and the guide explains some of the history associated with these along the way, Cotopaxi for us was unfortunatley covered in a cloud so this spectacle we missed.... Read more >

Tags: achuar, amazon, canoe ride, cessna, ecuadorian amazon, kapawi lodge, rainforest

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